• both sexes die soon after birth due to failure of urogenital system development
• at E12.5, the size of the metanephric blastema fails to increase and apoptotic cells are prominent in the remaining mesenchyme at E13.0
• at E11.5, thickening of coelomic epithelium is poor, gonadal cells are sparse, and the coelomic surface appears rough
• at E13.0, gonadal development is poor, unlike in wild-type embryos
• however, primordial germ cell migration to the genital ridge is normal at E11.5
• Mullerian ducts are absent at E13
• Wolffian ducts degenerate at E11.5
reproductive system
absent uterus
• at E16.5
• at E16.5
absent ovary
absent testes
renal/urinary system
• kidney development is arrested following ureter budding and invasion of the metanephric mesenchyme
• at E12.5 and E13.5, no epithelial transformation of the metanephric mesenchyme is observed, unlike in wild-type embryos
• no pretubular cell aggregates,comma- or S-shaped bodies are ever found
• at E12.5, the size of the metanephric blastema fails to increase and apoptotic cells are prominent in the remaining mesenchyme at E13.0
• the invading ureteric bud begins to degenerate at E12.5 and disappears in the metanephric blastema by E13.0, unlike in wild-type embryos
absent kidney
• at E16.5, kidneys are absent in both sexes
• however, adrenal glands and bladder develop normally
absent ureter
• at E16.5, ureters are absent in both sexes
• at E12.5 and E13.5, no branching of the ureteric bud is observed,unlike in wild-type embryos
• at E11.5, invasion of the ureteric bud into the metanephric blastema is observed but dilation of the tip of the ureteric bud is never seen, unlike in wild-type embryos
endocrine/exocrine glands
absent ovary
absent testes
nervous system
• mice exhibit a loss of the medial pallium compared with wild-type mice
• at E12.5, the size of the metanephric blastema fails to increase and apoptotic cells are prominent in the remaining mesenchyme at E13.0