• die 1-1.5 days after birth
renal/urinary system
• do not have a properly developed metanephric blastema at E11.5
absent kidney
• 16 of 20 have complete bilateral renal agenesis
absent ureter
• 16 of 20 have complete uretal agenesis
• absent ureteric bud
nervous system
• reduced fusimotor innervation of muscle spindles
• muscle spindle innervation normal in Rectus femoris
• vagal neural crest-derived neurons are absent in small and large intestine and only a few are detected in the stomach
• peroneal nerve is reduced in diameter while tibial nerve diameter is increased in diameter; mutant phenotype is more severe than that of Rettm1Kln; Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni or Rettm1Kln;Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln mice
• posterior Psoas major lacks innervation
• loss of more than 20% of motor neurons at the lumbar level
• elevated apoptosis of motor neurons between 13.5 and E15.5
• 40% reduction in the number of neurons and smaller size of neurons in petrosal-nodose ganglia of P0 mice, however no differences in hindbrain noradrenergic or midbrain dopaminergic neurons
• 23% reduction in the number of neurons and smaller size of neurons in dorsal root ganglia of P0 mice
• however, no differences in trigeminal sensory and vestibular ganglia are seen
digestive/alimentary system
• thinner smooth muscle in the intestinal wall
hematopoietic system
• exhibit mild multifocal necrosis in the red pulp at sites of active hematopoiesis
immune system
• exhibit mild multifocal necrosis in the red pulp at sites of active hematopoiesis
reproductive system
• reversal in the orientation of the ovary in relation to the abdominal viscera
endocrine/exocrine glands
• reversal in the orientation of the ovary in relation to the abdominal viscera
• reduced fusimotor innervation of muscle spindles
• muscle spindle innervation normal in Rectus femoris