• no homozygous embryos found after E9.5
• normal numbers of homozygotes through E7.5
• all embryonic cell layers present at E5.5
• after E7.5 apoptosis became prominent in embryonic ectoderm
• beta-catenin required in embryonic ectoderm for development past egg cylinder stage
• no morphological abnormalities in embryonic and extraembryonic ectoderm
• lack of regionalization of the visceral endoderm
• axis formation defects in endoderm
• growth from E5.5 to E7.5 represents a 2.5 fold reduction compared to wild-type
• at E6.5 mutant embryos more compact (shorter) than wild-type
• at E7.5
• growth from E5.5 to E7.5 represents a 2.5 fold reduction compared to wild-type
• at E6.5 mutant embryos more compact (shorter) than wild-type