• an additional 45% die around weaning
• surviving adults rarely survive beyond 18 weeks of age
• about 30% die within 48 hours of birth
endocrine/exocrine glands
• marked decrease of acidophilic lactotroph cells
• marked decrease of acidophilic somatotroph cells
• about 1/3 normal size
• posterior and intermediate lobes of normal size
• growth hormone levels in pituitary about 1/20 normal
• prolactin and luteinizing hormone levels also considerably reduced
• estradiol undetectable
• testosterone undetectable
• eye opening delayed 2-3 days
• marked growth retardation from 2 weeks of age onward
• about 25% of normal weight at 8 weeks of age
• juvenile body proportions
• cold sensitive by 8 weeks of age
reproductive system
• estradiol undetectable
• testosterone undetectable
• both sexes are sexually infantile
immune system
• about 1/5 the number in controls
• 5-10 fold reduction in the number of polymorphonuclear neutrophiles
• 5-10 fold reduction in the numbers of lymphocytes
• decreased width of the endochondral ossification zone
hematopoietic system
• about 1/5 the number in controls
• 5-10 fold reduction in the number of polymorphonuclear neutrophiles
• 5-10 fold reduction in the numbers of lymphocytes
nervous system
• marked decrease of acidophilic lactotroph cells
• marked decrease of acidophilic somatotroph cells
• about 1/3 normal size
• posterior and intermediate lobes of normal size
• growth hormone levels in pituitary about 1/20 normal
• prolactin and luteinizing hormone levels also considerably reduced
• no growth hormone releasing hormone in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus but normal production in the ventromedial nucleus