• survival is limited to 3 to 4 days
digestive/alimentary system
• examined at E18.5 and P0
• as examined at E13.5
• as examined at E13.5
• 30% body weight reduction at birth compared to littermates
liver/biliary system
• abnormal mitochondrial structure, autophagic vacuoles, accumulation of lipids and increased number of macrophages; absence of peroxisomes in hepatocytes
• hypotonic, unable to support their weight
renal/urinary system
• autophagic vacuoles, and increased number of macrophages; absence of peroxisomes in renal epithelial cells
• examined at E18.5 and P0
respiratory system
• noted in some neonates, variable onset and severity
nervous system
• reduced thickness of the neocortical plate examined at P0.5
• reduced thickness of cortex