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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Caroline H Damsky
Summary 4 genotypes
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Itgb1tm1Lscd/Itgb1tm1Lscd involves: 129X1/SvJ * Black Swiss MGI:3835203
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ MGI:3624521
involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 * SJL MGI:3703619
Not Specified MGI:3052537

involves: 129X1/SvJ * Black Swiss
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Itgb1tm1Lscd mutation (1 available); any Itgb1 mutation (60 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• lethality occurs between E4.5 and E5.5 due to inner cell mass defects

• E4.5 embryos have collapsed blastocoeles
• isolated inner cell masses attach, spread and differentiate very poorly on a fibronectin substrate
• inner cell mass of cultured blastocytes have highly restricted growth and defective endoderm morphogenesis and migration
• 48 hours of blastocyst culture in serum leads to inner cell masses that are significantly smaller and appear disorganized compared to controls
• the trophoblasts of E4.5 embryos fails to extensively invade the maternal decidua
• trophoblast outgrowth from cultured blastocytes is defective when laminin is provided as a substrate
• the monolayer of visceral endoderm is not formed in these inner cell masses despite the presence of laminin-positive cell clusters
• only 3 of 17 inner masses demonstrate any morphogenesis of the endoderm under this conditions compared to the 100% morphogenesis that occurs to controls

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Itgb1tm1Lscd mutation (1 available); any Itgb1 mutation (60 available)
Itgb1tm1Ref mutation (0 available); any Itgb1 mutation (60 available)
Tg(PLAT-cre)116Sdu mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• while neuronal processes from segments of the E13.5 proximal midgut penetrate a collagen matrix in the presence of GDNF, the neuron cell bodies or glial cells do not as in the case of wild-type neurons
• enteric neural crest cells exhibit an abnormal association with neuronal processes
• beginning at E12.5, enteric neural crest cells exhibit increased aggregation and form abnormal clusters that are depend on calcium mechanisms
• in culture, enteric neural crest cells form aggregates instead of forming scattered neuronal networks as do wild-type cells
• in mutants a severe alteration of the neuronal network rostral to the migratory front in observed
• bundles of extrinsic neurons innervate the aganglionic segments of the colon

digestive/alimentary system
• majority of newborn mutants have a distended ascending colon and caecum

• in conditional mutants from E11.5, enteric neural crest cells show a delay in colonization of the gut; difference in distance traveled by cells in mutants and controls increases with time
• neural crest cells from mutants fail to invade the hindgut, leading to an aganglionosis of the descending colon after birth
• however, the number of enteric neural crest cells, differentiation and radial distribution of enteric neural crest cells are normal
• when transplanted into wild-type mice, enteric neural crest cells only migrate 66.5% of the distance that wild-type cells migrate
• enteric neural crest cells exhibit an abnormal association with neuronal processes
• beginning at E12.5, enteric neural crest cells exhibit increased aggregation and form abnormal clusters that are depend on calcium mechanisms
• in culture, enteric neural crest cells form aggregates instead of forming scattered neuronal networks as do wild-type cells

• in conditional mutants from E11.5, enteric neural crest cells show a delay in colonization of the gut; difference in distance traveled by cells in mutants and controls increases with time
• neural crest cells from mutants fail to invade the hindgut, leading to an aganglionosis of the descending colon after birth
• however, the number of enteric neural crest cells, differentiation and radial distribution of enteric neural crest cells are normal
• when transplanted into wild-type mice, enteric neural crest cells only migrate 66.5% of the distance that wild-type cells migrate
• while neuronal processes from segments of the E13.5 proximal midgut penetrate a collagen matrix in the presence of GDNF, the neuron cell bodies or glial cells do not as in the case of wild-type neurons

involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 * SJL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Itgb1tm1Lscd mutation (1 available); any Itgb1 mutation (60 available)
Itgb1tm1Mll mutation (1 available); any Itgb1 mutation (60 available)
Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln mutation (4 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• majority of mutants die prematurely at varying ages during adulthood
• a small fraction of mutants die shortly after birth

• mutants grow more slowly than controls

nervous system
• perturbed cortical marginal zone, where the anchorage of glial endfeet, the remodeling of basement membrane, and the extension of the meningeal cell layer are perturbed
• at E15.5, small gaps in the Cajal-Retzius cell layer are seen; defects get worse with age such that Cajal-Retzius neurons form ectopia within the cortical wall and cell bodies are randomly oriented
• cerebral cortical hemispheres are reduced in size and fused at the midline
• the layers of the cerebral cortex have a wavy appearance at E15.5
• cortical neurons invade the marginal zone in some areas and accumulate deep in the cortical wall
• at P2, layers I-IV and sometimes layer V are disrupted
• cell bodies of cortical neurons are less tightly packed within cortical layers
• a large number of granule cells form ectopia along the fusion lines of adjacent folia and at the cerebellar surface underlying the meninges
• development of cerebellar folia is defective, with mutants exhibiting fusion between adjacent folia
• with age, folia become progressively more distorted with decreased depth of the folia
• the vermis lacks fissures
• reduction in cerebellum size with age
• glial fibers in cortical sections between E18.5 and P14 do not develop glial endfeet but terminate at varying positions within the marginal zone close to the meningeal layer
• glial endfeet are absent at the surface of the cerebellum and within the folia, glial fibers occasionally invade the granule cell layer but do not form expanded endfeet at any age
• the meningeal cell layer does not extend into the developing cerebellar folia and between the cortical hemispheres
• remodeling of the meningeal basement membrane is defective starting at E15.5 and becomes progressively worse such that by P7, extracellular matrix molecules are absent from areas of the brain surface underlying the meninges

• mutants exhibit partially closed eyes


Not Specified
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Itgb1tm1Lscd mutation (1 available); any Itgb1 mutation (60 available)
Itgb1tm1Ref mutation (0 available); any Itgb1 mutation (60 available)
Tg(PLAT-cre)116Sdu mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 90% of mutants die within 1 month of birth

• starting a few days after birth mutants develop progressive defects in motor function including an inability to climb on inclined surfaces or cling to a round bar

• starting a few days after birth mutants develop progressive muscle atrophy
• starting a few days after birth mutants develop progressive muscle weakness

nervous system
• at E13.5 and E14.5 the subcutaneous nerves in mutants were thinner with an abnormal arborization pattern
• at E13.5 few or no Schwann cell precursors are seen in the distal part of the developing subcutaneous or muscular innervations however by E16.5 Schwann cell numbers have returned to normal
• mutants have decreased intramuscular innervation
• neuromuscular junctions in the abdominal, soleus, and gastrocnemius muscles and the diaphragm appear immature in mutants at P21
• at E10.5 transient abnormalities including decreased vagus nerve roots, fusion of nerves IX and X, or absence of nerve IX are seen however by E11.5 cranial nerve patterning has resembles that in controls
• at P1 the sciatic nerve is abnormally thin and becomes progressively thinner by P21
• mutants nerves contain myelinated motor axons and large clusters of unsorted axons of varying diameters with few myelinated sensory axons
• at P21 some extracellular matrix free regions are seen in mutants
• only a few myelinated sensory axons are seen at P21 in the sciatic nerve

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory