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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Katia Georgopoulos
Summary 4 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Ikzf1tm1Kge/Ikzf1tm1Kge involves: 129S4/SvJae * BALB/c MGI:4360637
Ikzf1tm1Kge/Ikzf1tm1Kge involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 MGI:4360636
Ikzf1tm1Kge/Ikzf1+ involves: 129S4/SvJae * BALB/c MGI:4360784
Ikzf1tm1Kge/Ikzf1+ involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 MGI:4360783

involves: 129S4/SvJae * BALB/c
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ikzf1tm1Kge mutation (0 available); any Ikzf1 mutation (30 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 95% of mice die by 4 weeks of age due to bacterial infections when housed under standard conditions

• mice are one-third to two-thirds smaller than controls at one week of age
• spleens of mice are 1.5 to 3 times larger than controls at 2 weeks of age

hematopoietic system
• only a rudimentary thymus with few lymphocytes found in the cortex
• thymus cellularity in most mice is about 1000-fold less than controls
• in 5% of mice, a larger thymus is present
• 9% of splenocytes in young mice and 60% of splenocytes in older mice are myeloid precursors while control spleens only have about 5% myeloid precursors
• cell differentiation assays confirm 10-fold more macrophage and granulocytes can be derived from mutant spleen than control spleen
• in 95% of mice, the few thymocytes present appear to be arrested in the double-positive stage
• erythroid precursors make up 70% of splenocytes at two weeks of age and over 25% of splenocytes in older mice
• bone marrow cellularity is reduced 10-fold compared to controls
• ratio of erythroid precursors to myeloid precursors is twice that of controls in two week old bone marrow
• the ratio of erythroid precursors to myeloid precursors drops from 2:1 to 1:3 with age while in controls this ratio goes from 1:1 to 1:2
• increased numbers of basophilic cells are observed in the blood
• a large number and variety of polymorphonuclear cells are found in the blood
• nucleated erythrocytes are found in the blood of both young and old mice
• B cells are absent in these mice including pre-B cells in the bone marrow
• are absent in the bone marrow
• dendritic epithelial gamma-delta T cells are absent from the skin
• NK cells are absent in the spleen
• spleens of mice are 1.5 to 3 times larger than controls at 2 weeks of age
• the well structured red and white pulp architecture of the spleen is disrupted in these mice
• spleen consists of myeloid and erythrocyte precursors instead of lymphocytes and mature erythrocytes

immune system
• in 95% of mice, the few thymocytes present appear to be arrested in the double-positive stage
• increased numbers of basophilic cells are observed in the blood
• a large number and variety of polymorphonuclear cells are found in the blood
• B cells are absent in these mice including pre-B cells in the bone marrow
• are absent in the bone marrow
• dendritic epithelial gamma-delta T cells are absent from the skin
• NK cells are absent in the spleen
• only a rudimentary thymus with few lymphocytes found in the cortex
• thymus cellularity in most mice is about 1000-fold less than controls
• in 5% of mice, a larger thymus is present
• spleens of mice are 1.5 to 3 times larger than controls at 2 weeks of age
• the well structured red and white pulp architecture of the spleen is disrupted in these mice
• spleen consists of myeloid and erythrocyte precursors instead of lymphocytes and mature erythrocytes
• Peyer's patches are absent in these mice
• pneumonia results from bacterial infections that occur under standard housing conditions
• pneumonia is associated with abscesses, large number of bacteria, and infiltration of myeloid cells
• mouse housed under normal conditions die of bacterial infections
• Enterobacteria species are found in focal lesions of the liver, in abcesses in the lung, and systemically in the blood

liver/biliary system
• focal infarcts result from bacterial infections that occur under standard housing conditions
• infarcts appear as white nodules
• large number of macrophages and eosinophils are evident in areas of infection
• sometimes necrosis takes up half the liver

respiratory system
• pneumonia results from bacterial infections that occur under standard housing conditions
• pneumonia is associated with abscesses, large number of bacteria, and infiltration of myeloid cells

digestive/alimentary system
• the intestinal flora contains more numbers and more diverse groups of bacteria than in controls

endocrine/exocrine glands
• only a rudimentary thymus with few lymphocytes found in the cortex
• thymus cellularity in most mice is about 1000-fold less than controls
• in 5% of mice, a larger thymus is present

involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ikzf1tm1Kge mutation (0 available); any Ikzf1 mutation (30 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 95% of mice die by 4 weeks of age due to bacterial infections when housed under standard conditions

• mice are one-third to two-thirds smaller than controls at one week of age
• spleens of mice are 1.5 to 3 times larger than controls at 2 weeks of age

hematopoietic system
• only a rudimentary thymus with few lymphocytes found in the cortex
• thymus cellularity in most mice is about 1000-fold less than controls
• in 5% of mice, a larger thymus is present
• 9% of splenocytes in young mice and 60% of splenocytes in older mice are myeloid precursors while control spleens only have about 5% myeloid precursors
• cell differentiation assays confirm 10-fold more macrophage and granulocytes can be derived from mutant spleen than control spleen
• in 95% of mice, the few thymocytes present appear to be arrested in the double-positive stage
• erythroid precursors make up 70% of splenocytes at two weeks of age and over 25% of splenocytes in older mice
• bone marrow cellularity is reduced 10-fold compared to controls
• ratio of erythroid precursors to myeloid precursors is twice that of controls in two week old bone marrow
• the ratio of erythroid precursors to myeloid precursors drops from 2:1 to 1:3 with age while in controls this ratio goes from 1:1 to 1:2
• increased numbers of basophilic cells are observed in the blood
• a large number and variety of polymorphonuclear cells are found in the blood
• nucleated erythrocytes are found in the blood of both young and old mice
• B cells are absent in these mice including pre-B cells in the bone marrow
• are absent in the bone marrow
• dendritic epithelial gamma-delta T cells are absent from the skin
• NK cells are absent in the spleen
• spleens of mice are 1.5 to 3 times larger than controls at 2 weeks of age
• the well structured red and white pulp architecture of the spleen is disrupted in these mice
• spleen consists of myeloid and erythrocyte precursors instead of lymphocytes and mature erythrocytes

immune system
• in 95% of mice, the few thymocytes present appear to be arrested in the double-positive stage
• increased numbers of basophilic cells are observed in the blood
• a large number and variety of polymorphonuclear cells are found in the blood
• B cells are absent in these mice including pre-B cells in the bone marrow
• are absent in the bone marrow
• dendritic epithelial gamma-delta T cells are absent from the skin
• NK cells are absent in the spleen
• only a rudimentary thymus with few lymphocytes found in the cortex
• thymus cellularity in most mice is about 1000-fold less than controls
• in 5% of mice, a larger thymus is present
• spleens of mice are 1.5 to 3 times larger than controls at 2 weeks of age
• the well structured red and white pulp architecture of the spleen is disrupted in these mice
• spleen consists of myeloid and erythrocyte precursors instead of lymphocytes and mature erythrocytes
• Peyer's patches are absent in these mice
• pneumonia results from bacterial infections that occur under standard housing conditions
• pneumonia is associated with abscesses, large number of bacteria, and infiltration of myeloid cells
• mouse housed under normal conditions die of bacterial infections
• Enterobacteria species are found in focal lesions of the liver, in abcesses in the lung, and systemically in the blood

liver/biliary system
• focal infarcts result from bacterial infections that occur under standard housing conditions
• infarcts appear as white nodules
• large number of macrophages and eosinophils are evident in areas of infection
• sometimes necrosis takes up half the liver

respiratory system
• pneumonia results from bacterial infections that occur under standard housing conditions
• pneumonia is associated with abscesses, large number of bacteria, and infiltration of myeloid cells

digestive/alimentary system
• the intestinal flora contains more numbers and more diverse groups of bacteria than in controls

endocrine/exocrine glands
• only a rudimentary thymus with few lymphocytes found in the cortex
• thymus cellularity in most mice is about 1000-fold less than controls
• in 5% of mice, a larger thymus is present

involves: 129S4/SvJae * BALB/c
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ikzf1tm1Kge mutation (0 available); any Ikzf1 mutation (30 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice develop a fatal leukemia between 3 and 6 months of age

• leukemia derived from alpha-beta T cells occurs in all mice
• the cells are large, can be either CD4+ or CD8+, and are monoclonal in their use of TCR beta chains
• these lymphoblastic cells accumulate in all immune organs and in the liver, kidney, and lung
• leukemia cells disrupt the architecture of numerous organs as the mice age
• studies with 2-month old mice suggest the malignant cells arise in the thymus and not in the spleen

immune system
• basal proliferation of T cells is 2.6 fold higher than controls
• leukemia leads to the loss of the bi-lobed structure of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia leads to a swelling of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• thymocytes from 1 month old mice have a 200-fold increase in their proliferation rate in response to TCR stimulus compared to controls
• a less dramatic increase in proliferation rate is observed with thymocytes from E18.5 fetuses
• splenocyte numbers are 2- to 5- fold greater than controls by 3 months of age
• leukemia later in life leads to spleen cellularity that is 10-fold greater than normal
• starting at ages 2-3 months, intermediate single positive thymoyctes start accumulating
• leukemia leads to an decrease in the red pulp area of the spleen
• leukemia leads to an increase in the white pulp area of the spleen
• leukemia results in enlarged lymph nodes for all mice over 3 months of age
• lymph nodes enlarge 20- to 50- fold greater than normal
• leukemia leads to the loss of lymph node structure
• leukemia leads to the loss of lymph node structure
• leukemia results in enlarged lymph nodes for all mice over 3 months of age
• lymph nodes enlarge 20- to 50- fold greater than normal
• leukemia results in enlarged lymph nodes for all mice over 3 months of age
• lymph nodes enlarge 20- to 50- fold greater than normal

hematopoietic system
• basal proliferation of T cells is 2.6 fold higher than controls
• leukemia leads to the loss of the bi-lobed structure of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia leads to a swelling of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• thymocytes from 1 month old mice have a 200-fold increase in their proliferation rate in response to TCR stimulus compared to controls
• a less dramatic increase in proliferation rate is observed with thymocytes from E18.5 fetuses
• splenocyte numbers are 2- to 5- fold greater than controls by 3 months of age
• leukemia later in life leads to spleen cellularity that is 10-fold greater than normal
• starting at ages 2-3 months, intermediate single positive thymoyctes start accumulating
• leukemia leads to an decrease in the red pulp area of the spleen
• leukemia leads to an increase in the white pulp area of the spleen

endocrine/exocrine glands
• leukemia leads to the loss of the bi-lobed structure of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia leads to a swelling of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• thymocytes from 1 month old mice have a 200-fold increase in their proliferation rate in response to TCR stimulus compared to controls
• a less dramatic increase in proliferation rate is observed with thymocytes from E18.5 fetuses

• basal proliferation of T cells is 2.6 fold higher than controls

• splenocyte numbers are 2- to 5- fold greater than controls by 3 months of age
• leukemia later in life leads to spleen cellularity that is 10-fold greater than normal

involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ikzf1tm1Kge mutation (0 available); any Ikzf1 mutation (30 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice develop a fatal leukemia between 3 and 6 months of age

• leukemia derived from alpha-beta T cells occurs in all mice
• the cells are large, can be either CD4+ or CD8+, and are monoclonal in their use of TCR beta chains
• these lymphoblastic cells accumulate in all immune organs and in the liver, kidney, and lung
• leukemia cells disrupt the architecture of numerous organs as the mice age
• studies with 2-month old mice suggest the malignant cells arise in the thymus and not in the spleen

immune system
• basal proliferation of T cells is 2.6 fold higher than controls
• leukemia leads to the loss of the bi-lobed structure of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia leads to a swelling of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• thymocytes from 1 month old mice have a 200-fold increase in their proliferation rate in response to TCR stimulus compared to controls
• a less dramatic increase in proliferation rate is observed with thymocytes from E18.5 fetuses
• splenocyte numbers are 2- to 5- fold greater than controls by 3 months of age
• leukemia later in life leads to spleen cellularity that is 10-fold greater than normal
• starting at ages 2-3 months, intermediate single positive thymoyctes start accumulating
• leukemia leads to an decrease in the red pulp area of the spleen
• leukemia leads to an increase in the white pulp area of the spleen
• leukemia results in enlarged lymph nodes for all mice over 3 months of age
• lymph nodes enlarge 20- to 50- fold greater than normal
• leukemia leads to the loss of lymph node structure
• leukemia leads to the loss of lymph node structure
• leukemia results in enlarged lymph nodes for all mice over 3 months of age
• lymph nodes enlarge 20- to 50- fold greater than normal
• leukemia results in enlarged lymph nodes for all mice over 3 months of age
• lymph nodes enlarge 20- to 50- fold greater than normal

hematopoietic system
• basal proliferation of T cells is 2.6 fold higher than controls
• leukemia leads to the loss of the bi-lobed structure of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia leads to a swelling of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• thymocytes from 1 month old mice have a 200-fold increase in their proliferation rate in response to TCR stimulus compared to controls
• a less dramatic increase in proliferation rate is observed with thymocytes from E18.5 fetuses
• splenocyte numbers are 2- to 5- fold greater than controls by 3 months of age
• leukemia later in life leads to spleen cellularity that is 10-fold greater than normal
• starting at ages 2-3 months, intermediate single positive thymoyctes start accumulating
• leukemia leads to an decrease in the red pulp area of the spleen
• leukemia leads to an increase in the white pulp area of the spleen

endocrine/exocrine glands
• leukemia leads to the loss of the bi-lobed structure of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia in older mice leads to complete effacement of cortical and medullary structures in the thymus
• leukemia leads to a swelling of the thymus in mice over 3 months of age
• thymocytes from 1 month old mice have a 200-fold increase in their proliferation rate in response to TCR stimulus compared to controls
• a less dramatic increase in proliferation rate is observed with thymocytes from E18.5 fetuses

• basal proliferation of T cells is 2.6 fold higher than controls

• splenocyte numbers are 2- to 5- fold greater than controls by 3 months of age
• leukemia later in life leads to spleen cellularity that is 10-fold greater than normal

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory