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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
Allele Name
Allele ID
targeted mutation 1, Michel L Tremblay
Summary 9 genotypes

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprstm1Mtr mutation (0 available); any Ptprs mutation (78 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• about two-thirds of the mice die before 4 weeks of age

involves: 129/Sv * BALB/c
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprstm1Mtr mutation (0 available); any Ptprs mutation (78 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 41% of null animals born to homozygous parents die in the first day of life; from heterozygous crosses, nulls are born at Mendelian ratios

• at birth, weight of homozygotes is 5-15% lower than wild-type in heterozygous matings
• growth retardation is apparent at 3 weeks of age with homozygotes being 50-55% of normal weight in heterozygous matings

endocrine/exocrine glands
• E13-14 embryos display a moderate reduction in size of the pituitary gland; in newborns, the anterior and posterior lobes are reduced in size with the a deep open lumen being retained by the posterior lobe

nervous system
• E13-14 embryos display a moderate reduction in size of the pituitary gland; in newborns, the anterior and posterior lobes are reduced in size with the a deep open lumen being retained by the posterior lobe
• brains of adult mutants are smaller than wild-type (0.41g versus 0.49g respectively)
• olfactory bulb is reduced in size in mutants

reproductive system
• adult mutant females are rarely in oestrus
• average litter per breeding pair per month is 5 times smaller than wild-type

• mutants are hyposmic and less sensitive to repellent odors

• null mice have 25-40% of wild-type levels of IGF-1

involves: BALB/c
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprstm1Mtr mutation (0 available); any Ptprs mutation (78 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• in mutants, significantly more neurons from null animals extend tau-positive neurites that are longer than 30 microns than do wild-type axons
• injured facial axons in mutants regenerate at a faster rate than in wild-type; functional recovery begins about 1 day earlier in mutants and full recovery occurs 1 day earlier than in wild-type animals

• in mutants, significantly more neurons from null animals extend tau-positive neurites that are longer than 30 microns than do wild-type axons

Not Specified
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprstm1Mtr mutation (0 available); any Ptprs mutation (78 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• strong inhibition of neuron growth when challenged with high concentrations of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans

B6.Cg-Ptprdtm1Yiw Ptprstm1Mtr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprdtm1Yiw mutation (1 available); any Ptprd mutation (121 available)
Ptprstm1Mtr mutation (0 available); any Ptprs mutation (78 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mutants are viable to late embryogenesis E18.5, born but never breathe

• E18.5 skeletal muscle fibers are smaller in diameter, with their nuclei centrally localized along the fiber


respiratory system
• alveoli of E18.5 are tightly compressed

adipose tissue
• subcutaneous tissues are enlarged
• the compartmentalization of brown adipose tissue is less obvious

• in E18.5 skeletal muscle fibers
• at E16.5 the mean thickness of the diaphragm is thinner
• a reduction in the mass of dorsal axial skeletal muscles and limb muscles

nervous system
• only a few morphologically abnormal motoneurons that exhibit a smaller cytoplasm with Nissl bodies and an indistinct nucleolus, are found
• a decrease occurs late in embryogenesis between E13 and E18.5, during motoneuron axon extension
• at E13.5 although the phrenic nerve appears to reach the appropriate initial location on the diaphragm, the two main sternocostal branches that normally defasciculate from the main nerve are retracted
• at 15.5 and E18.5 complete absence of sternocostal branches

• subcutaneous tissues are enlarged
• hair follicles are not fully developed at E18.5
• from E15

B6.Cg-Ptprdtm1Yiw Ptprstm1Mtr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprdtm1Yiw mutation (1 available); any Ptprd mutation (121 available)
Ptprstm1Mtr mutation (0 available); any Ptprs mutation (78 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• capillaceous nerves are seldom observed to defasciculate from the major sternocostal branches

B6.Cg-Ptprdtm1Yiw Ptprstm1Mtr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprdtm1Yiw mutation (1 available); any Ptprd mutation (121 available)
Ptprstm1Mtr mutation (0 available); any Ptprs mutation (78 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• a modest reduction of the number of motoneurons
• capillaceous nerves are seldom observed to defasciculate from the major sternocostal branches

B6.Cg-Ptprftm1Wjh Ptprstm1Mtr
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprftm1Wjh mutation (0 available); any Ptprf mutation (100 available)
Ptprstm1Mtr mutation (0 available); any Ptprs mutation (78 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Craniofacial anomalies in Ptprftm1Wjh/Ptprftm1Wjh Ptprstm1Mtr/Ptprstm1Mtr double-mutant embryos

• all mice are dead prior to 4 weeks of age

renal/urinary system
• 13% of E18.5 embryos have duplicated kidneys and ureters
• some embryos have abnormal winding of the ureters
• common nephric duct is still present in E13.5 embryos while being eliminated in control embryos
• the common nephric duct in E12.5 embryos has much lower rates of apoptosis especially in the cadual segment where 51% of the wil-type cells are apoptotic versus 6% in the mutant embryos
• many E18.5 embryos without severe kidney malformations have dilated ureters
• 13% of E18.5 embryos have duplicated kidneys and ureters
• 52% of E18.5 embryos have severe uni- or bilateral hydroureters
• in severe hydroureter/hydronephrosis cases, a ureterocele is seen within the bladder, ipsilateral to the enlarged ureter and kidneys

• at E14.5, Meckel's cartilage is dysmorphic with foreshortened and mis-patterned middle processes that are abnormally fused at the distal tip
• however, the proximal arms of Meckels cartilage articulate normally with the middle ear capsule at E14.5, and proximal Meckels cartilage is specified normally in the mandibular arch at E12.5
• defects in calvaria development at E18.5
• dysmorphic basiosphenoid at E18.5
• absent pterygoid processes at E18.5
• defects in mandibular development, with a severely dysmorphic dentary bone at E18.5
• mandibular bone deposition occurs medially, leading to premature fusion of the dentary bones at E14.5
• aberrant midline expression of both Col2a1 (chondrocyte marker) and of Runx2 (osteoblast marker) in the medial mandibular arch at E12.5
• significant decrease of cell proliferation in the proximal mandibular arch at E12.5, with relatively normal cell proliferation in the distal mandibular arch
• however, the rostral processes (angular, coronoid, condylar) are present at E18.5
• at E18.5, the distal mandibular symphysis is abnormally fused at the midline
• mandibles are narrower and shortened, with abnormal bone deposition between the dentary bones at E18.5
• lower jaw is already undersized (shortened, narrowed) at E14.5
• lower jaw is already shortened at E14.5
• shortened cartilage anlagen of the premaxilla at E14.5
• truncation of the premaxilla at E18.5
• however, the maxilla appears grossly normal
• 45% of E18.5 embyros have micrognathia (J:149756)
• 39% of embryos exhibit micrognathia (J:199299)
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit macroglossia/glossoptosis and palatal defects, including cleft palate and palatal bone abnormalities at E16.5 and E18.5 (J:199299)
• missing palatine bones at E18.5
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit palatal bone abnormalities at E16.5 and E18.5
• shortened cartilage anlagen of the nasal capsule at E14.5
• absence of the nasal capsule at E18.5
• ~50% reduction in cell proliferation of palatal shelf tissue at E12.5
• palatal shelves extend to the midline but do not touch and fuse
• ~70% reduction in first pharyngeal arch cell proliferation at E10.5
• however, neural crest migration and survival is normal in the first pharyngeal arch at E9.5
• cleft palate is noted in E18.5 embryos (J:149756)
• ~50% of the embryos show cleft palate at E18.5 (J:199299)
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit cleft palate (J:199299)
• embryos without micrognathia have normal palates (J:199299)
• at E18.5, the tongue is disorganized, less differentiated, and smaller
• ~50% reduction of cell proliferation in the developing tongue at E12.5
• embryos without micrognathia have normal tongues
• a disorganized tongue is located further back in the oral cavity at E18.5, accompanied by blockage of the oral cavity
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit glossoptosis
• embryos lack a tongue at E14.5
• microglossia at E18.5
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit microglossia at E16.5 and E18.5
• blockage of the oral cavity at E18.5 with a marked reduction in airway space

nervous system
• 23% of E18.5 embryos have exencephaly

• ~70% reduction in first pharyngeal arch cell proliferation at E10.5
• however, neural crest migration and survival is normal in the first pharyngeal arch at E9.5

respiratory system
• shortened cartilage anlagen of the nasal capsule at E14.5
• absence of the nasal capsule at E18.5

• no defects in appendicular and axial skeletal development at E18.5
• normal bone and cartilage development of the body and middle ear capsule at E14.5
• at E14.5, Meckel's cartilage is dysmorphic with foreshortened and mis-patterned middle processes that are abnormally fused at the distal tip
• however, the proximal arms of Meckels cartilage articulate normally with the middle ear capsule at E14.5, and proximal Meckels cartilage is specified normally in the mandibular arch at E12.5
• defects in calvaria development at E18.5
• dysmorphic basiosphenoid at E18.5
• absent pterygoid processes at E18.5
• defects in mandibular development, with a severely dysmorphic dentary bone at E18.5
• mandibular bone deposition occurs medially, leading to premature fusion of the dentary bones at E14.5
• aberrant midline expression of both Col2a1 (chondrocyte marker) and of Runx2 (osteoblast marker) in the medial mandibular arch at E12.5
• significant decrease of cell proliferation in the proximal mandibular arch at E12.5, with relatively normal cell proliferation in the distal mandibular arch
• however, the rostral processes (angular, coronoid, condylar) are present at E18.5
• at E18.5, the distal mandibular symphysis is abnormally fused at the midline
• mandibles are narrower and shortened, with abnormal bone deposition between the dentary bones at E18.5
• lower jaw is already undersized (shortened, narrowed) at E14.5
• lower jaw is already shortened at E14.5
• shortened cartilage anlagen of the premaxilla at E14.5
• truncation of the premaxilla at E18.5
• however, the maxilla appears grossly normal
• 45% of E18.5 embyros have micrognathia (J:149756)
• 39% of embryos exhibit micrognathia (J:199299)
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit macroglossia/glossoptosis and palatal defects, including cleft palate and palatal bone abnormalities at E16.5 and E18.5 (J:199299)
• missing palatine bones at E18.5
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit palatal bone abnormalities at E16.5 and E18.5
• shortened cartilage anlagen of the nasal capsule at E14.5
• absence of the nasal capsule at E18.5

• hyaloids arteries are observed in E18.5 embryos
• 23% of E18.5 embryos have failure in eyelid closure
• neuroretinal structures are disorganized in E18.5 embryos
• the inner nuclear layer of E18.5 embryos is hyperplastic

• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit palatal bone abnormalities at E16.5 and E18.5
• shortened cartilage anlagen of the nasal capsule at E14.5
• absence of the nasal capsule at E18.5
• ~50% reduction in cell proliferation of palatal shelf tissue at E12.5
• palatal shelves extend to the midline but do not touch and fuse
• cleft palate is noted in E18.5 embryos (J:149756)
• ~50% of the embryos show cleft palate at E18.5 (J:199299)
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit cleft palate (J:199299)
• embryos without micrognathia have normal palates (J:199299)
• at E18.5, the tongue is disorganized, less differentiated, and smaller
• ~50% reduction of cell proliferation in the developing tongue at E12.5
• embryos without micrognathia have normal tongues
• a disorganized tongue is located further back in the oral cavity at E18.5, accompanied by blockage of the oral cavity
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit glossoptosis
• embryos lack a tongue at E14.5
• microglossia at E18.5
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit microglossia at E16.5 and E18.5
• blockage of the oral cavity at E18.5 with a marked reduction in airway space

digestive/alimentary system
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit palatal bone abnormalities at E16.5 and E18.5
• ~50% reduction in cell proliferation of palatal shelf tissue at E12.5
• palatal shelves extend to the midline but do not touch and fuse
• cleft palate is noted in E18.5 embryos (J:149756)
• ~50% of the embryos show cleft palate at E18.5 (J:199299)
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit cleft palate (J:199299)
• embryos without micrognathia have normal palates (J:199299)
• at E18.5, the tongue is disorganized, less differentiated, and smaller
• ~50% reduction of cell proliferation in the developing tongue at E12.5
• embryos without micrognathia have normal tongues
• a disorganized tongue is located further back in the oral cavity at E18.5, accompanied by blockage of the oral cavity
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit glossoptosis
• embryos lack a tongue at E14.5
• microglossia at E18.5
• all micrognathic embryos also exhibit microglossia at E16.5 and E18.5

cardiovascular system
• hyaloids arteries are observed in E18.5 embryos

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome DOID:4258 OMIM:261800

involves: 129S/SvEvBrd * 129S4/SvJae
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprstm1Mtr mutation (0 available); any Ptprs mutation (78 available)
Rtn4rl1tm1.1Rojg mutation (0 available); any Rtn4rl1 mutation (25 available)
Rtn4rtm1.1Pado mutation (0 available); any Rtn4r mutation (24 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• considerably improved recovery of retinal ganglion cell axons from retro-orbital optic nerve crush

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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