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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Rosa Beddington
Summary 2 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Hhextm1Rbe/Hhextm1Rbe B6.129P2-Hhextm1Rbe MGI:3525565
Hhextm1Rbe/Hhextm1Rbe involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:3707078

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Hhextm1Rbe mutation (0 available); any Hhex mutation (17 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
endocrine/exocrine glands
• at E10 morphogenesis of the thyroid bud is severely impaired and the number of thyroid cell precursors is reduced

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Hhextm1Rbe mutation (0 available); any Hhex mutation (17 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygotes begin to die around E11.5, and none are seen by E15.5
• homozygotes begin to die around E11.5, and by E15.5, no homozygotes are present

• mutants are often retarded

nervous system
• class I mutants (about 30%) show a complete lack of Rathke's pouch
• the prospective forebrain ectoderm is correctly induced and patterned at E7.5, but subsequently fails to develop, as indicated by maker analysis
• mutants can be classified into 3 groups (I-III), with class I mutants (about 30%) showing complete absence of the forebrain, class II and III mutants (60%) showing a reduced forebrain, and 10% exhibiting a normal forebrain
• class I mutants (about 30%) show a complete lack of telencephalic vesicles
• class III mutants (about 30%) have one small telencephalic vesicle
• class I mutants (about 30%) show a complete lack of telencephalic vesicles
• class II mutants (about 30%) show smaller telencephalic vesicles
• embryos exhibit a reduction in forebrain tissue at E8.5 that becomes more pronounced with age; defects are restricted to the rostral forebrain and have a caudal limit at the zona limitans intrathalamica, the boundary between dorsal and ventral thalamus
• class II and III mutants (60%) show a reduced forebrain
• class I mutants (about 30%) show complete absence of the forebrain
• class II mutants (about 30%) have no dorsal midline or medial ganglionic eminence

• class I mutants (about 30%) exhibit a first branchial arch that is fused in the midline and has no pharyngeal endoderm
• class II mutants (about 30%) do not exhibit branchial arch defeccts
• class I mutants (about 30%) exhibit a first branchial arch that is fused in the midline
• varying degrees of anterior truncation such that at E9.5 and E10.5, about 90% of embryos show some anterior truncation
• mutants are often retarded
• the development of rostral definitive endoderm is disturbed

• class II mutants (about 30%) have one olfactory placode
• class I mutants (about 30%) show a complete lack of olfactory placodes

• class II mutants (about 30%) have eyes that are separated by only a short optic stalk
• class II mutants (about 30%) exhibit smaller optic vesicles
• class I mutants (about 30%) show a complete lack of eyes

cardiovascular system
• often exhibit large pericardial cavities

endocrine/exocrine glands
• class I mutants (about 30%) show a complete lack of Rathke's pouch
• thyroid dysplasia
• the thyroid primordium is either absent or hypoplastic at E8.5-9.5
• development of the thyroid is arrested at the thyroid bud stage at E9.5

liver/biliary system
• migration of hepatocytes into the septum transversum fails to occur
• liver diverticulum is formed but is thinner than normal
• absence of liver at E10.5-E13.5

• class II mutants (about 30%) have one olfactory placode
• class I mutants (about 30%) show a complete lack of olfactory placodes
• class I mutants (about 30%) exhibit a first branchial arch that is fused in the midline and has no pharyngeal endoderm
• class II mutants (about 30%) do not exhibit branchial arch defeccts
• class I mutants (about 30%) exhibit a first branchial arch that is fused in the midline

respiratory system
• class II mutants (about 30%) have one olfactory placode
• class I mutants (about 30%) show a complete lack of olfactory placodes

• migration of hepatocytes into the septum transversum fails to occur

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory