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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Terence H Rabbitts
Summary 1 genotype
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Lmo2tm1Thr/Lmo2tm1Thr either: (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * MF1) or (involves: 129/Sv * 129P2/OlaHsd) MGI:2177879

either: (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * MF1) or (involves: 129/Sv * 129P2/OlaHsd)
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Mouse lines carrying:
Lmo2tm1Thr mutation (0 available); any Lmo2 mutation (31 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygous mutant embryos die at ~E10.5; no homozygotes survive after E11.5

• at E9.75, ~80% of mutant embryos are still in the process of turning within the amnion; more advanced embryos exhibit an intact allantois and completion of turning
• at this stage, neurulation proceeds unaffected and a notochord is clearly visible
• at E9.75, most homozygotes show an ~50% reduction in the length of anterior-posterior axis relative to wild-type
• at E9.75, homozygous mutant embryos are still viable but are about half the size of wild-type embryos
• at E9.75, the mutant neural tube is closed but generally smaller than wild-type
• at E9.75, underdeveloped mutants exhibit only 10-12 somite pairs; the most advanced mutant embryos exhibit 20 somite pairs
• at E9.75, normal chorioallantoic fusion is observed; however, the mutant allantois contains numerous pycnotic cells at the point of contact with the chorion, in the absence of blood cells
• at E9.75 and E10.5, homozygotes show complete absence of blood islands with no circulating erythroid cells in the vessels of their yolk sacs
• at E9.75 and E10.5, mutant yolk sacs are much paler than wild-type yolk sacs
• at E9.75 and E10.5, mutant yolk sacs are smaller than wild-type
• at E9.75, homozygous embryos exhibit a specific failure of erythroid development within the yolk sac mesoderm
in vitro, yolk-sac tissue from homozygous mutants as well as sequentially targeted double-null ES cells display a block in erythroid differentiation
• at E9.75 and E10.5, homozygotes show defective primitive yolk-sac derived erythropoiesis with complete absence of circulating nucleated red blood cells in the embryo body

• at E9.75, homozygous mutant embryos are still viable but are about half the size of wild-type embryos

cardiovascular system
• at E9.75, the mutant dorsal aortae are devoid of circulating blood cells and smaller than wild-type
• at E9.75 and E10.5, mutant pericardial sacs appear to become fluid-filled and dilated
• notably, heart contraction is detected up to E10.5 and heart development appears normal with myocardium, endocardium and cardiac jelly present

nervous system
• at E9.75, the mutant neural tube is closed but generally smaller than wild-type

• at E9.75, homozygotes exhibit increased cell death (i.e. numerous pycnotic cells) in the mesenchyme of the head and the allantois

hematopoietic system
• at E9.75, homozygous embryos exhibit a specific failure of erythroid development within the yolk sac mesoderm
in vitro, yolk-sac tissue from homozygous mutants as well as sequentially targeted double-null ES cells display a block in erythroid differentiation
• at E9.75 and E10.5, homozygotes show defective primitive yolk-sac derived erythropoiesis with complete absence of circulating nucleated red blood cells in the embryo body

• at E9.75 and E10.5, homozygous concepti are significantly paler than wild-type

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory