• by E11.5, all homozygotes were dead
• normal ratios of homozygotes found until E10
• reduced number of embryonic blood vessels in the labyrinth layer of the placenta at E9.5
• yolk sac blood vessels lacking by E8 (15-20 somite stage)
• primordial blood plexus was present through E9.5 but dilated and with few red blood vessels
cardiovascular system
• reduced number of embryonic blood vessels in the labyrinth layer of the placenta at E9.5
• less development of blood vessels in the brain
• fewer and less complex intersomic blood vessel
• vasculogenesis was normal but subsequent remodeling failed
• myocardium development severely retarded
• decreased trabeculation
• less complex endocardium around trabeculations
• heart less developed
• little atrial endocardium
• myocardium development severely retarded
• decreased trabeculation
• less complex endocardium around trabeculations
• smaller head at E9.5