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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
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targeted mutation 1, Rodrigo Bravo
Summary 3 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Relbtm1Brv/Relbtm1Brv either: (involves: 129S2/SvPas) or (involves: C57BL/6) or (involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6) MGI:3588865
Relbtm1Brv/Relbtm1Brv involves: 129S2/SvPas MGI:4457004
Relbtm1Brv/Relbtm1Brv involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 MGI:2179553

either: (involves: 129S2/SvPas) or (involves: C57BL/6) or (involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6)
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Relbtm1Brv mutation (1 available); any Relb mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• homozygotes exhibit a 9-fold increase in the number of eosinophils in blood
• eosinophils are a major component of the inflammatory infiltrate in the lung, dermis and epidermis of homozygotes with pulmonary inflammation and skin lesions

immune system
• homozygotes exhibit a 9-fold increase in the number of eosinophils in blood
• eosinophils are a major component of the inflammatory infiltrate in the lung, dermis and epidermis of homozygotes with pulmonary inflammation and skin lesions
• homozygotes with moderate to marked skin lesions exhibit features of allergic pulmonary inflammation, including accumulation of inflammatory cells around the blood vessels and airways of lungs, and increased collagen deposition at sites of severe inflammation
• eosinophils are a major component of the inflammatory infiltrate in the lung
• between 4 and 10 weeks of age, ~70-80% of homozygotes develop an itching dermatitis of variable severity
• this dermatitis affects the trunk and head but occasionally involves the ears and footpads; its severity does not increase significantly over time
• bacterial and fungal infections have been excluded as the infectious causes of observed dermatitis
• importantly, no dermatitis develops in the offspring of homozygous mutants crossed with Tg(Lck-Nr4a1)2Brv transgenic mice that lack peripheral T cells, establishing that these skin lesions are T cell-dependent

cardiovascular system
• homozygotes with skin lesions exhibit prominent blood vessels in the dermis, suggesting neovascularization

respiratory system
• homozygotes with moderate to marked skin lesions exhibit features of allergic pulmonary inflammation, including accumulation of inflammatory cells around the blood vessels and airways of lungs, and increased collagen deposition at sites of severe inflammation
• eosinophils are a major component of the inflammatory infiltrate in the lung
• homozygotes with moderate to marked skin lesions exhibit a significant increase of mucus-secreting goblet cells within the airways

• between 4 and 10 weeks of age, ~70-80% of homozygotes develop an itching dermatitis of variable severity
• this dermatitis affects the trunk and head but occasionally involves the ears and footpads; its severity does not increase significantly over time
• bacterial and fungal infections have been excluded as the infectious causes of observed dermatitis
• importantly, no dermatitis develops in the offspring of homozygous mutants crossed with Tg(Lck-Nr4a1)2Brv transgenic mice that lack peripheral T cells, establishing that these skin lesions are T cell-dependent
• homozygotes with skin lesions exhibit significant accumulation of numerous CD4+ T cells and eosinophils mixed with lesser numbers of CD8+ T cells and neutrophils in the dermis
• a moderate increase of MHC class II-positive dermal dendritic cells and dermal mast cells is also observed
• homozygotes with skin lesions display occasional microabscesses in the stratum corneum and ulcerations, probably due to scratching
• intracorneal pustules are occasionally detected in the epidermis
• homozygotes exhibit hyperproliferation of keratinocytes in the basal layer and a marked up-regulation of K6 expression in acanthotic epidermis
• a number of homozygotes with skin lesions contain occasional apoptotic keratinocytes in the epidermis
• homozygotes exhibit hyperproliferation of keratinocytes in the basal layer

• a number of homozygotes with skin lesions contain occasional apoptotic keratinocytes in the epidermis
• homozygotes exhibit hyperproliferation of keratinocytes in the basal layer

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
atopic dermatitis DOID:3310 OMIM:603165

involves: 129S2/SvPas
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Relbtm1Brv mutation (1 available); any Relb mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• 3-fold increase in total splenocytes
• frequency and absolute number of CD4+ dendritic cells is reduced about 4-fold
• reduced IL17-expressing splenic gamma-delta T cells and Vgamma4 gamma-delta T cells

immune system
• 3-fold increase in total splenocytes
• frequency and absolute number of CD4+ dendritic cells is reduced about 4-fold
• reduced IL17-expressing splenic gamma-delta T cells and Vgamma4 gamma-delta T cells

• 3-fold increase in total splenocytes

involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Relbtm1Brv mutation (1 available); any Relb mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• purified B cells from homozygous mutant mice display defective proliferative responses to various mitogenic signals
• however, under appropriate in vitro conditions, mutant B cells undergo normal B cell maturation to IgG secretion and heavy chain class switching
• mutant PMN leukocytes display a 2.5-fold reduction in their capacity to phagocytose opsonized zymosan particles
• mutant thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages show reduced H2O2 production following stimulation with opsonized zymosan particles and PMA
• reduced neutrophil phagocytosis results in defective clearance of L. monocytogenes during early stages of infection

• all homozygotes survive to birth; however, some homozygotes die prematurely

hematopoietic system
• purified B cells from homozygous mutant mice display defective proliferative responses to various mitogenic signals
• however, under appropriate in vitro conditions, mutant B cells undergo normal B cell maturation to IgG secretion and heavy chain class switching
• mutant PMN leukocytes display a 2.5-fold reduction in their capacity to phagocytose opsonized zymosan particles
• mutant thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages show reduced H2O2 production following stimulation with opsonized zymosan particles and PMA
• reduced neutrophil phagocytosis results in defective clearance of L. monocytogenes during early stages of infection
• homozygotes display a variable degree of thymic atrophy
• at >3 weeks, homozygotes show a ~30% reduction in thymus weight relative to wild-type mice
• at >3 weeks, homozygotes show a ~30% reduction in the number of thymocytes
• the thymic medulla is more severely affected than the cortex
• at P20+, homozygotes exhibit a 2- to 8-fold increase in spleen weight relative to age-matched wild-type mice
• homozygotes display severely impaired erythropoiesis in the bone marrow
• myeloid hyperplasia is associated with peripheral leukocytosis
• in contrast, erythrocyte counts, hematocrit, and hemoglobin concentrations per cell remain normal
• at P10, homozygotes exhibit progressive extramedullary hematopoiesis in the liver and spleen due to an increase in erythroid precursors
• homozygotes exhibit myeloid hyperplasia of the bone marrow which is first detected at P10 and becomes prominent by P20
• in adulthood, myeloid hyperplasia is associated with a reduction in the number of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow
• at >3 weeks, homozygotes display a significant reduction in the number of antigen-presenting medullary dendritic cells
• homozygotes display normal lymphoid development and are able to mount an immune response with no major alterations in the B-cell compartment
• however, homozygotes exhibit a mild depletion of T cells in the spleen and lymph nodes
• in adulthood, mutant spleens show a significant increase in the red pulp as a result of extramedullary hematopoiesis
• in adulthood, mutant spleens show a significant reduction in the white pulp
• unimmunized 6-week-old homozygotes show a 2- to 4-fold reduction in IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3 and IgA resting serum levels, as well as a slight increase in IgG1 resting serum levels relative to wild-type mice
• unimmunized 6-week-old homozygotes show a 18-fold increase in resting serum IgE levels relative to wild-type mice
• unimmunized 6-week-old homozygotes show a 6-fold increase in resting IgM serum levels relative to wild-type mice
• at 7 days post LCMV infection, homozygotes display a significantly reduced expansion of CD8+ T cells, suggesting an impaired CTL response
• following in vitro stimulation with LPS plus IFN-gamma, mutant peritoneal macrophages show a ~30% reduction in nitric oxide production
• following in vitro stimulation with LPS or LPS plus IFN-gamma, mutant thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages display reduced TNF production
• in contrast, mutant thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages show increased H2O2 production following stimulation with opsonized zymosan particles and PMA

immune system
• myeloid hyperplasia is associated with peripheral leukocytosis
• in contrast, erythrocyte counts, hematocrit, and hemoglobin concentrations per cell remain normal
• at >3 weeks, homozygotes display a significant reduction in the number of antigen-presenting medullary dendritic cells
• homozygotes display normal lymphoid development and are able to mount an immune response with no major alterations in the B-cell compartment
• however, homozygotes exhibit a mild depletion of T cells in the spleen and lymph nodes
• homozygotes display a variable degree of thymic atrophy
• at >3 weeks, homozygotes show a ~30% reduction in thymus weight relative to wild-type mice
• at >3 weeks, homozygotes show a ~30% reduction in the number of thymocytes
• the thymic medulla is more severely affected than the cortex
• at P20+, homozygotes exhibit a 2- to 8-fold increase in spleen weight relative to age-matched wild-type mice
• in adulthood, mutant spleens show a significant increase in the red pulp as a result of extramedullary hematopoiesis
• in adulthood, mutant spleens show a significant reduction in the white pulp
• at P8-P10, mediastinal, mesenteric and sub-mandibular lymph nodes exhibit histopathologic alterations, typified by a mild lymphoid depletion and a relative increase in macrophage number
• by P20, the architecture of affected lymph nodes is largely effaced by a mixed inflammatory infiltrate, with a pronounced neutrophil component
• at P20+, the architecture of mutant mesenteric lymph nodes is effaced by a mixed inflammatory infiltrate
• older homozygotes exhibit a marked inflammatory cell infiltrate in the GI tract
• 9 out of 12 older homozygotes have a marked inflammatory cell infiltrate in the salivary glands
• 14 out of 15 older homozygotes show a notable inflammatory cell infiltrate in the stomach
• 4 out of 7 older female homozygotes have a notable neutrophilic infiltrate in the ovaries and uterus
• 12-day-old homozygotes exhibit increased expression of several pro-inflammatory cytokines, including CCL3 and CCL7, in the liver and lung
• 12-day-old homozygotes exhibit increased IFN-gamma mRNA levels in the liver and lung
• in addition, homozygotes display increased serum IFN-gamma protein levels during L. monocytogenes infection
• 12-day-old homozygotes exhibit increased IL-2 and IL-4 mRNA levels in the liver and lung
• 12-day-old homozygotes exhibit increased TNF mRNA levels in the liver and lung
• however, following in vitro stimulation with LPS or LPS plus IFN-gamma, mutant thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages display reduced TNF production relative to wild-type
• homozygotes exhibit thymic atrophy, a mild depletion of T cells in the spleen and lymh nodes, and an impaired DTH response, strongly suggesting an abnormal T cell-mediated immune function
• purified B cells from homozygous mutant mice display defective proliferative responses to various mitogenic signals
• however, under appropriate in vitro conditions, mutant B cells undergo normal B cell maturation to IgG secretion and heavy chain class switching
• mutant PMN leukocytes display a 2.5-fold reduction in their capacity to phagocytose opsonized zymosan particles
• mutant thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages show reduced H2O2 production following stimulation with opsonized zymosan particles and PMA
• reduced neutrophil phagocytosis results in defective clearance of L. monocytogenes during early stages of infection
• at 7 days post LCMV infection, homozygotes display a significantly reduced expansion of CD8+ T cells, suggesting an impaired CTL response
• following in vitro stimulation with LPS plus IFN-gamma, mutant peritoneal macrophages show a ~30% reduction in nitric oxide production
• following in vitro stimulation with LPS or LPS plus IFN-gamma, mutant thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages display reduced TNF production
• in contrast, mutant thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages show increased H2O2 production following stimulation with opsonized zymosan particles and PMA
• ear lesions in sensitized homozygotes exhibit a reduced dermal edema and cell infiltrate, indicating an impaired delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction (J:22675)
• homozygotes display impaired antigen-specific IgG production in response to both T cell-dependent and -independent stimuli
• specifically, mutants exhibit reduced secretion of IgG1 in response to T-cell dependent antigen NP-KLH and impaired IgG3 production in response to T-cell independent antigen NP-LPS relative to wild-type mice
• unimmunized 6-week-old homozygotes show a 2- to 4-fold reduction in IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3 and IgA resting serum levels, as well as a slight increase in IgG1 resting serum levels relative to wild-type mice
• unimmunized 6-week-old homozygotes show a 18-fold increase in resting serum IgE levels relative to wild-type mice
• unimmunized 6-week-old homozygotes show a 6-fold increase in resting IgM serum levels relative to wild-type mice
• at P10, mutant livers show a severe periportal mixed inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and neutrophils
• by P20, the periportal mixed inflammatory infiltrate is more severe extending beyond the limiting plate
• 6 out of 12 older homozygotes show a marked inflammatory cell infiltrate in skeletal muscles
• at >6 weeks, all male homozygotes display a notable inflammatory cell infiltrate in the interstitium of the epididymis
• at P8-P10, mutant lungs display a perivascular mononuclear cell infiltrate (mostly lymphocytes)
• by P20, perivascular mixed inflammation extends multifocally into the interstitium and adjacent alveoli, resulting in alveolar histiocytosis
• at P20+, many alveolar macrophages have a microvesiculated cytoplasm while others contain non-birefringent eosinophillic material or hemosiderin pigment
• homozygotes are extremely susceptible to Listeria monocytogenes infection
• ~50% of homozygotes die 4 days post i.p. infection with a low dose (500 CFU) of L. monocytogenes, with >1000-fold titers in all tissues, whereas all wild-type and heterozygous mice remain alive
• at 7 days p.i., homozygotes are unable to clear LCMV viral loads from various organs as efficiently as wild-type mice, partly due to a 5-fold reduction in the CD8+ to CD4+ ratio

liver/biliary system
• at P10, mutant livers show a severe periportal mixed inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and neutrophils
• by P20, the periportal mixed inflammatory infiltrate is more severe extending beyond the limiting plate
• at P20, homozygotes with severe liver inflammation display biliary hyperplasia and biliary epithelial mucoid metaplasia
• at P20, homozygotes with severe liver inflammation display peribiliary as well as periportal fibrosis

reproductive system
• 4 out of 7 older female homozygotes have a notable neutrophilic infiltrate in the ovaries and uterus
• at >6 weeks, all male homozygotes display a notable inflammatory cell infiltrate in the interstitium of the epididymis
• both male and female homozygotes display severely reduced fertility

respiratory system
• at P8-P10, mutant lungs often display alveolar hemorrhage
• at P8-P10, mutant lungs display a perivascular mononuclear cell infiltrate (mostly lymphocytes)
• by P20, perivascular mixed inflammation extends multifocally into the interstitium and adjacent alveoli, resulting in alveolar histiocytosis
• at P20+, many alveolar macrophages have a microvesiculated cytoplasm while others contain non-birefringent eosinophillic material or hemosiderin pigment
• at P20+, perivascular mixed inflammation extends into the adjacent parenchyma and is associated with fibrosis or focal consolidation

• homozygotes appear normal at birth; however, at at 2-6 weeks, they develop a hunched posture

• at 2-6 weeks after birth, homozygotes display slightly enlarged abdomens
• at P20+, homozygotes exhibit a 2- to 8-fold increase in spleen weight relative to age-matched wild-type mice

cardiovascular system
• at P8-P10, mutant lungs often display alveolar hemorrhage

digestive/alimentary system
• older homozygotes exhibit a marked inflammatory cell infiltrate in the GI tract
• 9 out of 12 older homozygotes have a marked inflammatory cell infiltrate in the salivary glands
• 14 out of 15 older homozygotes show a notable inflammatory cell infiltrate in the stomach

endocrine/exocrine glands
• 9 out of 12 older homozygotes have a marked inflammatory cell infiltrate in the salivary glands
• at P20, homozygotes with severe liver inflammation display biliary hyperplasia and biliary epithelial mucoid metaplasia
• homozygotes display a variable degree of thymic atrophy
• at >3 weeks, homozygotes show a ~30% reduction in thymus weight relative to wild-type mice
• at >3 weeks, homozygotes show a ~30% reduction in the number of thymocytes
• the thymic medulla is more severely affected than the cortex
• 4 out of 7 older female homozygotes have a notable neutrophilic infiltrate in the ovaries and uterus

• 6 out of 12 older homozygotes show a marked inflammatory cell infiltrate in skeletal muscles

• at P40+, homozygotes with severe, chronic liver inflammation exhibit amyloidosis in the sinusoids
• 12-day-old homozygotes exhibit increased expression of several pro-inflammatory cytokines, including CCL3 and CCL7, in the liver and lung
• 12-day-old homozygotes exhibit increased IFN-gamma mRNA levels in the liver and lung
• in addition, homozygotes display increased serum IFN-gamma protein levels during L. monocytogenes infection
• 12-day-old homozygotes exhibit increased IL-2 and IL-4 mRNA levels in the liver and lung
• 12-day-old homozygotes exhibit increased TNF mRNA levels in the liver and lung
• however, following in vitro stimulation with LPS or LPS plus IFN-gamma, mutant thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages display reduced TNF production relative to wild-type

• at 2-6 weeks after birth, homozygotes appear disheveled relative to wild-type mice

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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