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targeted mutation 1, James Lessard
Summary 2 genotypes
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Actc1tm1Jll/Actc1tm1Jll involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * Black Swiss MGI:2447434
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * Black Swiss * FVB/N MGI:3584000

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * Black Swiss
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Actc1tm1Jll mutation (0 available); any Actc1 mutation (24 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Myofibrillar disarray in newborn Actc1tm1Jll/Actc1tm1Jll hearts

• those that survive gestation (about 44%) die within the first two weeks after birth
• death after E13.5, incomplete penetrance (~56%), remainder die postnatally

cardiovascular system
• at E17-P1, homozygotes exhibit progressive nuclear changes accompanied by disorganization or loss of the myofibrils as well as other signs of degeneration; notably, the plasma membrane is often intact
• at E17-P1, exhibit signs of myofibril degeneration
• at E17 and P1, cardiac muscle tissue appears underdeveloped with cells detached sideways from each other
• at P1, myofilaments are developmentally retarded, fail to organize into uniform bundles and occasionally resemble primitive, immature bundles
• at P1, fragmentation of cellular material and disorganization of the myofibrils, increased intercellular space, accumulation of glycogen granules, degraded myofilaments, some fibrosis, and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy with connective tissue replacement are observed
• cardiomyocyte disorganization, myofilament disarray
• at E12 and E14, cardiac development is normal but occasionally delayed
• however, no major differences in the developing anatomical structures or the proportion of apoptotic cells are observed
• at E17 and P1, mutant hearts are significantly enlarged

• at E17 and P1, mutant hearts are significantly enlarged
• smaller than littermates, incomplete penetrance

• at E17-P1, homozygotes exhibit progressive nuclear changes accompanied by disorganization or loss of the myofibrils as well as other signs of degeneration; notably, the plasma membrane is often intact
• at E17-P1, exhibit signs of myofibril degeneration
• cardiomyocyte disorganization, myofilament disarray
• at E17 and P1, cardiac muscle tissue appears underdeveloped with cells detached sideways from each other
• at P1, myofilaments are developmentally retarded, fail to organize into uniform bundles and occasionally resemble primitive, immature bundles
• at P1, fragmentation of cellular material and disorganization of the myofibrils, increased intercellular space, accumulation of glycogen granules, degraded myofilaments, some fibrosis, and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy with connective tissue replacement are observed
• at E17-P1, homozygotes display a progressive increase of cardiomyocyte apoptosis in the ventricular wall as well as a mild, focal, single-myocyte degeneration; apoptosis is less prominent in the atrial wall
• at P1, apoptosis in the ventricular wall is distributed in the compact wall and trabeculae as well as in the interventricular septum
• hearts show variable but extensive loss of thin filaments within the sarcomeres
• at P1, homozygotes display cardiomyocyte degeneration, as shown by loss of myofibrils, cytoplasmic condensation, condensed chromatin, and myofilament size and shape irregularities

• at E17-P1, homozygotes display a progressive increase of cardiomyocyte apoptosis in the ventricular wall as well as a mild, focal, single-myocyte degeneration; apoptosis is less prominent in the atrial wall
• at P1, apoptosis in the ventricular wall is distributed in the compact wall and trabeculae as well as in the interventricular septum

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * Black Swiss * FVB/N
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Actc1tm1Jll mutation (0 available); any Actc1 mutation (24 available)
Tg(Myh6-Actg2)1Jll mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Cardiac hypertrophy in Actc1tm1Jll/Actc1tm1Jll Tg(Myh6-Actg2)1Jll mice

cardiovascular system
• enlarged, rounded hearts
• hypertrophy of left ventricular septum and free wall
• thickening of endothelium of the left ventricle with fibrous tissue
• myocyte hypertrophy
• dilation of right ventricular free wall
• hypodynamic; maximal rates of contraction and relaxation are reduced to 40% of the values obtained for controls (J:40165)
• skinned fiber bundles from transgenic mouse hearts ectopically expressing enteric smooth muscle gamma-actin show no differences in maximum Ca2+ activated tension or maximum rate of tension redevelopment after a quick release and rapid restretch protocol (J:107848)
• however, transgenic fiber bundles exhibit a reduced sensitivity to Ca2+ tension and an increased economy of force development (~35% less ATP hydrolysis) relative to nontransgenic fiber bundles (J:107848)
• reduced sensitivity to Ca2+ tension coupled with slower cross-bridge cycling rates are likely to account for the slow rate of contraction noted in the intact heart (J:107848)
• significantly reduced rate of ventricular contraction and relaxation
• reduction in the rate of ventricular relaxation

• thrombi evident in left ventricular wall and occluding the highly dilated right atrium

• hypertrophy of left ventricular septum and free wall
• thickening of endothelium of the left ventricle with fibrous tissue
• myocyte hypertrophy
• hypodynamic; maximal rates of contraction and relaxation are reduced to 40% of the values obtained for controls (J:40165)
• skinned fiber bundles from transgenic mouse hearts ectopically expressing enteric smooth muscle gamma-actin show no differences in maximum Ca2+ activated tension or maximum rate of tension redevelopment after a quick release and rapid restretch protocol (J:107848)
• however, transgenic fiber bundles exhibit a reduced sensitivity to Ca2+ tension and an increased economy of force development (~35% less ATP hydrolysis) relative to nontransgenic fiber bundles (J:107848)
• reduced sensitivity to Ca2+ tension coupled with slower cross-bridge cycling rates are likely to account for the slow rate of contraction noted in the intact heart (J:107848)
• significantly reduced rate of ventricular contraction and relaxation
• reduction in the rate of ventricular relaxation

• enlarged, rounded hearts
• hypertrophy of left ventricular septum and free wall
• thickening of endothelium of the left ventricle with fibrous tissue
• myocyte hypertrophy

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory