• Background Sensitivity: females on a predominantly C57BL/6 background die between P7 and P21 while females maintained on a more 129P2/OlaHsd background show 50% survival to adulthood
• suck poorly and have less milk in their stomachs than controls
• excessive agitation during handling, loss of bladder control
limb grasping
• when lifted by tails, mutants draw their limbs in toward their bodies instead of extending their limbs
• females predominantly on a C57BL/6 background (F2-F4) have difficulty maintaining an upright position
• seen in females on the predominantly C57BL/6 background
• limbs held in an abnormal posture
digestive/alimentary system
• Background Sensitivity: 100% penetration of distended colon, primarily affecting the cecum and the proximal end of the colon, in females on a predominantly C57BL/6 background but is not observed in females on a more 129P2/OlaHsd background
• narrow rectum
• smaller by 2-3 days of age
• weigh less at P5
immune system
small thymus
• thymus is reduced in size, 10% of the size of wild-type
• muscle rigidity
hematopoietic system
small thymus
• thymus is reduced in size, 10% of the size of wild-type
endocrine/exocrine glands
small thymus
• thymus is reduced in size, 10% of the size of wild-type