endocrine/exocrine glands
• premature development of the lobuloalveolar compartment of the mammary gland during pregnancy
• however, serum prolactin levels are normal
• premature lactation; at day 18 of pregnancy, mammary glands of mutants are engorged with milk whereas wild-type glands are just beginning milk production and exhibit accelerated milk protein production
reproductive system
• premature development of the lobuloalveolar compartment of the mammary gland during pregnancy
• however, serum prolactin levels are normal
adipose tissue
• adipocytes lack caveolae
• mitochodria of brown adipocytes are larger and dilated and much less electron dense than mitochondria of wild-type mice
• adipocytes of brown adipose tissue contain larger lipid droplets than in wild-type mice
• mutants show a decrease in body temperature in response to fasting or fasting/cold treatment, however cold treatment alone has no further effect on temperature
• mild, but significant, decrease in resting core body temperature
• mutants fail to exhibit the normal increase in serum nonesterifited fatty acids induced by fasting or fasting/cold treatment
• the reduction of triglyceride content of brown adipose tissue (BAT) induced after fasting/cold treatment is much lower than in controls (3-fold reduction in mutants vs. 10-fold reduction in controls), indicating defective release of stored triglycerides in BAT
• lipolysis fails to occur when mice are fasted or fasted/cold treated
• after fasting/cold treatments, BAT adipocytes of wild-type mice are devoid of lipid droplets while those of mutants still contain lipid droplets, indicating decreased lipid utilization after fasting/cold treatment
• premature development of the lobuloalveolar compartment of the mammary gland during pregnancy
• however, serum prolactin levels are normal
• premature lactation; at day 18 of pregnancy, mammary glands of mutants are engorged with milk whereas wild-type glands are just beginning milk production and exhibit accelerated milk protein production
cardiovascular system
• absence of caveolae in microvascular endothelia (lung, heart and fat)
• gaps in the lung capillary
• absence of caveolae in microvascular endothelia (lung, heart and fat) and fat adipocyte
respiratory system
• gaps in the lung capillary