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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Giovanni Levi
Summary 6 genotypes
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Dlx5tm1Levi/Dlx5tm1Levi involves: 129P2/OlaHsd MGI:5505547
Dlx5tm1Levi/Dlx5tm1Levi involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2 MGI:3701347
Dlx5tm1Levi/Dlx5+ involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2 MGI:3701346
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd MGI:3797872
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd MGI:3797869
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2 MGI:3702326

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx5tm1Levi mutation (1 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• at E12.5, the ototcyst displays severe hypoplasia of the primordia of semicircular canals and a failure to elongate the endolymphatic duct, with a varying degree of severity
• at E13.5, the mutant cochlea shows a slight growth delay which becomes evident at E16.5
• at E16.5, the number of cochlear turns is reduced such that proper coiling is never achieved
• at E12.5, anterior and posterior canals are rarely recongizable in mildly affected mice
• in mild cases, the epithelium precursor of canals folds (with the lateral canal often identified), but canal plates never form properly and no fusion of the central plates occurs
• in severe cases, the entire canal region is reduced to a single vesicle by a thinner single-layered epithelium
• canal malformations are associated with altered patterns of apoptosis and proliferation at E11.5, and a severe reduction of Bmp4 expression within the developing otocyst
• at E12.5, a hypoplastic lateral canal is often recognized in mildly affected mice
• at E13.5, no canal-like structures are identified in severely affected mice
• at E16.5, the sensory cells of utricular maculae are sparse and disorganized
• ectopic sensory cells are also observed
• at E12.5, the utricle is enlarged and malformed in severely affected mice
• at E16.5, the utricle is fused with the remnants of canals into a single vesicle
• at E12.5, the saccule is slightly abnormal only in severely affected mice
• at E16.5, the sensory cells of saccular maculae are sparse and disorganized
• ectopic sensory cells are also observed
• at E12.5, the endolymphatic duct forms but remains shorter and broader than normal in mildly affected mice
• in severe cases, the endolymphatic duct remains rudimentary

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx5tm1Levi mutation (1 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• no homozygotes survive beyond 24 hrs after birth

• newborn homozygotes contain no milk in their stomachs
• newborn homozygotes are unable to suckle
• newborn homozygotes display reduced motility

• at birth, the palatine processes of the maxilla are reduced, esp. with respect to their posterior development, and fail to properly connect with the palatine bones
• at birth, the horizontal laminae of the palatine bones are absent, exposing the presphenoid bone in ventral view
• at birth, homozygotes display a cleft secondary palate
• at E14.5, homozygotes display a short snout
• at E14.5, homozygotes show abnormal development of head structures
• in contrast, development of limbs and axial skeleton appears unaffected
• newborn homozygotes have a bloated abdomen
• newborn homozygotes accumulate air in their stomachs and intestines

respiratory system
• at birth, the thyroid cartilage lacks its superior horns
• newborn homozygotes display gasping

• at birth, homozygotes exhibit severe defects in bones derived from the first four branchial arches that form the base and sides of the skull
• at birth, homozygotes display wide cranial sutures with multiple Wormian bones
• at birth, homozygotes display minor defects in neurocranial bones
• multiple Wormian bones are present at birth
• at E14.5, homozygotes exhibit an open fontanelle
• at birth, the basioccipital bone is elongated at the base of the skull, along the midline
• at birth, the styloid process is shorter than normal and is rotated toward the midline
• at birth, the foramen rotundum and ovalis of the alisphenoid bone is malformed, with the foramina fused to form an abnormally large opening
• at birth, the anterior part of the pterygoids is malformed
• mutant pterygoids display abnormal angles with respect to the basisphenoid bone
• the bigger horns are less affected but form an abnormal angle with the body of the hyoid bone
• at birth, the lesser horns of the hyoid are reduced and rotated from their normal angle of attachment with the central bony structure
• at birth, the mandible is malformed and shorter than normal
• at birth, the palatine processes of the maxilla are reduced, esp. with respect to their posterior development, and fail to properly connect with the palatine bones
• at birth, the horizontal laminae of the palatine bones are absent, exposing the presphenoid bone in ventral view
• at birth, the gonial bone is malformed and often fused to one or two ectopic bones not present in wild-type skulls
• ectopic bones extend from the gonial towards the pterygoid, and vary significantly in size and shape among individual mice as well as within the same individual between the left and right side
• at birth, the gonial bone is malformed and often fused to one or two ectopic bones not present in wild-type skulls
• at E14.5, a few exencephalic homozygotes lack a stapes
• however, the shape, position and articulation of middle ear ossicles is generally normal at birth
• at E14.5, exencephalic homozygotes exhibit a highly abnormal head and brain development, with more severe skull alterations than non-exencephalic homozygotes
• at birth, exencephalic homozygotes completely lack roof bones
• at E14.5, homozygotes show shortening and rotation of the Meckel's cartilage
• Meckel's cartilage is disrupted near its proximal end generating an additional joint and and leaves the malleus primordium as an individual cartilage element
• one to two additional cartilage elements are ectopically formed where the gonial and tympanic bones are expected to form
• in some cases, one of these elements is fused with the distalmost portion of the malleus
• shortening of Meckel's cartilage at E14.5
• at birth, homozygotes display a cleft secondary palate
• at E14.5, homozygotes display a short snout

nervous system
• ~12% of mutant embryos and newborn mice display exencephaly

• homozygotes exhibit increased osteocalcin expression in the periosteum, suggesting a lesion in osteoblast differentiation
• at birth, homozygotes exhibit severe defects in bones derived from the first four branchial arches that form the base and sides of the skull
• at birth, homozygotes display wide cranial sutures with multiple Wormian bones
• at E14.5, homozygotes show shortening and rotation of the Meckel's cartilage
• Meckel's cartilage is disrupted near its proximal end generating an additional joint and and leaves the malleus primordium as an individual cartilage element
• one to two additional cartilage elements are ectopically formed where the gonial and tympanic bones are expected to form
• in some cases, one of these elements is fused with the distalmost portion of the malleus
• shortening of Meckel's cartilage at E14.5
• at birth, homozygotes display minor defects in neurocranial bones
• multiple Wormian bones are present at birth
• at E14.5, homozygotes exhibit an open fontanelle
• at birth, the basioccipital bone is elongated at the base of the skull, along the midline
• at birth, the styloid process is shorter than normal and is rotated toward the midline
• at birth, the foramen rotundum and ovalis of the alisphenoid bone is malformed, with the foramina fused to form an abnormally large opening
• at birth, the anterior part of the pterygoids is malformed
• mutant pterygoids display abnormal angles with respect to the basisphenoid bone
• the bigger horns are less affected but form an abnormal angle with the body of the hyoid bone
• at birth, the lesser horns of the hyoid are reduced and rotated from their normal angle of attachment with the central bony structure
• at birth, the mandible is malformed and shorter than normal
• at birth, the palatine processes of the maxilla are reduced, esp. with respect to their posterior development, and fail to properly connect with the palatine bones
• at birth, the horizontal laminae of the palatine bones are absent, exposing the presphenoid bone in ventral view
• at birth, the gonial bone is malformed and often fused to one or two ectopic bones not present in wild-type skulls
• ectopic bones extend from the gonial towards the pterygoid, and vary significantly in size and shape among individual mice as well as within the same individual between the left and right side
• at birth, the gonial bone is malformed and often fused to one or two ectopic bones not present in wild-type skulls
• at E14.5, a few exencephalic homozygotes lack a stapes
• however, the shape, position and articulation of middle ear ossicles is generally normal at birth
• at birth, the thyroid cartilage lacks its superior horns
• at E14.5, one to two additional cartilage elements are ectopically formed at the site of interruption in Meckel's cartilage, where the gonial and tympanic bones are expected to form
• homozygotes show increased complexity of the structure of woven bone and a reduction in periosteal bone lamina
• homozygotes display delayed ossification of the parietal, interparietal and superoccipital bones, resulting in an open fontanelle and wide cranial sutures
• at birth, exencephalic homozygotes completely lack roof bones

• at birth, the gonial bone is malformed and often fused to one or two ectopic bones not present in wild-type skulls
• at E14.5, a few exencephalic homozygotes lack a stapes
• however, the shape, position and articulation of middle ear ossicles is generally normal at birth
• the anterior and posterior canals fail to develop and are fused into one single large vesicle
• at birth, the horizontal canal is reduced in size
• no crista ampullaris is identified at birth or any stage of development
• the epithelium is much thinner and consists of large flat cells
• at E10.5, the vestibulum is always reduced and severely malformed
• vestibular dysgenesis is variable among individuals and between both ears within individuals
• at birth, the vestibular portion of the otic capsule is always smaller, malformed and rotated
• at birth, the tympanic ring is always reduced, although with significant variation among individual mice

digestive/alimentary system
• at birth, the palatine processes of the maxilla are reduced, esp. with respect to their posterior development, and fail to properly connect with the palatine bones
• at birth, the horizontal laminae of the palatine bones are absent, exposing the presphenoid bone in ventral view
• at birth, homozygotes display a cleft secondary palate
• newborn homozygotes accumulate air in their stomachs and intestines

• homozygotes exhibit increased osteocalcin expression in the periosteum, suggesting a lesion in osteoblast differentiation
• at E10.5 and E11.5, homozygotes display the highest density of proliferating cells within the first branchial arch

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx5tm1Levi mutation (1 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
normal phenotype
• in contrast to Dlx5tm1.1Levi heterozygotes, these heterozygotes are viable and fertile and do not display any obvious abnormalities

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx5/Dlx6tm1Levi mutation (0 available); any Dlx6 mutation (29 available)
Dlx5tm1Levi mutation (1 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
Trp63tm1Aam mutation (0 available); any Trp63 mutation (60 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice exhibit dysmorphologies of the most proximal segments of the central phalanges
• in 2 of 3 mice the posterior fingers are missing
• all mice exhibit severe ectrodactyly in the hindlimbs with two to four fingers missing
• in one mouse
• in hind- and forelimbs

• mice exhibit dysmorphologies of the most proximal segments of the central phalanges
• in 2 of 3 mice the posterior fingers are missing

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx5/Dlx6tm1Levi mutation (0 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
Dlx5tm1Levi mutation (1 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
Trp63tm1Aam mutation (0 available); any Trp63 mutation (60 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice exhibit dysmorphologies of the most proximal segments of the central phalanges
• in 2 of 3 mice the posterior fingers are missing
• all mice exhibit severe ectrodactyly in the hindlimbs with two to four fingers missing
• in one mouse
• in hind- and forelimbs

• mice exhibit dysmorphologies of the most proximal segments of the central phalanges
• in 2 of 3 mice the posterior fingers are missing

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Dlx5tm1Levi mutation (1 available); any Dlx5 mutation (25 available)
Msx1tm1Bero mutation (1 available); any Msx1 mutation (18 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• double homozygotes die soon after delivery

• at P0, double homozygotes exhibit severe retardation of mineralized bone deposition in calvaria
• at P0, double mutant vault bones are smaller and severely perforated with irregular borders relative to those seen in either single homozygote
• at P0, double mutant fontanels appear to be open on the midline
• at P0, double homozygotes display deformed basioccipitals, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display deformed basisphenoids, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display a disorganized foramina of the ala temporalis, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display deformed pterygoids, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display deformed squamosal bones, similar to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes lack molar teeth, similar to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes lack the coronoid process, similar to single Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display a shorter and coarser jaw relative to wild-type or to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes, although not as short as in Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display a malformed malleus with no head, similar to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes
• in addition, an ectopic bone is present, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display absence of caput mallei
• at P0, double homozygotes display hypoplasia and asymmetry of the nasal capsules, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at E13.5, double homozygotes (2/2) display partly formed and elevated shelves which fail to come to contact and fuse
• at P0, double homozygotes (3/3) exhibit a mild clefting, as elevated shelves fail to fuse in the midline, indicating partial rescue of the severe Msx1-related palatal phenotype

digestive/alimentary system
• at E13.5, double homozygotes (2/2) display partly formed and elevated shelves which fail to come to contact and fuse
• at P0, double homozygotes (3/3) exhibit a mild clefting, as elevated shelves fail to fuse in the midline, indicating partial rescue of the severe Msx1-related palatal phenotype

• at P0, double homozygotes exhibit severe retardation of mineralized bone deposition in calvaria
• at P0, double mutant vault bones are smaller and severely perforated with irregular borders relative to those seen in either single homozygote
• at P0, double mutant fontanels appear to be open on the midline
• at P0, double homozygotes display deformed basioccipitals, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display deformed basisphenoids, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display a disorganized foramina of the ala temporalis, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display deformed pterygoids, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display deformed squamosal bones, similar to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes lack molar teeth, similar to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes lack the coronoid process, similar to single Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display a shorter and coarser jaw relative to wild-type or to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes, although not as short as in Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display a malformed malleus with no head, similar to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes
• in addition, an ectopic bone is present, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display absence of caput mallei
• at P0, double homozygotes display hypoplasia and asymmetry of the nasal capsules, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double hoomozygotes display delayed fore- and hindlimb ossification and a severe retardation of mineralized bone deposition in calvaria; only slight to mild delays are noted in single homozygotes

• at P0, double homozygotes display a malformed malleus with no head, similar to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes
• in addition, an ectopic bone is present, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display absence of caput mallei
• at birth, the vestibular portion of the otic capsule is always malformed, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes

respiratory system
• at P0, double homozygotes display hypoplasia and asymmetry of the nasal capsules, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes

• at P0, double homozygotes lack molar teeth, similar to Msx1tm1Bero homozygotes
• at P0, double homozygotes display hypoplasia and asymmetry of the nasal capsules, similar to Dlx5tm1Levi homozygotes
• at E13.5, double homozygotes (2/2) display partly formed and elevated shelves which fail to come to contact and fuse
• at P0, double homozygotes (3/3) exhibit a mild clefting, as elevated shelves fail to fuse in the midline, indicating partial rescue of the severe Msx1-related palatal phenotype

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