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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Francisco Sanchez-Madrid
Summary 1 genotype
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Cd69tm1Fsm/Cd69tm1Fsm involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:2662136

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
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Mouse lines carrying:
Cd69tm1Fsm mutation (0 available); any Cd69 mutation (23 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• homozygotes display normal T-cell subpopulations in thymus and periphery, with no significant differences in the process of positive and negative selection of thymocytes relative to wild-type controls
• lymphoid organs, including thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, and Peyer's patches, appear histologically normal
• mutant lymphocytes exhibit a normal proliferative response to different T-cell (e.g. anti-CD3, Con-A, and staphylococcus enterotoxin B) and B-cell specific stimuli (e.g. LPS and CD40L+ IL-4)
• no alterations are detected in the number or function of NK and cytotoxic T cells, macrophages, and granulocytes relative to wild-type controls
• homozygotes display a significant increase in the bone marrow pre-B cell subset, associated with a slight lymphocytosis
• however, no significant differences are noted in pro-B cells, as defined by CD43, BP-1, and HSA markers
• homozygotes display a moderately higher % of immature B cells (B220+int IgM+) in the bone marrow than wild-type controls
• in contrast, the mature B-cell compartment (B220bright IgM+) is not significantly altered in the bone marrow
• homozygotes display a significantly higher % of pre-B cells (i.e. B220+int IgM- and B220+int HSA+ cells) in the bone marrow than wild-type controls
• homozygotes display a slight but significant increase in the humoral immune response against T-cell-dependent and T cell-independent antigens
• homozygotes immunized with a T-cell-dependent antigen, such as DNP-KLH mixed with complete Freund's adjuvant (i.p.) or DNP-KLH in PBS (i.v.), exhibit a slight but significant increase of anti-DNP IgG2a levels relative to similarly-treated wild-type controls
• homozygotes immunized with the T-cell-independent antigen DNP-LPS exhibit a slight but significant increase of anti-DNP-LPS IgG2a levels relative to similarly-treated wild-type controls
• homozygotes immunized with the T-cell-independent antigen DNP-LPS exhibit a slight but significant increase of anti-DNP-LPS IgM levels relative to similarly-treated wild-type controls
• a slightly enhanced IgM response is noted when homozygotes are immunized with a T-cell-dependent antigen; however, the differences in antibody titers are not statistically significant

hematopoietic system
• homozygotes display a largely unaffected hematopoietic system with no differences in platelet numbers relative to wild-type controls
• homozygotes display a significant increase in the bone marrow pre-B cell subset, associated with a slight lymphocytosis
• however, no significant differences are noted in pro-B cells, as defined by CD43, BP-1, and HSA markers
• homozygotes display a moderately higher % of immature B cells (B220+int IgM+) in the bone marrow than wild-type controls
• in contrast, the mature B-cell compartment (B220bright IgM+) is not significantly altered in the bone marrow
• homozygotes display a significantly higher % of pre-B cells (i.e. B220+int IgM- and B220+int HSA+ cells) in the bone marrow than wild-type controls
• homozygotes immunized with a T-cell-dependent antigen, such as DNP-KLH mixed with complete Freund's adjuvant (i.p.) or DNP-KLH in PBS (i.v.), exhibit a slight but significant increase of anti-DNP IgG2a levels relative to similarly-treated wild-type controls
• homozygotes immunized with the T-cell-independent antigen DNP-LPS exhibit a slight but significant increase of anti-DNP-LPS IgG2a levels relative to similarly-treated wild-type controls
• homozygotes immunized with the T-cell-independent antigen DNP-LPS exhibit a slight but significant increase of anti-DNP-LPS IgM levels relative to similarly-treated wild-type controls
• a slightly enhanced IgM response is noted when homozygotes are immunized with a T-cell-dependent antigen; however, the differences in antibody titers are not statistically significant

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory