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Phenotypes associated with this allele
Allele Symbol
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targeted mutation 1, Frank Grosveld
Summary 6 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Gata3tm1Gsv/Gata3tm1Gsv either: (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6) or (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6) MGI:3695935
Gata3tm1Gsv/Gata3tm1Gsv involves: 129 MGI:5810738
Gata3tm1Gsv/Gata3tm1Gsv involves: 129 * FVB MGI:7314941
Gata3tm1Gsv/Gata3+ either: (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6) or (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6) MGI:3575665
Gata3tm1Gsv/Gata3+ FVB.129(B6)-Gata3tm1Gsv MGI:3693366
Gata3tm1Gsv/Gata3+ involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * FVB/N MGI:3693614

either: (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6) or (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6)
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Gata3tm1Gsv mutation (0 available); any Gata3 mutation (32 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygotes occasionally survive to E10.5, with a few surviving up to E13.5 (J:66227)
• homozygous embryos die between E11 and E12 as a result of noradrenalin deficiency (J:144855)
• pharmacological treatment of pregnant dams with sympathomimetic beta-adrenergic receptor agonist (L-phenylephrine, isoproterenol and ascorbic acid) from day 7.5 of gestation extends survival to E18.5 (J:144855)

• at E13.5, homozygotes exhibit a variable degree of otocyst formation, with 2 of 4 mutants found arrested at an earlier otocyst stage (E10.5)
• however, all sensory epithelia can be tentatively identified in remaining two (least severe) cases
• at E11.5, homozygotes display a much smaller invaginating otocyst relative to heterozygotes; however, the ectodermal patch of tissue anterior to the otocyst appears larger
• inner ear morphogenesis and growth is severely inhibited after initial otic vesicle formation
• at E13.5, the entire inner ear appears as an elongated cyst, with a single extension of the endolymphatic duct observed in more developmentally advanced mutants
• at E11.5, arrest of inner ear development is associated with a strong delay and reduction in Gata2 expression (J:93820)
• homozygotes display a severe reduction of cochlear sensory neuron formation
• at E13.5, developmentally advanced homozygotes display a cochlea with a single ventral extension rather than one turn , suggesting reduced cochlear outgrowth
• at E13.5, the common crus of the anterior and posterior canal is absent
• at E13.5, the three semicircular canals are absent
• at E13.5, no utricular recess is formed
• at E13.5, no saccular recess is formed
• at E13.5, less severely affected homozygotes display a single recess coming out of the otocyst, which is interpreted as the endolymphatic duct

nervous system
• homozygotes exhibit abnormal axonal navigation of the inner ear efferent neurons
• homozygotes display aberrant inner ear efferent axonal projections, such as projections of fibers through the facial branchial motor nerve root, and caudal extension of efferent axons along the floor plate midline into r5 and occasionally into r6, not seen in wild-type littermates

• at E11.5, the lower part of the face is hypoplastic
• at E13.5, the entire inner ear appears as an elongated cyst, with a single extension of the endolymphatic duct observed in more developmentally advanced mutants

• at E10.5, the first and the second arch arteries have not degenerated, unlike in wild-type embryos; most caudal (3rd, 4th, and 6th) arch arteries have not been developed
• at E10.5, the first arch arteries have not degenerated, unlike in wild-type embryos
• at E10.5, the second arch arteries have not degenerated, unlike in wild-type embryos
• at E10.5, the first branchial arch is not segregated into the maxillary and mandibular component
• at E11.5, branchial arches are hypoplastic

cardiovascular system
• at E10.5, the first and the second arch arteries have not degenerated, unlike in wild-type embryos; most caudal (3rd, 4th, and 6th) arch arteries have not been developed
• at E10.5, the first arch arteries have not degenerated, unlike in wild-type embryos
• at E10.5, the second arch arteries have not degenerated, unlike in wild-type embryos
• at E15.5, seven of 9 hearts exhibit anomalies of aortic arches (IAA and HAA)
• at E15.5, one of 9 hearts exhibit a higher located aortic arch (HAA)
• at E15.5, six of 9 hearts show an interrupted aortic arch (IAA)
• at E9.5, the distal part of OFT (truncus arteriosus) is already shortened, and the area/intensity of expression of the OFT myocardium marker Wnt11 is significantly reduced
• OFT remains truncated up to E11.5, causing inadequate rotation of truncus arteriosus during looping stages
• at E11.5, the OFT is positioned more cranially relative to the intestinal tract
• at E15.5, seven of 9 pharmacologically-treated, longer surviving embryos exhibit severe heart malformations
• at E9.5, an abnormality is already detected in the arterial pole of the heart tube
• at E11.5, the endocardial ridges are NOT coiled, unlike in wild-type controls where the ridges are coiled counterclockwise around each other for about a half of turn
• at E15.5, seven of 9 hearts display DORV or the shift of left OFT to the right
• sections through E11.5 OFT show that ridges have not formed a spiral septum
• at E15.5, one of 9 hearts shows persistent truncus arteriosus (PTA)
• at E15.5, seven of 9 hearts show a VSD
• at E13.5, pharmacologically-treated, longer surviving embryos exhibit body surface hemorrhage, even after gentle manipulation

• at E10.5, the first and the second arch arteries have not degenerated, unlike in wild-type embryos; most caudal (3rd, 4th, and 6th) arch arteries have not been developed
• at E10.5, the first arch arteries have not degenerated, unlike in wild-type embryos
• at E10.5, the second arch arteries have not degenerated, unlike in wild-type embryos
• at E13.5, pharmacologically-treated longer surviving embryos exhibit an underdeveloped mandibula
• at E10.5, the first branchial arch is not segregated into the maxillary and mandibular component
• at E11.5, branchial arches are hypoplastic
• at E11.5, the lower part of the face is hypoplastic

respiratory system
• at E11.5, the pharynx is located at the level of OFT where the esophagus and trachea are normally situated

• at E13.5, pharmacologically-treated longer surviving embryos exhibit an underdeveloped mandibula

• homozygotes exhibit abnormal axonal navigation of the inner ear efferent neurons

involves: 129
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Gata3tm1Gsv mutation (0 available); any Gata3 mutation (32 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• at E18.5, embryos which have been pharmacologically rescued by in utero catecholamine treatment show a pyloric sphincter constriction that is 49% wider than that in wild-type controls
• however, positioning of the epithelial pyloric border is normal at E18.5
• at E16.5, the shape of the dorsal inner circular muscle (ICM) is altered, secondary to the loss of the outer longitudinal muscle (OLM)
• pharmacologically rescued embryos display a nearly complete absence of alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA)-positive cells in the dorsal pyloric OLM fascicle by E16.5
• however, no overt pyloric abnormalities are detected at E14.5

digestive/alimentary system
• at E18.5, embryos which have been pharmacologically rescued by in utero catecholamine treatment show a pyloric sphincter constriction that is 49% wider than that in wild-type controls
• however, positioning of the epithelial pyloric border is normal at E18.5
• at E16.5, the shape of the dorsal inner circular muscle (ICM) is altered, secondary to the loss of the outer longitudinal muscle (OLM)
• pharmacologically rescued embryos display a nearly complete absence of alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA)-positive cells in the dorsal pyloric OLM fascicle by E16.5
• however, no overt pyloric abnormalities are detected at E14.5

involves: 129 * FVB
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Gata3tm1Gsv mutation (0 available); any Gata3 mutation (32 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• survival is extended past E13.5 to E18.5 by treatment of pregnant dams with isoproterenol and phenylephrine

• dysmorphic at E16.5
• at E13.5 there is a gap in the left Meckel's cartilage of varying length with the symphysis curved downward
• at E13.5 there is also a smaller gap in the right Meckel's cartilage
• narrow jaw region at E18.5
• amount of proximal craniofacial bone present is asymmetric
• at E16.5 mandible and maxilla skew to the left side
• upper and lower molar development appears to arrest at the early bud stage
• mandibular condyles are absent
• at E18.5 most of the proximal mandible is missing
• evident at E16.5
• at E18.5 most of the proximal maxilla is missing
• at E16.5 the maxilla is present but hypoplastic
• at E18.5
• the distal mandible is fused to the maxilla
• the jugal bone fails to extend posteriorly at E16.5, instead extending caudally and fusing with the mandible
• at E13.5 palatal shelves are not apparent suggesting a delay in development
• decrease in the number of mesenchymal cells at E9.5
• asymmetric reduction in proximal craniofacial bone resembles microsomia
• at E18.5
• distal microstomia is seen as early as E13.5
• the distal oral cavity is almost completely closed with oral ectoderm at E16.5
• the right palatal shelf is not elevated and the left shelf is absent
• hypoplastic with disorganized connective tissue and muscle fibers

• expression analysis indicates that a subset of neural crest cells either fail to reach the arches or have disrupted expression patterns

nervous system
• most of the maxillary branch is absent
• abnormal branching

• expression analysis indicates that a subset of neural crest cells either fail to reach the arches or have disrupted expression patterns
• decrease in the number of mesenchymal cells at E9.5


digestive/alimentary system
• at E13.5 palatal shelves are not apparent suggesting a delay in development
• the right palatal shelf is not elevated and the left shelf is absent
• hypoplastic with disorganized connective tissue and muscle fibers

• upper and lower molar development appears to arrest at the early bud stage
• at E13.5 palatal shelves are not apparent suggesting a delay in development
• asymmetric reduction in proximal craniofacial bone resembles microsomia
• at E18.5
• distal microstomia is seen as early as E13.5
• the distal oral cavity is almost completely closed with oral ectoderm at E16.5
• the right palatal shelf is not elevated and the left shelf is absent
• hypoplastic with disorganized connective tissue and muscle fibers

• dysmorphic at E16.5
• at E13.5 there is a gap in the left Meckel's cartilage of varying length with the symphysis curved downward
• at E13.5 there is also a smaller gap in the right Meckel's cartilage
• narrow jaw region at E18.5
• amount of proximal craniofacial bone present is asymmetric
• at E16.5 mandible and maxilla skew to the left side
• upper and lower molar development appears to arrest at the early bud stage
• mandibular condyles are absent
• at E18.5 most of the proximal mandible is missing
• evident at E16.5
• at E18.5 most of the proximal maxilla is missing
• at E16.5 the maxilla is present but hypoplastic
• at E18.5
• the distal mandible is fused to the maxilla
• the jugal bone fails to extend posteriorly at E16.5, instead extending caudally and fusing with the mandible

either: (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6) or (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6)
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Gata3tm1Gsv mutation (0 available); any Gata3 mutation (32 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• heterozygotes exhibit abnormal axonal navigation of the inner ear efferent neurons
• heterozygotes display aberrant inner ear efferent axonal projections, such as projections of fibers through the facial branchial motor nerve root, and caudal extension of efferent axons along the floor plate midline into r5 and occasionally into r6, not seen in wild-type littermates

• heterozygotes exhibit abnormal axonal navigation of the inner ear efferent neurons

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Gata3tm1Gsv mutation (0 available); any Gata3 mutation (32 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• at 1 month, heterozygotes show increased vacuolization of OHCs that otherwise appear normal
• irregularly shaped vacuoles are present throughout OHCs, whereas when present in wild-type, they are primarily found in the apical region
• at 1 month, heterozygotes exhibit an increased number of vacuoles only in the first OHC row
• by 2 months, heterozygotes show an increased number of vacuoles in all three OHC rows in apical regions, with no significant differences in mid-cochlear regions relative to wild-type mice
• however, no signs of OHC apoptosis i.e. pyknotic nuclei or abnormal mitochondria are observed
• at 1 month of age, heterozygotes exhibit an earlier and significantly greater progressive loss of apical cochlear OHCs relative to wild-type mice, with comparable OHC loss noted in the basal turn
• by 9 months, nearly all mutant OHCs are lost, while wild-type OHCs are still only affected at the base of the cochlea
• at 1-7 months, heterozygotes exhibit rapid deteropration of signal-to-noise ratios of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs)
• by 7 months, signal-to-noise ratios of DPOAEs are essentially equivalent to zero dB, indicating OHC dysfunction

nervous system
• at 1 month, heterozygotes show increased vacuolization of OHCs that otherwise appear normal
• irregularly shaped vacuoles are present throughout OHCs, whereas when present in wild-type, they are primarily found in the apical region
• at 1 month, heterozygotes exhibit an increased number of vacuoles only in the first OHC row
• by 2 months, heterozygotes show an increased number of vacuoles in all three OHC rows in apical regions, with no significant differences in mid-cochlear regions relative to wild-type mice
• however, no signs of OHC apoptosis i.e. pyknotic nuclei or abnormal mitochondria are observed
• at 1 month of age, heterozygotes exhibit an earlier and significantly greater progressive loss of apical cochlear OHCs relative to wild-type mice, with comparable OHC loss noted in the basal turn
• by 9 months, nearly all mutant OHCs are lost, while wild-type OHCs are still only affected at the base of the cochlea

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
hypoparathyroidism-deafness-renal disease syndrome DOID:0060878 OMIM:146255

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * FVB/N
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Gata3tm1Gsv mutation (0 available); any Gata3 mutation (32 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• at 2, 9, and 15 months, heterozygotes show an earlier and greater loss of OHCs, IHCs, and nerve fibers than wild-type mice
• HC loss initiates at the apex and ultimately progresses into the sensory epithelia in middle cochlear turns
• by 9 months, heterozygotes show significant IHC loss at both the apical and basal turns of the cochlea
• at 1 month, heterozygotes show partial but progressive loss of OHCs and, to a lesser extent, of their auditory nerve fibers at the apex
• at 2 months, only remnants of the three OHC rows are detected
• by 9 months, all mutant OHCs are lost, while wild-type OHCs are only affected at the base of the cochlea
• at 2, 9, and 15 months, heterozygotes show an earlier and greater loss of pillar cells than wild-type mice
• by 15 months, pillar cells are almost completely lost
• by 15 months, supporting cells of the organ of Corti are almost completely degenerated
• by 15 months, the heterozygous organ of Corti is almost completely degenerated
• at 1-19 months, alert heterozygotes exhibit a significant ABR threshold elevation of ~30 dB at virtually all frequencies (4, 8, 16 and 32 kHz) and all ages tested
• at stimulus levels of 80 SPL or higher that are at least 30 dB above threshold levels, heterozygotes show no differences in ABR peak I-V latencies, corrected for tonotopic effects, relative to wild-type mice
• interpeak latencies are shorterned by ~0.3 ms during the first 100 days in both wild-type and mutant mice
• neither physiological nor morphological abnormalities are detected in the brainstem, cerebral cortex, the outer or the middle ear
• at 1-19 months, heterozygotes display sensorineural hearing loss of peripheral origin, similar to HDR patients

nervous system
• at 2, 9, and 15 months, heterozygotes show an earlier and greater loss of OHCs, IHCs, and nerve fibers than wild-type mice
• HC loss initiates at the apex and ultimately progresses into the sensory epithelia in middle cochlear turns
• by 9 months, heterozygotes show significant IHC loss at both the apical and basal turns of the cochlea
• at 1 month, heterozygotes show partial but progressive loss of OHCs and, to a lesser extent, of their auditory nerve fibers at the apex
• at 2 months, only remnants of the three OHC rows are detected
• by 9 months, all mutant OHCs are lost, while wild-type OHCs are only affected at the base of the cochlea

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
hypoparathyroidism-deafness-renal disease syndrome DOID:0060878 OMIM:146255

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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