Phenotypes associated with this allele
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Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptger2tm2Bhk mutation
(0 available);
Ptger2 mutation
(31 available)
cardiovascular system
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• at 5 months of age, male homozygotes show no significant differences mean arterial blood pressure relative to wild-type controls
renal/urinary system
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• at 5 months of age, male homozygotes show no significant differences in kidney weight or baseline renal hemodynamics, as shown by normal resting renal blood flow (RBF) and renal vascular resistance (RVR) relative to wild-type controls
• after local PGE2 (500 ng) injection into the renal artery, male homozygotes display a similar degree of renal vasodilation as wild-type controls, with a comparable maximum increase in RBF (60-80 s)
Find Mice |
Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptger2tm2Bhk mutation
(0 available);
Ptger2 mutation
(31 available)
reproductive system
• after 12 weeks of mating, only 18% of mutant females achieve pregnancy and deliver litters, compared with 93% of wild-type females
• in contrast, mutant males remain fully fertile
• when mutant females do become pregnant, they deliver smaller litters than wild-type mice
• mutant females exhibit significantly reduced fertilization rates in the absence of an intrinsic ovum defect, as in vitro fertilization rates of mutant and wild-type ova are comparable
• impaired fertilization is not associated with hemodynamic changes (i.e. reduced blood pressure)
cardiovascular system
• on a normal diet (0.4% NaCl), conscious 3-4-mo-old females exhibit a 13 mmHg reduction in resting systolic blood pressure relative to wild-type mice
• hypotension can be partially overcome by increased dietary salt (6% NaCl)
• notably, plasma sodium levels and urinary PGE2 excretion remain unaffected
immune system
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• at day 10, homozygotes show no significant differences in the course or severity of collagen antibody-induced rheumatoid arthritis relative to their respective genetic wild-type controls, based on paw swelling/redness and joint ankylosis