reproductive system
• only a few elongating spermatids survive stage 7, due to massive apoptosis of round spermatids at this stage
• rare surviving cells degenerate and never progress beyond stage 13
• the seminal fluid of male homozygotes lacks mature spermatozoa
• no mature spermatozoa are detected in the seminiferous tubules or epididymis
• round spermatids undergo massive apoptosis at stage 7, as revealed by TUNEL staining
• mutant seminiferous tubules are devoid of mature spermatozoa
• however, mutant tubules are of normal size and contain a normal number of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and round spermatids, with no significant changes in the size, shape or location of Leydig and Sertoli cells relative to wild-type
small testis
• mutant testes are significantly smaller than wild-type testes
• in 50% of male homozygotes, round spermatids are arrested at step 7 and fail to progress into elongated spermatids due to apoptosis
• in the remaining 50%, rare degenerating elongated spermatids fail to progress beyong stage 13
• arrest of spermiogenesis is associated with a severe reduction or absence of expression of several germ cell-specific genes that normally initiates in step 5-6 round spermatids
• male homozygotes are completely sterile
• in constrast, female homozygotes are fertile
endocrine/exocrine glands
• mutant seminiferous tubules are devoid of mature spermatozoa
• however, mutant tubules are of normal size and contain a normal number of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and round spermatids, with no significant changes in the size, shape or location of Leydig and Sertoli cells relative to wild-type
small testis
• mutant testes are significantly smaller than wild-type testes
• only a few elongating spermatids survive stage 7, due to massive apoptosis of round spermatids at this stage
• rare surviving cells degenerate and never progress beyond stage 13
• the seminal fluid of male homozygotes lacks mature spermatozoa
• no mature spermatozoa are detected in the seminiferous tubules or epididymis
• round spermatids undergo massive apoptosis at stage 7, as revealed by TUNEL staining