• one third of homozygous embryos survive to birth but then die within the first four days after birth
• development is normal to E9.5
• about two thirds of homozygotes die between E10 and E12
• remaining embryos normal
• heart is not beating in about 20% of E10.5 embryos
• about 50% were smaller than littermate controls
• floor plate of neural tube is absent in mice destined to die by E11.5
• in 50% of mice destined to die by E11.5
• primary vascular plexus less complex and with less branching than controls
• some dilation of blood vessels observed
• confirmed in mice carrying the Tg(TIE2-lacZ)182Sato/0 transgene
• fewer fetal blood vessels or absence of such vessels
• allantoic and fetal placental blood sinuses frequently dilated and filled with fetal red blood cells
• less vascularized than controls
• fewer fetal blood vessels penetrate the layer and sponge-like vascular network missing
• labyrinthine zone of placenta dramatically reduced in thickness
pale yolk sac
• 5 of 41 viable homozygous embryos show abnormally loose allantois-chorion connections at E10.5
cardiovascular system
• endothelial cells of blood vessels are hyperproliferative
• capillaries fail to penetrate the neuroepithelium from the perineural plexus in embryos that fail to survive to birth
• mice that survive have grossly normal capillaries at E11.5 but hemorrhaging occurs
• capillaries are present as aggregates forming complex structures
• fewer fetal blood vessels or absence of such vessels
• allantoic and fetal placental blood sinuses frequently dilated and filled with fetal red blood cells
• less vascularized than controls
• fewer fetal blood vessels penetrate the layer and sponge-like vascular network missing
• failure of capillary vesseles to penetrate very far into the neuroepithelium
• branching defect but original vasculogenesis is normal
• confirmed in mice carrying the Tg(TIE2-lacZ)182Sato/0 transgene
• primary vascular plexus less complex and with less branching than controls
• some dilation of blood vessels observed
• confirmed in mice carrying the Tg(TIE2-lacZ)182Sato/0 transgene
• in embryos destined to die by E11.5
• ventricles less vascularized
• pericardial cavity often dilated
• in embryos surviving to birth hemorrhage first appears at E12.5 in ganglionic eminence
• spreads to diencephalons, then cortex and mantle layers of hindbrain
nervous system
• in embryos surviving to birth hemorrhage first appears at E12.5 in ganglionic eminence
• spreads to diencephalons, then cortex and mantle layers of hindbrain
• radial glial cells in neuroepithelium become poorly aligned between E10.5 and E12.5
• floor plate of neural tube is absent in mice destined to die by E11.5
• seen in mice that survive to birth
• in mice surviving to birth, bilateral cavitation is found in subventricular areas surrounding all four ventricles by E11.5
cleft palate
• about 10% of embryos that survive past E11.5 display cleft palate
• about 50% were smaller than littermate controls
cleft palate
• about 10% of embryos that survive past E11.5 display cleft palate
digestive/alimentary system
cleft palate
• about 10% of embryos that survive past E11.5 display cleft palate
• radial glial cells in neuroepithelium become poorly aligned between E10.5 and E12.5
• discontinuous expression of fibronectin and laminin at E14.5 indicates abnormalities in the basement membranes of brain capillaries
• no failure of assembly