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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Laboratory of Mammalian Genes and Development, Heiner Westphal
Summary 3 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Lhx8tm1Lmgd/Lhx8tm1Lmgd involves: 129 * C57BL/6 MGI:7259871
Lhx8tm1Lmgd/Lhx8tm1Lmgd involves: 129S1/Sv * 129S6/SvEvTac * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:7259843
Lhx8tm1Lmgd/Lhx8tm1Lmgd involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:3040868

involves: 129 * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lhx8tm1Lmgd mutation (0 available); any Lhx8 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• failure of DNA repair triggers massive female germ cell autophagy causing premature depletion of the ovarian reserve
• although mice are born alive at the expected Mendelian ratio, only 37%, 18%, and 6% of born mice reach P7, P14, and P21, respectively

reproductive system
• a sharp decline in female germ cell number is first observed by P0, when ~40% of germ cells in the ovary are lost
• at P7, only rare germ cells remain, mostly localized in the cortical region of the ovary
• oocyte loss occurs primarily via autophagy, initially activated around P0 (as shown by upregulation of autophagic factors) and becoming severe at P7
• however, germ cell numbers are normal at 13.5, 15.5, 17.5 dpc
• by P7, virtually all oocytes are undergoing autophagic degeneration
• at P7, an increased but still limited number of TUNEL-positive germ cells are found in the ovaries
• however, percentage of TUNEL-positive germ cells in the ovaries is normal from 13.5 dpc to P0
• at P0 and increasingly at P7, ovaries exhibit signs of fibrosis as germ cells are replaced by thick sheets of collagen; extracellular matrix proteins fill the space previously occupied by follicles
• failure of DNA repair triggers massive female germ cell autophagy causing premature depletion of the ovarian reserve

• a sharp decline in female germ cell number is first observed by P0, when ~40% of germ cells in the ovary are lost
• at P7, only rare germ cells remain, mostly localized in the cortical region of the ovary
• oocyte loss occurs primarily via autophagy, initially activated around P0 (as shown by upregulation of autophagic factors) and becoming severe at P7
• however, germ cell numbers are normal at 13.5, 15.5, 17.5 dpc
• by P7, virtually all oocytes are undergoing autophagic degeneration
• increased autophagy involving mitochondria is observed
• at P2, some oocytes stain positive for autophagic markers ATG7, BECN1, and LC3B, indicating signs of autophagy activation
• at P7, virtually all remaining germ cells stain positive for autophagy markers ATG7 and BECN1
• an increased conversion of LC3B from the soluble form (LC3B-I) into the membrane-bound form (LC3B-II) is seen in P7 ovaries, consistent with increased autophagy and formation of autophagosomes
• EM of P7 oocytes showed varying degrees of autophagy, ranging from a few autophagic vacuoles to cytoplasm completely filled with autolysosomes but no signs of apoptosis
• a few autophagic oocytes are first observed at 17.5 dpc
• no signs of autophagy are seen in somatic cells of the ovary
• at P7, an increased but still limited number of TUNEL-positive germ cells are found in the ovaries
• however, percentage of TUNEL-positive germ cells in the ovaries is normal from 13.5 dpc to P0
• oocytes fail to repair DNA damage which normally occurs when meiosis is initiated during embryonic development, and DNA damage repair genes are downregulated throughout the oocyte short lifespan
• at 17.5 dpc, but not at 13.5 or 15.5 dpc, ovaries show a severe reduction in phospho-gamma H2A.X positivity, consistent with reduced or defective DNA damage recognition and repair
• despite normal progression of meiosis, CHEK1 protein expression is downregulated at 13.5, 15.5, and 17.5 dpc

• increased autophagy involving mitochondria is observed
• at P2, some oocytes stain positive for autophagic markers ATG7, BECN1, and LC3B, indicating signs of autophagy activation
• at P7, virtually all remaining germ cells stain positive for autophagy markers ATG7 and BECN1
• an increased conversion of LC3B from the soluble form (LC3B-I) into the membrane-bound form (LC3B-II) is seen in P7 ovaries, consistent with increased autophagy and formation of autophagosomes
• EM of P7 oocytes showed varying degrees of autophagy, ranging from a few autophagic vacuoles to cytoplasm completely filled with autolysosomes but no signs of apoptosis
• a few autophagic oocytes are first observed at 17.5 dpc
• no signs of autophagy are seen in somatic cells of the ovary
• oocytes fail to repair DNA damage which normally occurs when meiosis is initiated during embryonic development, and DNA damage repair genes are downregulated throughout the oocyte short lifespan
• at 17.5 dpc, but not at 13.5 or 15.5 dpc, ovaries show a severe reduction in phospho-gamma H2A.X positivity, consistent with reduced or defective DNA damage recognition and repair
• despite normal progression of meiosis, CHEK1 protein expression is downregulated at 13.5, 15.5, and 17.5 dpc

endocrine/exocrine glands
• at P7, an increased but still limited number of TUNEL-positive germ cells are found in the ovaries
• however, percentage of TUNEL-positive germ cells in the ovaries is normal from 13.5 dpc to P0
• at P0 and increasingly at P7, ovaries exhibit signs of fibrosis as germ cells are replaced by thick sheets of collagen; extracellular matrix proteins fill the space previously occupied by follicles
• failure of DNA repair triggers massive female germ cell autophagy causing premature depletion of the ovarian reserve

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129S6/SvEvTac * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lhx8tm1Lmgd mutation (0 available); any Lhx8 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
reproductive system
• adult male mice are fertile, produce normal litter sizes, and show normal testis size, morphology and histology relative to wild-type males
• very few oocytes remain at P7; rapid loss of oocytes may partly be due to >7-fold downregulation of prosurvival factor Kit and its ligand Kitl in the newborn ovary
• however, number of oocytes is normal in the newborn ovary
• adult ovaries contain no oocytes
• at P7, ovaries contain very few oocytes and most follicles are degenerating
• number of primordial follicles is significantly reduced in the newborn ovary
• no primordial follicles are found at P7
• adult ovaries contain no follicles
• transition from primordial to growing follicles does not occur
• ovaries are atrophic at 10 weeks of age
• however, newborn ovaries are grossly normal in morphology and histology
• uterine horns are atrophic at 10 weeks of age
• all females are infertile

• very few oocytes remain at P7; rapid loss of oocytes may partly be due to >7-fold downregulation of prosurvival factor Kit and its ligand Kitl in the newborn ovary
• however, number of oocytes is normal in the newborn ovary
• adult ovaries contain no oocytes
• at P7, ovaries contain very few oocytes and most follicles are degenerating

endocrine/exocrine glands
• number of primordial follicles is significantly reduced in the newborn ovary
• no primordial follicles are found at P7
• adult ovaries contain no follicles
• transition from primordial to growing follicles does not occur
• ovaries are atrophic at 10 weeks of age
• however, newborn ovaries are grossly normal in morphology and histology

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lhx8tm1Lmgd mutation (0 available); any Lhx8 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

H&E staining of coronal palatal region sections of Lhx8tm1Lmgd/Lhx8tm1Lmgd and wild-type embryos

• genotyping of animals that survived after weaning showed that only 8.7% were homozygous null mutants
• at birth, homozygous null mice were viable and appeared grossly normal; however, approximately 47% of them died within 24 hours after birth

• at E16.5, development of other oral structures, including the mandible, the tongue, the molar teeth, the incisor teeth, and the Meckel's cartilage, all appeared normal in homozygous null embryos
• skeletal staining of the homozygous null skull revealed that initial formation and elevation of the palatal shelves proceeded properly
• however, the palatal bones in the homozygous mutant animals often failed to extend toward the midline at the base of the skull and fuse properly, resulting in a cleft of the palate
• at E18.5, 60% of homozygous null mutants displayed a cleft secondary palate
• all homozygous null mice that died after birth had a complete cleft of the secondary palate; in contrast, the secondary palate in homozygous null mice that survived appeared normal

nervous system
• basal telencephalic cholinergic neurons were born but failed to differentiate properly in homozygous null mice
• adult homozygous null mice lacked multiple types of telencephalic cholinergic neurons, including hippocampal and cortical projection neurons in the septum and nucleus basalis, respectively, and local circuit neurons in the striatum
• in addition, the number of cholinergic neurons was decreased in areas of the subcortical forebrain, including the caudate-putamen, medial septal nucleus, nucleus of the diagonal band, and magnocellular preoptic nucleus
• although mutants failed to generate most of the cholinergic neurons in the basal telencephalon, some subsets were still produced e.g. the cholinergic interneurons in the ventral striatum (e.g. the nucleus accumbens) and the parvocellular component of the cholinergic magnocellular preoptic nucleus

digestive/alimentary system
• skeletal staining of the homozygous null skull revealed that initial formation and elevation of the palatal shelves proceeded properly
• however, the palatal bones in the homozygous mutant animals often failed to extend toward the midline at the base of the skull and fuse properly, resulting in a cleft of the palate
• at E18.5, 60% of homozygous null mutants displayed a cleft secondary palate
• all homozygous null mice that died after birth had a complete cleft of the secondary palate; in contrast, the secondary palate in homozygous null mice that survived appeared normal

• skeletal staining of the homozygous null skull revealed that initial formation and elevation of the palatal shelves proceeded properly
• however, the palatal bones in the homozygous mutant animals often failed to extend toward the midline at the base of the skull and fuse properly, resulting in a cleft of the palate
• at E18.5, 60% of homozygous null mutants displayed a cleft secondary palate
• all homozygous null mice that died after birth had a complete cleft of the secondary palate; in contrast, the secondary palate in homozygous null mice that survived appeared normal

reproductive system
• P0 ovaries show significant downregulation of oogenesis-related genes including genes involved in in early folliculogenesis (Figla, Nobox, Lhx8, Sohlh2, Kit, Ybx2, Gdf9, Jag1, Jag2); however, no downregulation of Sohlh1 or Taf4b is observed
• FIGLA protein is undetectable in oocytes while the abundance of SOHLH2, NOBOX and KIT proteins is severely reduced in oocytes at P0

• P0 ovaries show significant downregulation of oogenesis-related genes including genes involved in in early folliculogenesis (Figla, Nobox, Lhx8, Sohlh2, Kit, Ybx2, Gdf9, Jag1, Jag2); however, no downregulation of Sohlh1 or Taf4b is observed
• FIGLA protein is undetectable in oocytes while the abundance of SOHLH2, NOBOX and KIT proteins is severely reduced in oocytes at P0

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory