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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Francis J Castellino
Summary 4 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Proctm1Fjc/Proctm1Fjc involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * Swiss MGI:2669271
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:3665568
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:4839937
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:4839992

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * Swiss
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Mouse lines carrying:
Proctm1Fjc mutation (0 available); any Proc mutation (38 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• most homozygotes (8 of 12) are stillborn in the absence of macroscopic abnormalities
• the rest are severely bruised in the head and die within a few hours of birth
• homozygotes delivered by Cesarean section are macroscopically normal but die within 24 hrs of birth

• homozygotes display severe perinatal consumptive coagulopathy in the brain and liver
• at E17.5, mutant embryos show normal organ and blood vessel development, but exhibit scattered microvascular thrombosis in the telencephalic region of the brain; early signs of thrombosis are first evident at E12.5 and progress thereafter
• at E17.5 or later, hemostatic brain abnormalities are variable and range from minimal clotting and no bleeding to widespread fibrin deposition in the brain with severe bleeding events in the forebrain near the lateral ventricles
• late stage embryos (>E17.5) and newborn homozygotes display occasional clotting in the heart
• late stage embryos (>E17.5) and newborn homozygotes display occasional clotting in the lungs

liver/biliary system
• in severe cases, infiltrating leukocytes are observed in the liver interstitia
• at E17.5, mutant embryos display focal necrosis in the liver
• newborn homozygotes exhibit advanced hepatic tissue necrosis with depletion of red blood cells and increased levels of fibrin(ogen) deposition
• in severe cases, loss of hepatocytes and deterioration of the extracellular matrix are observed
• at E17.5, most mutant embryos display increased interstitial fibrin in all liver lobes
• fibrin deposition in the liver is first evident but minimal at E12.5 and progresses thereafter

cardiovascular system
• 4 of 12 homozygotes born naturally exhibit severe bruising in the head region (subdural space and brain)
• newborn homozygotes exhibit extensive brain necrosis with secondary edema and severe bleeding near the brain lateral ventricles, close to sites of fibrin deposition; as a result, intracranial pressures are increased
• dural vessels are significantly dilated but show no signs of bleeding

• homozygotes delivered by Cesarean section are cared for by the foster mother but fail to nurse

immune system
• in severe cases, infiltrating leukocytes are observed in the liver interstitia
• at E17.5, most mutant embryos display increased interstitial fibrin(ogen) deposition in the liver, which becomes pronounced at birth; fibrin deposition in the liver is first evident but minimal at E12.5
• newborn homozygotes exhibit notable fibrin(ogen) deposition in the brain microvasculature; a small degree of fibrin deposition is first noted in the telencephalon at E12.5-E14.5 near sites of thrombosis
• traces of fibrin deposition are also observed in the glomeruli and tubuli of neonatal kidneys
• homozygotes show absence of plasma clottable fibrinogen both at E17.5 and neonatally, indicating fibrinogen depletion due to consumptive coagulopathy

nervous system
• newborn homozygotes exhibit extensive brain necrosis with secondary edema and severe bleeding near the brain lateral ventricles, close to sites of fibrin deposition; as a result, intracranial pressures are increased
• dural vessels are significantly dilated but show no signs of bleeding

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
F11tm1Gjb mutation (1 available); any F11 mutation (55 available)
Proctm1Fjc mutation (0 available); any Proc mutation (38 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• animals surviving neonatal period either died or were euthanized between 13 and 94 days of age
• oldest survivor euthanized at 94 days of age with severe inflammation, edema, and gangrene in extremities
• only 8 double homozygotes survived neonatal lethality due to coagulopathy typical of Proctm1Fjc homozygosity



respiratory system
• consolidation
• hemorrhage
• fibroblast infiltration of alveolar space
• degeneration of peritracheal muscle and fat
• hemorrhagic lesions
• acute and chronic inflammation
• perivascular lymph vessels are distended

cardiovascular system
• arterial neointimal formation
• myocardial degeneration
• multifocal vacuolization and necrosis
• in atria
• ventricular infarction
• atrial clotting
• significant amounts of lymphatic fluid sometimes accumulate in the thorax
• in various internal organs and leg muscles
• in bladder at E17.5
• hemorrhagic lesions
• in the brain and skull plate
• hemorrhage beneath the skull plate seen at E17.5
• hemorrhagic cysts often seen at the edges of the liver
• enlarged lymph nodes with areas of hemorrhage

immune system
• significant amounts of lymphatic fluid sometimes accumulate in the thorax
• enlarged lymph nodes with areas of hemorrhage
• hypersegmentation
• areas of atrophy and edema
• with areas of hemorrhage
• acute and chronic inflammation
• perivascular lymph vessels are distended

hematopoietic system
• Howell-Jolly bodies sometimes seen
• hypersegmentation

• near truncus pulmonalis
• occasionally see significant thrombi in the larger blood vessels
• intravascular thrombosis in liver

liver/biliary system
• hemorrhagic cysts often seen at the edges of the liver
• areas of hyperplasia, mineralization and hemorrhage
• seen to varying degrees at E17.5
• fibrotic tissue often seen on edges of the liver

nervous system
• in the brain and skull plate
• hemorrhage beneath the skull plate seen at E17.5

• myocardial degeneration
• multifocal vacuolization and necrosis

• gangrene seen in the extremities (nose, tail and paws) of oldest survivor euthanized at 94 days of age with severe inflammation and edema

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
F7tm1Pec mutation (0 available); any F7 mutation (28 available)
Proctm1Fjc mutation (0 available); any Proc mutation (38 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Hemorrhage and edema in F7tm1Pec/F7tm1Pec Proctm1Fjc/Proctm1Fjc mice

• genotyping analysis indicated that, at E17.5 dpc, double homozygous mutant embryos were present at the expected Mendelian frequency; however, double homozygous mutant neonates died immediately after birth

cardiovascular system
• fibrin deposition is observed at E12.5
• all E14.5 dpc double mutant embryos displayed extensive peripheral and internal bleeding and fibrin deposition, with concomitant anemia
• at E14.5 and E17.5, yolk sac development and blood flow generally appeared normal; however, one out of five embryos studied showed blood pools within the amniotic sac
• at E14.5, fibrin deposition, hemorrhage, and tissue degradation was observed in the brain, along the spine, and in the liver; blood could not be collected by intracardiac puncture due to massive hemorrhaging
• at E17.5 dpc, four of five embryos were alive, but displayed severe edema, anemia, subcutaneous bleeding at the joints, and peripheral bleeding, as well as necrosis around the nasal area; no hemorrhage was observed in the mutant placenta
• at E17.5, fibrotic patches were observed in the liver, and variable bleeding and necrosis was found in the brain; in one case, bleeding was also evident in the stomach and intestinal tract
• at E17.5, the ventricles were anemic, and the atria were clotted displaying abnormal collagen invasion in the internal atrial tissue
• at E17.5, interstitial fibrin deposition was also seen in areas surrounding fibrotic lesions
• In contrast to the E14.5 dpc and E17.5 dpc time points, E12.5 dpc double homozygous mutant embryos appeared developmentally normal, with no obvious external bleeding anomalies; however, fibrin deposition, in the absence of hemorrhage, was noted in the liver interstitia and in vessels in the brain, neural canal, caudal artery, pulmonary cavity, dorsal aorta, and left hind-limb bud
• areas of intra- and extravascular fibrin deposition did not stain positively for P-selectin-positive activated platelets

• double homozygous mutant embryos exhibited an intra- and extravascular progressive coagulopathy as early as E14.5 dpc
• peripheral edema by E17.5

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
F7tm1Pec mutation (0 available); any F7 mutation (28 available)
Proctm1Fjc mutation (0 available); any Proc mutation (38 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• compound mutant embryos were present at their expected Mendelian frequency
• compound mutant mice were born but succumbed to consumptive coagulopathy
• postnatal underrepresentation was due to the inability to identify these neonates before their death and consumption by their parents

cardiovascular system
• the liver, brain, and atria of these compound mutant mice showed a similar hemorrhage, fibrin deposition, and inflammatory cell infiltration as double homozygous mutant embryos; however no severe edema or peripheral bleeding were observed
• at E14.5 dpc, 2 out of 7 compound mutant mice displayed variable bleeding spots on the skin and blood pools within the amniotic sac; interstitial fibrin deposition was detected in the liver, and to a lesser extent in the brain, in the absence of peripheral hemorrhage

• compound mutant embryos displayed an organ coagulopathy similar to that observed in double homozygous mutant embryos

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory