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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Henry M Sucov
Summary 3 genotypes
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Tfap2atm1Hsv/Tfap2atm1Hsv involves: 129S1/Sv * Black Swiss MGI:5529922
involves: 129S1/Sv * FVB/N MGI:3687952
Not Specified MGI:3038354

involves: 129S1/Sv * Black Swiss
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Tfap2atm1Hsv mutation (1 available); any Tfap2a mutation (39 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
cardiovascular system
• double outlet right ventricle associated with a right dorsal aorta defect in 1 of 10 E14.5-15.5 embryos
• retroesophageal right subclavian artery (RERSCA) is observed in 1 of 10 E14.5-15.5 embryos
• 8 out of 10 E14.5-15.5 embryos exhibit double outlet right ventricle (DORV)
• the remaining two E14.5-E15.5 embryos exhibit a more extreme a DORV described as tetralogy of Fallot
• observed in all embryos studied
• complete atresia of the proximal pulmonary outflow tract is found in 1 of 10 E15.5 embryos
• extreme stenosis of the proximal pulmonary outflow tract is found in 1 of 10 E14.5 embryos

• highly disorganized craniofacial structures observed in E15.5 embryos

• failure of neural tube closure by E9.5

• failure of ventral body wall closure observed in E15.5 embryos

nervous system
• failure of neural tube closure by E9.5

involves: 129S1/Sv * FVB/N
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Tfap2atm1Hsv mutation (1 available); any Tfap2a mutation (39 available)
Tfap2atm2Will mutation (1 available); any Tfap2a mutation (39 available)
Tfap2ctm1Will mutation (0 available); any Tfap2c mutation (28 available)
Tfap2ctm2Will mutation (1 available); any Tfap2c mutation (28 available)
Tg(Zp3-cre)3Mrt mutation (2 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• a significant reduction in number of double-null embryos (5.5% vs 25% expected) compared to 3 other possible genotypic combinations results in earlier lethality than loss of either allele alone (~E7.5)

• double-null embryos are found at ~expected frequencies (~25%) at E3.5; embryos are detected in both the morula (~75%) and blastocyst (~25%) stages, indicating that deficiency of both Tcfap2a and Tcfap2c does not affect the zygote prior to E3.5;
• other genotypic combinations are all found at similar frequencies (~25%) at E7.5, indicating that loss of any combination of 3 of 4 wild-type Tcfap2a and Tcfap2c alleles allows embryo survival to ~E7.5

Not Specified
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
H2az2Tg(Wnt1-cre)11Rth mutation (2 available); any H2az2 mutation (27 available)
Tfap2atm1Hsv mutation (1 available); any Tfap2a mutation (39 available)
Tfap2atm2Will mutation (1 available); any Tfap2a mutation (39 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• a significant portion of mice died either immediately after or within days of birth, though some survive to weaning, most died shortly after birth due to neural tube defects and/or cleft secondary palate
• some pups exhibited anencephaly and either died or were cannibalized immediately after birth
• ~50% of mice, had a normal outward appearance, but died within the first day due to respiratory distress related to cleft secondary palate

• observed on mice that survived to weaning
• white paws observed on mice that survived to weaning
• white bands observed on mice that survived to weaning

• in spite of perturbed hearing, mice showed normal locomotive behavior
• mice did not startle when subjected to loud noise

cardiovascular system
• no defect detected in the heart outflow tract

• the amount of observed neural crest cell apoptosis did not exceed that which was observed in wild-type controls, in contrast to the extensive apoptosis observed in neural crest cells of Tcfap2a null mice

• abnormal frontonasal suture lacking the degree of interdigitation observed in wild-type
• other cranial sutures appeared normal
• while defects were not apparent in the skulls of newborns that did not exhibit anencephaly, craniofacial bone dysmorphologies arose with age
• while the upper jaw of affected mutants showed abnormal development, the morphology of the lower jaw was largely normal
• broader than those of wild-type
• shorter than those of wild-type
• abnormal development of craniofacial bones leads to restricted orbit size, conveying a small appearance of the eyes in the head
• while all teeth were present, the teeth of the upper jaw were misaligned, putatively due to the shortened snout
• oblong stalked shape of zygomatic process
• flatter than controls
• narrower across the base than the equivalent control bone and did not have a well-defined groove into which the incus normally fits
• hypomorphic and only occurred as a small peg-shaped bone fragment
• normal elevation but failed fusion of secondary palate
• snout shortening led to defects in skin integrity around the eyes and face that required euthanasia by ~2 months of age
• snout shortening led to defects in skin integrity around the eyes
• observed in mice that survived to weaning
• becoming more severe with age, eventually leading defects in skin integrity around the eyes and face

• while all teeth were present, the teeth of the upper jaw were misaligned, putatively due to the shortened snout
• normal elevation but failed fusion of secondary palate
• snout shortening led to defects in skin integrity around the eyes and face that required euthanasia by ~2 months of age
• snout shortening led to defects in skin integrity around the eyes
• observed in mice that survived to weaning
• becoming more severe with age, eventually leading defects in skin integrity around the eyes and face
• while the weight of mice did not differ from that of wild-type at birth, those that survived to weaning weighed 26% less than controls
• failure to thrive, at least in part, is attributed to abnormal craniofacial development and consequent feeding impairment

• flatter than controls
• narrower across the base than the equivalent control bone and did not have a well-defined groove into which the incus normally fits
• hypomorphic and only occurred as a small peg-shaped bone fragment

• white bands observed on mice that survived to weaning

respiratory system
• ~50% of mice developed respiratory distress and died within 1 day of birth
• associated with cleft secondary palate

• abnormal frontonasal suture lacking the degree of interdigitation observed in wild-type
• other cranial sutures appeared normal
• while defects were not apparent in the skulls of newborns that did not exhibit anencephaly, craniofacial bone dysmorphologies arose with age
• while the upper jaw of affected mutants showed abnormal development, the morphology of the lower jaw was largely normal
• broader than those of wild-type
• shorter than those of wild-type
• abnormal development of craniofacial bones leads to restricted orbit size, conveying a small appearance of the eyes in the head
• while all teeth were present, the teeth of the upper jaw were misaligned, putatively due to the shortened snout
• oblong stalked shape of zygomatic process
• flatter than controls
• narrower across the base than the equivalent control bone and did not have a well-defined groove into which the incus normally fits
• hypomorphic and only occurred as a small peg-shaped bone fragment

nervous system
• no defect detected in the cranial ganglia, in contrast to the extensive hypoplasia observed in Tcfap2a null mice
• occasional embryos exhibited severe neural tube defects affecting the entire cranial region - similar to what is observed in Tcfap2a null mice
• confined to the cranial neural tube and not observed affecting the trunk neural tube
• incomplete penetrance, observed in 15-20% of mice leading to death immediately after birth
• incomplete penetrance, observed in ~15% of mice

digestive/alimentary system
• normal elevation but failed fusion of secondary palate

• occasional embryos exhibited severe neural tube defects affecting the entire cranial region - similar to what is observed in Tcfap2a null mice
• confined to the cranial neural tube and not observed affecting the trunk neural tube

• abnormal development of craniofacial bones leads to restricted orbit size, conveying a small appearance of the eyes in the head

• snout shortening led to defects in skin integrity around the eyes and face that required euthanasia by ~2 months of age
• snout shortening led to defects in skin integrity around the eyes
• observed on mice that survived to weaning
• white paws observed on mice that survived to weaning
• white bands observed on mice that survived to weaning

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory