• normal ratios of homozygotes at E10.5 but not later
• no homozygous embryos after E12.5
nervous system
• high levels of apoptosis at E10.5, particularly in the neural tube and forebrain region
• high levels of apoptosis at E10.5, particularly in the neural tube and forebrain region
• embryos at E10.5 are smaller than littermate controls
hematopoietic system
• no red blood cells in the liver bud region at E10.5
liver/biliary system
• ventral foregut endoderm cells fail to migrate into the septum transversum
• thickening of the ventral foregut endoderm does occur
• albumin gene expression is delayed
absent liver
• liver agenesis; no hepatic structures at E10.5
• embryos at E10.5 are smaller than littermate controls
• high levels of apoptosis at E10.5, particularly in the neural tube and forebrain region
• high levels of apoptosis at E10.5, particularly in the neural tube and forebrain region