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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Ulrike Mayer
Summary 3 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Lamc1tm1Umr/Lamc1tm1Umr either: (involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ) or (involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6) MGI:3761185
Lamc1tm1Umr/Lamc1tm1Umr involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ MGI:3761289
Lamc1tm1Umr/Lamc1tm1Umr involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:3761157

either: (involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ) or (involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6)
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lamc1tm1Umr mutation (0 available); any Lamc1 mutation (143 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• remaining mice die soon after birth
• 40% of mice die prior to E11.5 of unknown causes

reproductive system
• ovaries and testies are present and morphologically normal
• seminal vesicles are absent
• the normal architecture of the epididymis is lost

• at E13.5, the Mullerian duct is blind-ending
• in 18 embryos lacking metanephric kidney induction, the Wolffian duct is blind-ending
• at E10.5, the basement membranes of the elongating Wolffian duct is discontinuous whereas it is continuous in wild-type mice

renal/urinary system
• frequently the Bowmann's capsule is partially or completely filled with red blood cells
• only male mice exhibit cystic enlargements
• frequently the Bowmann's capsule is partially or completely filled with red blood cells
• mice that possess kidneys exhibit 30% less mature glomeruli than wild-type mice; of these 60% develop normally while the rest show either a reduced (25%) or missing (15%) capillary tuft
• mice that possess kidneys exhibit 30% less mature glomeruli than wild-type mice
• at E13.5, mice possess fewer tubuli than wild-type mice
• at E13.5, the metanephroi are absent
• however, the metanephric blastema is present
• three male mice with kidneys exhibit hydronephric kidneys with a thinned parenchyma and the ureter connects aberrantly to the vas deferens or in one case the epididymys
• at E18.5, 80% of mice lack both kidneys
• however, adrenal glands are present and morphologically normal
• at E18.5, 10% of mice lack one kidney
• three male mice with kidneys exhibit hydronephric kidneys with a thinned parenchyma and the ureter connects aberrantly to the vas deferens or in one case the epididymis
• at E11, in most embryos the ureteric buds are absent
• at E18.8, kidneys that are present in 10% of mice are non-functional

respiratory system
• at E18.5, prealveolar sacculi are immature and only poorly inflated
• at E18.5, only 10% of prealveolar sacculi form
• however, at E11.5 and E13.5 lung development is normal and by E18.5 surfactant protein C is detected
• at E18.5, mesenchymal thickening between the terminal airspaces is observed
• at E18.5, lung size is smaller and more compact than in wild-type mice
• at E18.5, the major bronchial trees are more compact and smaller than in wild-type mice
• however, at E13.5 and E15.5 lung development is normal and by E18.5 surfactant protein C is detected

• only male mice exhibit cystic enlargements
• at E18.5, mice are 20% smaller than wild-type mice

endocrine/exocrine glands
• seminal vesicles are absent

cardiovascular system
• frequently the Bowmann's capsule is partially or completely filled with red blood cells

• only 30% of mice exhibit normal basement membranes, in 30% only amorphously deposited material is detected, and in the remaining mice the basement membrane is completely missing and epithelial cell protrusions enter into the empty space
• at E10.5, the basement membranes of the elongating Wolffian duct is discontinuous whereas it is continuous in wild-type mice

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lamc1tm1Umr mutation (0 available); any Lamc1 mutation (143 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• between E16 and E18, mice exhibit hemorrhages in the brain
• between E10 and E13, neurons form ectopically when the pial basement membrane is disrupted
• however, neuron proliferation and migration are normal
• the continuous band of FABP7 staining of the radial glial endfeet is absent in the cortex (J:119018)
• however, radial glial organization in the intermediate and ventricular zone, proliferation, neurogenesis, and interkinetic nuclear migration are normal (J:119018)
• at E14, radial glial endfeet are missing in the cerebral cortex (J:119018)
• radial glial cell endfeets often end short of the pial surface by 50 um and their terminal branches are disorganized (J:124247)
• between E10 and E13, retracted endfeet are restricted to areas where the pial basement membrane is disrupted but in older mice with intact pial basement membranes the endfeet remain retracted (J:124247)
• 5% of mice exhibit exencephaly due to a defect in neural closure at E9
• at E16, Cajal-Retzius cells either are distributed in random areas of the cortices, are widely distributed throughout the upper half of the cortex, are entirely missing or are ectopically located outside of the meninges
• in areas where Cajal-Retzius cells are missing the cortical plate neurons aggregate as ectopias within the marginal zone and the meninges and in areas where then Cajal-Retzius cells have ended their migration prematurely the cortical plate neurons are displaced into a deeper layer
• however, the 50 um distance between the cortical plate neurons and the Cajal-Retzius cells is maintained
• in segments missing meningeal cells the Cajal-Retzius cells are missing
• unlike in wild-type mice, ectopic FABP7+ and IFAPRC2+ cells are detected in the cortical plate
• brain and cerebral cortices are smaller than in wild-type mice
• unlike in wild-type mice that contain virtually no dividing cells (0.6%) in their cortex, these cells constitute 4.6% of all precursors in the cortex of homozygous mice (J:119018)
• at E18, some pyramidal cells in the cortex are replaced by GABAnergic interneurons (J:119018)
• at E18, the cerebral cortex is thinner laterally but longer compared to in wild-type mice (J:119018)
• neuronal migration and cortex architecture are severely disrupted (J:119018)
• however, no increase in cell death is detected in the cortex at E18 (J:119018)
• brain and cerebral cortices are smaller than in wild-type mice (J:124247)
• between E16 and E18, mice exhibit hemorrhages in the brain and numerous bumps are observed on the pial surface of the brain giving the cortical hemispheres a mulberry-like appearance (J:124247)
• while marginal and intermediate zones are present, dysplasias in the cortical plate and marginal zone are observed (J:124247)
• however, dysplasias were variable and did not correlate with hemorrhages (J:124247)
• unlike in wild-type mice, the basement membrane is discontinuous and is associated with an irregular meningeal layer (J:124247)
• in areas where Cajal-Retzius cells are missing the cortical plate neurons aggregate as ectopias within the marginal zone and the meninges and in areas where then Cajal-Retzius cells have ended their migration prematurely the cortical plate neurons are displaced into a deeper layer (J:124247)
• however, the 50 um distance between the cortical plate neurons and the Cajal-Retzius cells is maintained (J:124247)
• at E18, the lateral cortex is reduced by 11% compared to in wild-type mice
• the medial cortex is normal
• unlike in wild-type mice, the meningeal layer is irregular
• in segments missing meningeal cells the Cajal-Retzius cells are missing
• 5% of mice exhibit exencephaly due to a defect in neural closure at E9

• while the basement membrane in the retina is continuous it is ruptured in many locations and cells penetrate from the retina into the vitrenous body
• neuroepithelial endfeet are more widely separated than in wild-type mice and the basement membrane covering the gaps is thin and fragile

• mice are smaller in size than wild-type mice

cardiovascular system
• between E16 and E18, mice exhibit hemorrhages in the brain

• 5% of mice exhibit exencephaly due to a defect in neural closure at E9

• between E10 and E13, neurons form ectopically when the pial basement membrane is disrupted
• however, neuron proliferation and migration are normal
• the continuous band of FABP7 staining of the radial glial endfeet is absent in the cortex (J:119018)
• however, radial glial organization in the intermediate and ventricular zone, proliferation, neurogenesis, and interkinetic nuclear migration are normal (J:119018)
• at E14, radial glial endfeet are missing in the cerebral cortex (J:119018)
• radial glial cell endfeets often end short of the pial surface by 50 um and their terminal branches are disorganized (J:124247)
• between E10 and E13, retracted endfeet are restricted to areas where the pial basement membrane is disrupted but in older mice with intact pial basement membranes the endfeet remain retracted (J:124247)
• mice exhibit a widespread disruption of the basement membrane along the blood vessels in the cortex (J:119018)
• unlike in wild-type mice, the basement membrane is discontinuous and is associated with an irregular meningeal layer (J:124247)
• while the retinal basement membrane is continuous it is ruptured in many locations and cells penetrate from the retina into the vitreous body (J:124247)
• the basement membrane covering the gaps between neuroepithelial cells in the retina is thin and fragile (J:124247)
• the vascular basement membrane in the eye is discontinuous and parts of the endothelial cells protrude through the gaps (J:124247)
• the pial basement membrane is thin and irregular compared to in wild-type mice (J:124247)
• between E10 and E13, 30% of the pial basement membrane is disrupted in all mice and neurons form ectopically when the pial basement membrane is disrupted (J:124247)
• however, the basement membrane of the diencephalon is normal and continuous (J:124247)
• gaps in the basement membrane of the spinal cord lead to motorneurons migrating into the adjacent mesenchyme (J:124247)

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Lamc1tm1Umr mutation (0 available); any Lamc1 mutation (143 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• proliferation of marginal zone neural progenitors of the cerebral cortex is increased compared to in wild-type mice and proliferating cells do not contain Pax6 or Tbr2

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory