• remaining mice die soon after birth
• 40% of mice die prior to E11.5 of unknown causes
reproductive system
• ovaries and testies are present and morphologically normal
• seminal vesicles are absent
absent uterus
• the normal architecture of the epididymis is lost
• at E13.5, the Mullerian duct is blind-ending
• in 18 embryos lacking metanephric kidney induction, the Wolffian duct is blind-ending
• at E10.5, the basement membranes of the elongating Wolffian duct is discontinuous whereas it is continuous in wild-type mice
renal/urinary system
• frequently the Bowmann's capsule is partially or completely filled with red blood cells
kidney cyst
• only male mice exhibit cystic enlargements
• frequently the Bowmann's capsule is partially or completely filled with red blood cells
• mice that possess kidneys exhibit 30% less mature glomeruli than wild-type mice; of these 60% develop normally while the rest show either a reduced (25%) or missing (15%) capillary tuft
• mice that possess kidneys exhibit 30% less mature glomeruli than wild-type mice
• at E13.5, mice possess fewer tubuli than wild-type mice
• at E13.5, the metanephroi are absent
• however, the metanephric blastema is present
• three male mice with kidneys exhibit hydronephric kidneys with a thinned parenchyma and the ureter connects aberrantly to the vas deferens or in one case the epididymys
absent kidney
• at E18.5, 80% of mice lack both kidneys
• however, adrenal glands are present and morphologically normal
single kidney
• at E18.5, 10% of mice lack one kidney
• three male mice with kidneys exhibit hydronephric kidneys with a thinned parenchyma and the ureter connects aberrantly to the vas deferens or in one case the epididymis
• at E11, in most embryos the ureteric buds are absent
• at E18.8, kidneys that are present in 10% of mice are non-functional
respiratory system
• at E18.5, prealveolar sacculi are immature and only poorly inflated
• at E18.5, only 10% of prealveolar sacculi form
• however, at E11.5 and E13.5 lung development is normal and by E18.5 surfactant protein C is detected
• at E18.5, mesenchymal thickening between the terminal airspaces is observed
small lung
• at E18.5, lung size is smaller and more compact than in wild-type mice
• at E18.5, the major bronchial trees are more compact and smaller than in wild-type mice
• however, at E13.5 and E15.5 lung development is normal and by E18.5 surfactant protein C is detected
kidney cyst
• only male mice exhibit cystic enlargements
• at E18.5, mice are 20% smaller than wild-type mice
endocrine/exocrine glands
• seminal vesicles are absent
cardiovascular system
• frequently the Bowmann's capsule is partially or completely filled with red blood cells
• only 30% of mice exhibit normal basement membranes, in 30% only amorphously deposited material is detected, and in the remaining mice the basement membrane is completely missing and epithelial cell protrusions enter into the empty space
• at E10.5, the basement membranes of the elongating Wolffian duct is discontinuous whereas it is continuous in wild-type mice