• fewer (6.25%) than the expected 12.5% of mutants were observed, indicating some lethality; time of analysis not specified
• by 45 weeks of age, all mutants develop at least one skin tumor, with an average of four tumors per mouse
• skin tumors are all squamous cell carcinoma
• all mutants develop tumors by 45 weeks of age, significantly sooner than Brca1tm1Cxd/Brca1tm2Cxd Tg(KRT5-cre)1Jlj/0 mice or Brca1tm2Cxd/Brca1+ Tg(KRT5-cre)1Jlj/0 mice and by 70 weeks of age, 100% of mice exhibit tumors
• increase in basal keratinocyte proliferation
• mutants exhibit increased epidermal proliferation and apoptosis
• by 45 weeks of age, all mutants develop at least one skin tumor, with an average of four tumors per mouse
• increase in basal keratinocyte proliferation