• 40% die between birth and 21 days of age, with most lost 5 days after birth
• secondary spermatogonia and further differentiated stages of spermatogenesis are completely absent
• primary spermatogonia are severely reduced in number
• some neonates exhibit a mild heart hypertrophy, however the heart ventricles are normal and do not exhibit any other heart morphology abnormalities
• males and females are, respectively, 69% and 73% the weight of wild-type males and females
cardiovascular system
• some neonates exhibit a mild heart hypertrophy, however the heart ventricles are normal and do not exhibit any other heart morphology abnormalities
• 10 of 12 exhibit spontaneous singular premature ventricular beats, however ventricular conductance is normal
reproductive system
• secondary spermatogonia and further differentiated stages of spermatogenesis are completely absent
• primary spermatogonia are severely reduced in number
• show all stages of follicular maturation but at reduced numbers
• most of the lumen of seminiferous tubules is occupied by Sertoli cells
• testis is more hypotrophic compared to other organs, reaching less than 20% of the testis weight (relative to body weight) of controls
• no homozygous females show signs of pregnancy or delivered litters, however do not exhibit germ-cell deficiency
endocrine/exocrine glands
• show all stages of follicular maturation but at reduced numbers
• most of the lumen of seminiferous tubules is occupied by Sertoli cells
• testis is more hypotrophic compared to other organs, reaching less than 20% of the testis weight (relative to body weight) of controls
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• do not develop cataracts