• litters born to female homozygotes are of normal size on the day of birth but show higher mortality than litters born to wild-type dams up to 21 days after birth
• 33% of female homozygotes have seminal plugs on more than one day in a 7-day pairing period, indicating abnormal mating patterns
• however, female homozygotes display normal puberty onset, estrous cycles, and seminal plugs when paired with a male of proven fertility
reproductive system
• only 13% of female homozygotes have implanted embryos 6.5 days after mating vs 81% of wild-type females
• only 21% of female homozygotes give birth to litters vs 100% of wild-type females
• in a pseudopregnancy test, only 40% of female homozygotes become pregnant and display a continuous diestrous, as expected; the remaining 60% continue cycling and fail to enter pseudopregnancy
• however, ovulation, ovarian histology, fertilization and first cleavage of released eggs appear normal
• heterozygous litters born to female homozygotes show lower growth curves than litters born to wild-type dams
• litters initially display identical birth weights but those nursed by mutant dams show a significantly lower body weight at day 3, and this difference persists to day 9
• after day 9, litter weights stay equivalent between the two groups
• on day 6.5 after mating, average prolactin levels of female homozygotes are reduced to ~30% of wild-type levels
• on day 6.5 after mating, average progesterone levels of female homozygotes are reduced to ~30% of wild-type levels