• normal level of activity, balance, speed and coordination
• mutants need significantly more time to perform a whisker-sensitive task than wild-type
• whisker trimming did not impair the distance crossed in gap-crossing test as it did in wild-type
nervous system
• cerebellar granular neuron precursor (CGNP) differentiation is delayed
• while the overall thickness of the external granular layer (EGL) is unchanged, the outer EGL is thickened and the inner EGL is thinned noticeably at P5 and obviously by P10
• proliferating CGNPs are restricted to the pial surface whereas in wild-type mice they are evenly spread through out the outer EGL
• at P10, the thickness of the inner granular layer (IGL) is increased in the anterior-central part of the cerebellum by 67%
• at P10, the medial cerebellum is most affected by volume increase
• in adult mice, the width of the IGL in posterior lobe VIII is increased by 40% and the IGL of lobe VI is 60% thicker
• mice have a 6% increase in IGL volume at P10 and by adulthood the increase reached 12.2%
• volume increase in the anterior, medial and posterior lobes of the cerebellum are 11.3%, 9.3% and 15.4%, respectively, in adults
lobe IX protrudes more than in wild-type mice
• Bergmann glial cell fibers have increased thickness, appear irregular and contact the pial surface with larger endfeet in comparison to wild-type
• following crush damage, Schwann cell proliferation is decreased and apoptosis rates are increased
• at 12 days following sciatic nerve crush, axonal regeneration in the sciatic nerve in the triceps surae muscle is delayed
• responsiveness following injury is delayed and mice do not regain full use of their limb until 2 to 4 days later than wild-type mice
• at 12 days following sciatic nerve crush, axonal regeneration in the sciatic nerve in the triceps surae muscle is delayed
• responsiveness following injury is delayed and mice do not regain full use of their limb until 2 to 4 days later than wild-type mice
• decreased sensory-evoked potential in the somatosensory cortex
• strong reduction in excitatory postsynaptic currents at +40 mV compared to wild-type but no difference from wild-type at 60 mV, indicating a deficiency in NMDA receptors
• in vitro, cerebrellar granular neuron precursors (CGNPs) and glial cells a two-fold higher basal proliferative rate and a much stronger proliferative response compared to wild-type cells following Shh treatment
• in vitro, CGNPs show a 28% increase in proliferation
• fibrin accumulates following peripheral nerve damage
• at 12 days following sciatic nerve crush, axonal regeneration in the sciatic nerve in the triceps surae muscle is delayed
• responsiveness following injury is delayed and mice do not regain full use of their limb until 2 to 4 days later than wild-type mice
• following crush damage, Schwann cell proliferation is decreased and apoptosis rates are increased
immune system
• fibrin accumulates following peripheral nerve damage