• males exhibit gradual increase in body weight due to mild obesity after 18 months of age
nervous system
• frequency of spontaneous extracellular bursting in hippocampal slices is lower than in wild-type slices
• application of somatostatin-14 (SRIF) to slices has no effect whereas treatment decreases frequency of spontaneous bursting in wild-type slices; application of CYN, a Sst-receptor agonist, increases frequency in mutant slices but has no effect in wild-type
• application of CYN significantly increased peak amplitude of NMDA- and AMPA-mediated EPSPs in mutants but causes decreased amplitudes in wild-type slices
• in cells in wild-type hippocampal slices, application of CYN significantly increases amplitudes of GABA-A mediated IPSCs but CYN has no effect on mutant slices
• basal gastrin levels are elevated relative to wild-type; upon H.felis infection, levels are significantly elevated compared to infected wild-type controls
• growth hormone levelsshow significantly elevated median levels compared to wild-type
• pituitary growth hormone content is reduced by 50% compared to wild-type
immune system
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• colonization by H.felis in the stomach is inhibited by Il4 treatment in wild-type and Sst-deficient mice