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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 3, William H Klein
Summary 2 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Pou4f2tm3Whk/Pou4f2tm3Whk Not Specified MGI:3714507
Not Specified MGI:3714509

Not Specified
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Pou4f2tm3Whk mutation (0 available); any Pou4f2 mutation (7 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• the total number of axons is reduced and many of the axons that reach the optic chiasm are abnormal and misrouted dorsally to the hypothalamus or occasionally to the optic nerve of the other eye
• while the number of retinal ganglion cells are decreased the number of displaced amacrine cells is increased threefold
• the number of displaced amacrine cells is increased threefold
• neurons from the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer have abnormal neurite outgrowths in vitro, suggestive of dendrites rather than axons
• at 3 weeks, retinal ganglion cell number of the ventral-temporal region is 85% of the cells found in wild-type
• overall, retinal ganglion cells in the retina are reduced by 65%
• the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer is composed of 6+/-2 RGCs with two-thirds of the layer being composed of amacrine cells compared to wild-type RGC layer which are composed of 15+/-3 RGCs and the layer of one third amacrine cells
• at E16.5 and 3 weeks, fewer optic fibers form and those present are entangled and cross or by-pass the optic disk

nervous system
• at E16.5 and 3 weeks, fewer optic fibers form and those present are entangled and cross or by-pass the optic disk
• at 3 weeks, a larger proportion of axons are directed ipsilaterally increasing the ipsilateral/contralateral ratio to almost 1.0
• the number of displaced amacrine cells is increased threefold
• neurons from the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer have abnormal neurite outgrowths in vitro, suggestive of dendrites rather than axons
• at 3 weeks, retinal ganglion cell number of the ventral-temporal region is 85% of the cells found in wild-type
• overall, retinal ganglion cells in the retina are reduced by 65%
• the total number of axons is reduced and many of the axons that reach the optic chiasm are abnormal and misrouted dorsally to the hypothalamus or occasionally to the optic nerve of the other eye

Not Specified
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Pou4f2tm3Whk mutation (0 available); any Pou4f2 mutation (7 available)
Pou4f3tm1Whk mutation (0 available); any Pou4f3 mutation (25 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• while the number of retinal ganglion cells are decreased the number of displaced amacrine cells is increased
• retina suffer a greater loss of projections emanating from the ventral-temporal region than from the dorsal-nasal region
• amacrine cells are increased in number
• cells of the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer are unable to extend processes and some subsequently undergo apoptosis
• reduction of axon outgrowth is more severe than in Pou4f3tm1Kln homogygotes
• however, axons that are present are correctly routed
• retinal ganglion cells are reduced to 60% of wild-type
• cells that normally express Pou4f3 experience increased apoptosis
• at 3 weeks, retinal ganglion cell number of the ventral-temporal region is 70% of the cells found in wild-type
• overall, retinal ganglion cells in the retina are reduced by 60% compared to the Pou4f3tm1Kln homogygotes
• the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer is composed of 2+/-2 RGCs with 90% of the layer being composed of amacrine cells compared to wild-type RGC layer which are composed of 15+/-3 RGCs and the layer of one third amacrine cells
• at 3 weeks, optic fibers are virtually absent
• however, axons that are present are routed correctly

• mice have vestibular impairments that are more severe than in Pou4f3tm1Kln homogygotes

nervous system
• at 3 weeks, loss of retinal ganglion cells projections emanating from the ventral-temporal region is greater than the loss of projections from the dorsal-nasal region
• amacrine cells are increased in number
• cells of the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer are unable to extend processes and some subsequently undergo apoptosis
• reduction of axon outgrowth is more severe than in Pou4f3tm1Kln homogygotes
• however, axons that are present are correctly routed
• retinal ganglion cells are reduced to 60% of wild-type
• cells that normally express Pou4f3 experience increased apoptosis
• at 3 weeks, retinal ganglion cell number of the ventral-temporal region is 70% of the cells found in wild-type
• overall, retinal ganglion cells in the retina are reduced by 60% compared to the Pou4f3tm1Kln homogygotes

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory