• at P7, induced animals show occasional gaps in the ependymal lining rather than a continuous lining; by P14, the gaps progress to ependymal detachment
• at P7, occasional defects in lateral wall integrity are seen compared to uninduced controls, but by P14, defects are severe with many areas having lost the ependyma and underlying subventricular zone (SVZ) niche
• at P7, induced mutants show a poorly formed ependyma with pseudocolumnar cells instead of a flat epithelial sheath; at P14, some ependymal cells detach and remaining cells form short, defective borders with separation between cells
• by 6 weeks of age, ventricular lining is composed of a multi-layered stratified epithelium instead of a single-cell layer seen in controls; epithelial barrier is composed of mixture of astrocytes and few ependymal cells, intermixed with scar tissue