adipose tissue
• although mutants exhibit the average normal 15% body fat, they do not exhibit significant increases in percentage of body fat seen in 36% of the controls
• when food intake is corrected for body weight, mutants are hyperphagic compared to controls
• muscle mitochondria have reduced ability to oxidize alpha-glycerophosphate
• the ratio between phosphocreatine and ATP at rest is decreased, indicating an increase in cytosolic ADP
• 30% reduction in body weight after 5 weeks of age
• reduction in urea concentration in males
• reduction in the fiber cross-sectional area of fiber types IIa and IIx/IIb in plantaris muscles and gastronecmius muscles
• gastrocnemius and plantaris muscles show a fast to slow shift in fiber types promoting mainly IIa and IIx fibers at the expense of fastest and glycolytic type IIb fibers
• decrease in the relative mass for the total leg
• weight of fast twitch skeletal muscles (plantaris and gastrocnemius) are lower than in controls, whereas weights of slow twitch skeletal and heart muscle are unchanged