• homozygotes are recovered up to E18 but die shortly after birth
• at E14.5 and E18, mutant hindlimbs display shortening or absence of central digits, often associated with deformation, syndactyly, and a severe medial cleft
• at E14.5 and E18, mutant hindlimbs show a distal defect of the 3rd and 4th phalanxes
• at E14.5 and E18, mutant hindlimbs display shortening of central digits
• newborn homozygotes exhibit bilateral ectrodactyly of the posterior limbs
• mice exhibit ectrodactyly of the hindlimbs that is not observed in heterozygous mice or Dlx5 null mice
• however, forelimbs hands are normal
• at E14.5 and E18, mutant hindlimbs with missing digits are often associated with syndactyly of the remaining digits
• at E11.5-E12.5, the central part of the mutant hindlimb palette appears flattened or indented, with a high degree of variability between left and right hindlimbs
• in contrast, no forelimb defects are observed
• at E14.5 and E18, mutant hindlimbs show a distal defect of the 3rd and 4th metatarsals
• in contrast, no malformations of tarsal bones or other proximal elements are observed
• at E14.5 and at birth, homozygotes show fusions between the hyoid bone and the pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone and the superior horns of the thyroid
• most affected craniofacial structures are neural-crest-derived
• malformation of cephalic or presomitic mesoderm derived cranial structures is probably secondary to failure of neural tube closure or the primary skull defects in the viscerocranium
• at birth, the anterior skull base is severely malformed
• at birth, the basisphenoid is distorted and bent to allow articulation of the pterygoid process with the transformed lower jaw
• at birth, the alisphenoids are duplicated
• at birth, the presphenoid is severely reduced
• at E12.5 and at birth, both upper and lower jaws are severely affected and appear as mirror-images of each other
• strikingly, whisker pads with vibrissal follicles are observed on both the upper and the lower jaws
• structures resembling palatine rugae (i.e. a series of ridges associated with the inner surfaces of palatal shelves) are found on the inner surface of both upper and lower jaws
• at E14.5, the maxillary group of bones is structurally identifiable but severely distorted
• homozygotes show a homeotic transformation of the lower jaw into an upper jaw, resulting in snout symmetry
• at E14.5, the mandible becomes unrecognizable and is transformed into a structure indistinguishable from the deformed maxillary bone complex
• the tranformed lower jaw appears to articulate with structures resembling distorted, duplicated pterygoid processes, rather than with the squamosal bone
• at birth, the incus, malleus and stapes are all affected
• newborn homozygotes show severe craniofacial defects associated with a homeotic transformation of the mandibular arch
• at E14.5, Meckel's cartilage is almost completely absent, though a small rudiment is found in the distalmost part of the lower jaw in some embryos
• transformation of the mandibular process into a maxillary process is first evident at ~E10.5-E11.0, when mandicular processes fail to fuse and are slightly increased in size
• newborn homozygotes display an apparent homeotic transformation of the entire mandibular (first pharyngeal) arch
• at E14.5, most-derivatives of the first, second, and third branchial arch are distorted and fused while the ala temporalis is duplicated
• branchial arch abnormalities are first evident at E10.5-E11.0
• newborn homozygotes display an abnormally symmetrical mouth
• at E12.5 and at birth, homozygotes exhibit gain-of-symmetry of the snout both along the right-left and antero-posterior planes
• at E14.5 and at birth, homozygotes show fusions between the hyoid bone and the pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone and the superior horns of the thyroid
• most affected craniofacial structures are neural-crest-derived
• malformation of cephalic or presomitic mesoderm derived cranial structures is probably secondary to failure of neural tube closure or the primary skull defects in the viscerocranium
• at birth, the anterior skull base is severely malformed
• at E14.5, Meckel's cartilage is almost completely absent, though a small rudiment is found in the distalmost part of the lower jaw in some embryos
• at birth, the basisphenoid is distorted and bent to allow articulation of the pterygoid process with the transformed lower jaw
• at birth, the alisphenoids are duplicated
• at birth, the presphenoid is severely reduced
• structures resembling palatine rugae (i.e. a series of ridges associated with the inner surfaces of palatal shelves) are found on the inner surface of both upper and lower jaws
• at E12.5 and at birth, both upper and lower jaws are severely affected and appear as mirror-images of each other
• strikingly, whisker pads with vibrissal follicles are observed on both the upper and the lower jaws
• at E14.5, the maxillary group of bones is structurally identifiable but severely distorted
• homozygotes show a homeotic transformation of the lower jaw into an upper jaw, resulting in snout symmetry
• at E14.5, the mandible becomes unrecognizable and is transformed into a structure indistinguishable from the deformed maxillary bone complex
• the tranformed lower jaw appears to articulate with structures resembling distorted, duplicated pterygoid processes, rather than with the squamosal bone
• at birth, the incus, malleus and stapes are all affected
• at E14.5 and E18, mutant hindlimbs show a distal defect of the 3rd and 4th phalanxes
• at E14.5 and E18, mutant hindlimbs show a distal defect of the 3rd and 4th metatarsals
• in contrast, no malformations of tarsal bones or other proximal elements are observed
• the stylohyoid ligament is often chondrified
• newborn homozygotes display an apparent homeotic transformation of the entire mandibular (first pharyngeal) arch
• at E14.5, most-derivatives of the first, second, and third branchial arch are distorted and fused while the ala temporalis is duplicated
• branchial arch abnormalities are first evident at E10.5-E11.0
nervous system
• exencephaly is clearly evident at E9.5
• at birth, the incus, malleus and stapes are all affected
digestive/alimentary system
respiratory system
• strikingly, at E12.5, whisker pads with vibrissal follicles are observed on both the upper and the lower jaws
• newborn homozygotes display an abnormally symmetrical mouth
• at E12.5 and at birth, homozygotes exhibit gain-of-symmetry of the snout both along the right-left and antero-posterior planes
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
split hand-foot malformation 1 | DOID:0090021 |
OMIM:183600 |
J:77244 |