• embryos die between E4.5 and E6.5
• embryos implant into the uterus but fail to develop beyond the early egg cylinder stage
• at E6.5, egg cylinders appear severely attenuated, are often fragmented, and lack an organized two-layered cell structure
• egg cylinders are severely attenuated at E6.5
• no amniotic folds are obseved at E6.5
• no ectoplacental cavities are observed at E6.5
• however, mutant embryos appear to develop normal ectoplacental cones and extraembryonic membranes and make good contact with the uterus
• no proamniotic cavities are observed at E6.5
• however, embryos appear to develop normal ectoplacental cones and extraembryonic membranes and make good contact with the uterus
reproductive system
• some empty deciduas are noted at E6.5