reproductive system
• meiotic incompetence in oocytes results in polyploid embryos
• mutant oocytes cannot correctly position the metaphase spindle during meiosis I and form the first polar body
• homozygous females ovulate oocytes that fail to progress through metaphase I and to correctly position the metaphase I spindle at the cortex of the oocyte, resulting in the ovulation of oocytes that have not formed the first polar body
• homozygous females mated to wild-type male exhibit recurrent pregnancy loss during early and mid-gestational stages of development
• homozygous females rarely carry embryos to term and give birth
• homozygous females mated with wild-type males contain a normal number of uterine decidua but most decidua contain grossly abnormal embryos
• few pups that are born die from inadequate nursing as a result of a small litter size
• meiotic incompetence in oocytes results in polyploid embryos
• mutant oocytes cannot correctly position the metaphase spindle during meiosis I and form the first polar body
• homozygous females ovulate oocytes that fail to progress through metaphase I and to correctly position the metaphase I spindle at the cortex of the oocyte, resulting in the ovulation of oocytes that have not formed the first polar body