• reduced blink reflex due to abnormal corneal sensation
endocrine/exocrine glands
• decreased mucosal thickening and folding in the secretory epithelium of the ventral prostate
• crusting drainage
immune system
• Il-1beta levels significantly increased by 4 months of age
• mice display phenotypic changes and ocular surface inflammation that mimic human keratoconjunctivitis sicca
• decrease in both longitudinal and circular muscle contraction of the intestine in response to electric field stimulation
• muscle strips from the gut with reduced spontaneous contractile activity
• contractile strength of stimulated gut muscles considerably reduced
reproductive system
• decreased mucosal thickening and folding in the secretory epithelium of the ventral prostate
• significantly reduced number of globlet cells in the bulbar and tarsal conjunctiva
• leukocytes found in epithelium
• thickened at 10 weeks from 5 layers to 8 with a basal cell phenotype
• eyes set more deeply in sockets
• drooping, thickened eyelids by 2 months of age
thick eyelids
• eyelid thickening in most mice by 2 months of age
• permeability of corneal epithelium increased
• crusting drainage
• Il-1beta levels significantly increased by 4 months of age
• mice display phenotypic changes and ocular surface inflammation that mimic human keratoconjunctivitis sicca
• reduced aqueous tear production becoming significant at 8 weeks
• significantly delayed tear fluorescein clearance at >8 weeks
nervous system
• decreased small fiber density in the small intestine and colon (by 40% in duodenum)
• 35% fewer small bowel submucosal neurons, however the number of colonic submucosal neurons and colon and small bowel myenteric neurons is normal
• myenteric neuron size is reduced by 29% in the small bowel and 33% in the colon, however submucosal neuron size is normal
• density of acetylcholinesterase-stained neuronal fibers in the myenteric plexus is reduced by 32% in the small bowel and 22% in the colon
• reduced number of ciliary ganglion neurons but pupil function is normal
• otic ganglion cell size reduced but numbers of cells is normal
• severe reduction or lack of innervation to the lacrimal gland
• submandibular gland neurons smaller and fibers thinner
• parasympathetic innervation of glandular tissue in reproductive organs lost
• nerve fibers are almost completely absent in the lacrimal gland of adult mice, indicating reduced parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal gland
• 70-95% reduction in substance P and 35-70% reduction in VIP release
digestive/alimentary system
• decrease in both longitudinal and circular muscle contraction of the intestine in response to electric field stimulation