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targeted mutation 1, Anne L Calof
Summary 2 genotypes
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Gdf11tm1Clf/Gdf11tm1Clf involves: 129X1/SvJ * CD-1 MGI:3589666
involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J * CD-1 MGI:3589668

involves: 129X1/SvJ * CD-1
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Gdf11tm1Clf mutation (0 available); any Gdf11 mutation (14 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygotes display abnormal positioning of the hindlimb bud

• all homozygotes die within 24 hrs of birth

• homozygotes display abnormal positioning of the hindlimb bud
• homozygotes exhibit loss of caudal vertebrae
• at E15.5, homozygotes show absence of tail

nervous system
• homozygotes display increased olfactory epithelium neurogenesis, as shown by a significant increase in proliferating, neurogenin-1-expressing immediate neuronal precursors, and a ~20% increase in Ncam1-expressing olfactory receptor neurons
• at E14.5, homozygotes show a 37% increase in proliferating immediate neuronal precursors within the olfactory epithelium; this increase is more pronounced in the middle cell layers (147%)
• by E17.5, mutant retinas exhibit increased cell density in the ganglion cell layer (GCL); at P0, mutant GCLs contain ~50% more cells than wild-type GCLs
• excessive RGCs appear to differentiate normally, extending axons through the optic chiasm and tracts
• pulse labeling expts indicate that excessive RGCs accumulate as a result of prolonged production which occurs at the expense of amacrine and photoreceptor cells
• unlike the situation in the olfactory epithelium, mutant retinas display normal thickness as well as normal distribution and number of proliferating progenitor cells
• homozygotes exhibit a 37% increase in cross-sectional areas of optic nerves; the optic chiasm and tracts are abnormally thick

renal/urinary system
• at birth, homozygotes exhibit renal defects

• homozygotes exhibit loss of caudal vertebrae
• at birth, all homozygotes display sacral agenesis
• homozygotes exhibit anterior transformations of vertebral segments

• homozygotes display a ~22% increase in thickness of the septal olfactory epithelium
• at E14.5, homozygotes show a 37% increase in proliferating immediate neuronal precursors within the olfactory epithelium; this increase is more pronounced in the middle cell layers (147%)

• by E17.5, mutant retinas exhibit increased cell density in the ganglion cell layer (GCL); at P0, mutant GCLs contain ~50% more cells than wild-type GCLs
• excessive RGCs appear to differentiate normally, extending axons through the optic chiasm and tracts
• pulse labeling expts indicate that excessive RGCs accumulate as a result of prolonged production which occurs at the expense of amacrine and photoreceptor cells
• unlike the situation in the olfactory epithelium, mutant retinas display normal thickness as well as normal distribution and number of proliferating progenitor cells
• homozygotes exhibit a 37% increase in cross-sectional areas of optic nerves; the optic chiasm and tracts are abnormally thick
• at E14.5, homozygotes show incomplete closure of the optic (choroid) fissure; in wild-type mice closure occurs at ~E12.5
• by E16.5, optic fissure closure is complete; subsequent formation of optic disc, optic nerve, and periocular tissue appears normal
• by E17.5, the inner plexiform layer is not detectable

respiratory system
• homozygotes display a ~22% increase in thickness of the septal olfactory epithelium
• at E14.5, homozygotes show a 37% increase in proliferating immediate neuronal precursors within the olfactory epithelium; this increase is more pronounced in the middle cell layers (147%)

• homozygotes display a ~22% increase in thickness of the septal olfactory epithelium
• at E14.5, homozygotes show a 37% increase in proliferating immediate neuronal precursors within the olfactory epithelium; this increase is more pronounced in the middle cell layers (147%)

• homozygotes display increased olfactory epithelium neurogenesis, as shown by a significant increase in proliferating, neurogenin-1-expressing immediate neuronal precursors, and a ~20% increase in Ncam1-expressing olfactory receptor neurons

• homozygotes display a ~22% increase in thickness of the septal olfactory epithelium
• at E14.5, homozygotes show a 37% increase in proliferating immediate neuronal precursors within the olfactory epithelium; this increase is more pronounced in the middle cell layers (147%)

involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6J * CD-1
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Fsttm1Zuk mutation (2 available); any Fst mutation (19 available)
Gdf11tm1Clf mutation (0 available); any Gdf11 mutation (14 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• double mutant retinas display an expanded differentiated ganglion cell layer, similar to that observed in Gdf11tm1Clf mutant retinas
• at E17.5, the neuroblastic layer of double mutant retinas shows a 3-fold increase in migrating ganglion cells relative to wild-type retinas

• double mutant retinas display an expanded differentiated ganglion cell layer, similar to that observed in Gdf11tm1Clf mutant retinas
• at E17.5, the neuroblastic layer of double mutant retinas shows a 3-fold increase in migrating ganglion cells relative to wild-type retinas

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory