• homozygotes survive for 3-6 months
• by P10, homozygotes exhibit a reduced growth rate relative to wild-type littermates
• postnatal growth retardation increases in severity with age
• homozygotes lack a proper startle response to loud noises
• by p10, homozygotes display an ataxic behavior which increases in severity with age
• at E18.5, homozygotes display disorganized hair cells in the organ of Corti
• at E17.5, homozygotes display ectopic expression of the neuronal marker TUJ1 in outer hair cells, indicating abnormal OHC differentiation
• at E16.5, homozygotes often have two OHC rows instead of the normal three
• at E18.5, mutant OHCs display abnormal or barely recognizable stereociliary bundles
• remaining OHCs in the organ of Corti are not properly innervated
• in wild-type hair cells, cochlear neurons synapse with the base of the three OHCs forming a cup-like TUJ1 staining pattern at the base of eah OHC; in contrast, staining of mutant OHCs appears to be all over the cell body
• by P14, all cochlear hair cells are lost by apoptosis
• in contrast, hair cells in the vestibular organs do not degenerate, but remain unorganized
• cochlear OHCs are the first to disappear starting at E17.5
• loss of hair cells occurs in a basal to apical gradient and affects OHCs prior to IHCs in any given region of the cochlea
• at E18.5, some OHCs display typical signs of apoptosis, i.e. shrinkage of the cell body, extensive blebbing and vacuolization; however, mutant OHC mitochondria appear normal
• at P14, most supporting cells of the organ of Corti appear completely degenerated
• at P14, the organ of Corti appears completely degenerated
• at E13.5, utricular hair cells are thinner and more elongated than wild-type cells
• at E14.5, vestibular hair cells fail to form a straight line at the edge of the lumen, and some are maintained in the support cell layer
• at P14, vestibular hair cells remain disorganized
• at 5 months, the saccule exhibits disorganized layering of hair and support cells
• at E14.5, vestibular hair cells display abnormal morphology and layering, with 2 to 3 layers instead of the single layer observed in wild-type epithelia
• by P14, homozygotes are presumably deaf, as they lack hair cells and a startle response to loud noises
nervous system
• at E18.5, homozygotes display disorganized hair cells in the organ of Corti
• at E17.5, homozygotes display ectopic expression of the neuronal marker TUJ1 in outer hair cells, indicating abnormal OHC differentiation
• at E16.5, homozygotes often have two OHC rows instead of the normal three
• at E18.5, mutant OHCs display abnormal or barely recognizable stereociliary bundles
• remaining OHCs in the organ of Corti are not properly innervated
• in wild-type hair cells, cochlear neurons synapse with the base of the three OHCs forming a cup-like TUJ1 staining pattern at the base of eah OHC; in contrast, staining of mutant OHCs appears to be all over the cell body
• by P14, all cochlear hair cells are lost by apoptosis
• in contrast, hair cells in the vestibular organs do not degenerate, but remain unorganized
• cochlear OHCs are the first to disappear starting at E17.5
• loss of hair cells occurs in a basal to apical gradient and affects OHCs prior to IHCs in any given region of the cochlea
• at E18.5, some OHCs display typical signs of apoptosis, i.e. shrinkage of the cell body, extensive blebbing and vacuolization; however, mutant OHC mitochondria appear normal
• at E13.5, utricular hair cells are thinner and more elongated than wild-type cells
• at E14.5, vestibular hair cells fail to form a straight line at the edge of the lumen, and some are maintained in the support cell layer
• at P14, vestibular hair cells remain disorganized
• at 5 months, the saccule exhibits disorganized layering of hair and support cells
• at E14.5, vestibular hair cells display abnormal morphology and layering, with 2 to 3 layers instead of the single layer observed in wild-type epithelia
• by 5 months of age, homozygotes show a dramatic loss of cochlear neurons through apoptosis
• cochlear ganglion neuron degeneration occurs at >P7 after hair cell loss and is progressive