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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Patrick M Flood
Summary 4 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Ly6atm1Pmf/Ly6atm1Pmf B6.129P2-Ly6atm1Pmf MGI:3815001
Ly6atm1Pmf/Ly6atm1Pmf C.129P2-Ly6atm1Pmf MGI:3815037
Ly6atm1Pmf/Ly6atm1Pmf involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:3815000
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:3815027

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ly6atm1Pmf mutation (0 available); any Ly6a mutation (22 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• Background Sensitivity: homozygotes from early backcrosses to C57BL/6 are embryonic lethal
• Background Sensitivity: this lethality is associated with a 129 D15Mit33 marker
• Background Sensitivity: homozygotes carrying the C57BL/6 D15Mit33 marker are born at expected Mendelian frequences

immune system
• splenic T cells proliferate at a much higher rate when stimulated with Con-A
• mutant T cells have 156% of the response of wild-type T cells when stimulated with 2.0 micrograms/ml of Con A
• CD3 stimulation of T cells leads to a 3-fold greater proliferitave response than in wild-type T cells
• the percent increase in proliferation rates by mutant T cells over wild-type T cells is 159% at 48 h of CD3 stimulation, 272% at 72 h and 994% at 96 h
• T cells also have higer proliferative rates in mixed lymphocyte reactions ranging from 150- to 200% of the response of wild-type T cells
• T cells collected from mice challenged with KLH antigen have higher proliferative rates when stimulated with the KLH antigen, with responses ranging from 150% to 191% higher depending on concentration of KLH
• however, T cells do not increase their proliferative rate in the presence of anti-Ly6a antibody
• PMA with ionomycin activates T cells at similar levels as wild-type T cells
• lymphocytes make up 92.2% of white blood cells versus 90.57% in wild-type mice
• CFU-GM, CFU-M, and CFU-G precursors are elevated in bone marrow
• granulocytes make up 2.11% of white blood cells versus 2.78% in wild-type mice
• monocytes make up 5.69% of white blood cells versus 6.65% in wild-type mice
• mice have lower serum concentrations of anti-KLH antibody after immunization with KLH, with responses ranging from 38 to 99% than in wild-typelower

hematopoietic system
• splenic T cells proliferate at a much higher rate when stimulated with Con-A
• mutant T cells have 156% of the response of wild-type T cells when stimulated with 2.0 micrograms/ml of Con A
• CD3 stimulation of T cells leads to a 3-fold greater proliferitave response than in wild-type T cells
• the percent increase in proliferation rates by mutant T cells over wild-type T cells is 159% at 48 h of CD3 stimulation, 272% at 72 h and 994% at 96 h
• T cells also have higer proliferative rates in mixed lymphocyte reactions ranging from 150- to 200% of the response of wild-type T cells
• T cells collected from mice challenged with KLH antigen have higher proliferative rates when stimulated with the KLH antigen, with responses ranging from 150% to 191% higher depending on concentration of KLH
• however, T cells do not increase their proliferative rate in the presence of anti-Ly6a antibody
• PMA with ionomycin activates T cells at similar levels as wild-type T cells
• mutant bone marrow cells have a competitive disadvantage compared with wild-type bone marrow cells when used to replenish lethally irradiated wild-type mice
• lethally irradiated wild-type mice receiving transplants of bone marrow at a ratio of 2:1 mutant-to-wild-type cells showreconstitution by wild-type cells at more than twice the expected frequency
• mutant mice that received transplants consisting of 33% wild-type and mutant bone marrow cells have, on average, repopulation by 60% wild-type and 40% mutant cells
• bone marrow engraftment is severely reduced in serial transplantation of mutant bone marrow into irradiated wild-type mice with 33% of secondary transplantation hosts dying from irradiation-induced anemia
• CFU numbers in the bone marrow are reduced by more than 60%
• CFU-spleen day-12 numbers are decreased by 38%
• bone marrow has a greater than 75% reduction in the number of megakaryocytes making up just 1.82% of the bone marrow compare to 7.42% in wild-type mice
• platelet counts are greatly diminished from 1021.2 x 10 in wild-type mice to 615.5 x 10 in these mice
• lymphocytes make up 92.2% of white blood cells versus 90.57% in wild-type mice
• CFU-GM, CFU-M, and CFU-G precursors are elevated in bone marrow
• granulocytes make up 2.11% of white blood cells versus 2.78% in wild-type mice
• monocytes make up 5.69% of white blood cells versus 6.65% in wild-type mice
• mice have lower serum concentrations of anti-KLH antibody after immunization with KLH, with responses ranging from 38 to 99% than in wild-typelower

• bleeding time is increased by 69% compared to wild-type but the differences are not significant due to large variations within groups

• splenic T cells proliferate at a much higher rate when stimulated with Con-A
• mutant T cells have 156% of the response of wild-type T cells when stimulated with 2.0 micrograms/ml of Con A
• CD3 stimulation of T cells leads to a 3-fold greater proliferitave response than in wild-type T cells
• the percent increase in proliferation rates by mutant T cells over wild-type T cells is 159% at 48 h of CD3 stimulation, 272% at 72 h and 994% at 96 h
• T cells also have higer proliferative rates in mixed lymphocyte reactions ranging from 150- to 200% of the response of wild-type T cells
• T cells collected from mice challenged with KLH antigen have higher proliferative rates when stimulated with the KLH antigen, with responses ranging from 150% to 191% higher depending on concentration of KLH
• however, T cells do not increase their proliferative rate in the presence of anti-Ly6a antibody
• PMA with ionomycin activates T cells at similar levels as wild-type T cells

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ly6atm1Pmf mutation (0 available); any Ly6a mutation (22 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• the number of ostoblast colony forming units cultured from bone marrow of 2-month old mice is half that of controls
• in vitro bone nodule formation is reduced by more than half in these bone marrow cultures
• committed osteoblast progenitors have a 7% increase in doubling time compared to controls
• the number of osteoblast progenitors isolated from bone marrow cultures is reduced
• however, the ratio of osteoblast progenitors to total number of stromal progenitors is the same
• osteoblast and splenic co-cultures generated less than 10% of the osteoclasts found in co-cultures of wild-type cells
• when mutant osteoblastic cells were used with wild-type splenocytes, markedly reduced numbers of wild-type osteoclasts are generated indicating a primary stromal cell defect in osteoclastogenesis
• bone formation is essentially normal at 2 months of age but is dramatically reduced by 6 months of age
• the absolute number of osteoclasts is reduced by more than 40% in both 2- and 9- month old femurs
• osteoblast and splenic co-cultures generated less than 10% of the osteoclasts found in co-cultures of wild-type cells
• bone mineral content does not change between 2 months of age to 12 months of age while mineral content is increased in wild-type mice during this time period
• femurs have 27% fewer trabeculae compared with control bones at 4 months of age and 58% compared with bones at 15 months of age
• mice one year of age have the same bone mass density as 8 week old mice, which is significantly less than the bone mass of one year old wild-type mice
• the greatest decrease in bone mass density occurs in vertebrae
• the percent of osteoid in femurs are significantly lower in both 4- and 15- month old bones
• bone formation is essentially normal at 2 months of age but is dramatically reduced by 6 months of age
• compression testing of 15-month old vertebrae shows the bone is not as stiff and is substantially weaker and more compliant than bones from wild-type animals
• the yield stress and failure stress of vertebrae are reduced by about a third while the elastic modulus is half that of controls
• femurs from 15-month-old mice have a similar stiffness to wild-type bones but are weaker and considerably more brittle

hematopoietic system
• osteoblast and splenic co-cultures generated less than 10% of the osteoclasts found in co-cultures of wild-type cells
• when mutant osteoblastic cells were used with wild-type splenocytes, markedly reduced numbers of wild-type osteoclasts are generated indicating a primary stromal cell defect in osteoclastogenesis
• the total number of stromal progenitors found in bone marrow is reduced in 2- and 7- month old mice by 45% and 67%, respectively, compared to controls
• serial passaging of bone marrow stromal cultures reduces the number of stromal progenitors by more than half per passage, indicating a defect in self renewal
• the absolute number of osteoclasts is reduced by more than 40% in both 2- and 9- month old femurs
• osteoblast and splenic co-cultures generated less than 10% of the osteoclasts found in co-cultures of wild-type cells

adipose tissue
• bone marrow stroma contains two-thirds less adipocyte progenitors than controls

immune system
• osteoblast and splenic co-cultures generated less than 10% of the osteoclasts found in co-cultures of wild-type cells
• when mutant osteoblastic cells were used with wild-type splenocytes, markedly reduced numbers of wild-type osteoclasts are generated indicating a primary stromal cell defect in osteoclastogenesis
• the absolute number of osteoclasts is reduced by more than 40% in both 2- and 9- month old femurs
• osteoblast and splenic co-cultures generated less than 10% of the osteoclasts found in co-cultures of wild-type cells

• the number of ostoblast colony forming units cultured from bone marrow of 2-month old mice is half that of controls
• in vitro bone nodule formation is reduced by more than half in these bone marrow cultures
• committed osteoblast progenitors have a 7% increase in doubling time compared to controls
• the number of osteoblast progenitors isolated from bone marrow cultures is reduced
• however, the ratio of osteoblast progenitors to total number of stromal progenitors is the same
• osteoblast and splenic co-cultures generated less than 10% of the osteoclasts found in co-cultures of wild-type cells
• when mutant osteoblastic cells were used with wild-type splenocytes, markedly reduced numbers of wild-type osteoclasts are generated indicating a primary stromal cell defect in osteoclastogenesis
• bone formation is essentially normal at 2 months of age but is dramatically reduced by 6 months of age

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
osteoporosis DOID:11476 OMIM:166710

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ly6atm1Pmf mutation (0 available); any Ly6a mutation (22 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• Background Sensitivity: homozygotes from early backcrosses to C57BL/6 are embryonic lethal
• Background Sensitivity: this lethality is associated with a 129 D15Mit33 marker
• Background Sensitivity: homozygotes carrying a C57BL/6 D15Mit33 marker are not embryonic lethal and are born at expected Mendelian frequencies

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
KitW-v mutation (10 available); any Kit mutation (182 available)
Ly6atm1Pmf mutation (0 available); any Ly6a mutation (22 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• there is an 84% reduction in the number of compound homozygotes born compared to the number expected from Mendelian frequencies

hematopoietic system
• E14 embryos have dramatically reduced CFU-Cs
• E14 embryos are very anemic

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory