• cholesterol absorption in homozygotes fed a high-fat (7.5%), high-cholesterol (1.25%) and 0.5% cholic acid diet is 85% lower than in wild-type
• homozygotes fed a high-fat (7.5%), high-cholesterol (1.25%) and 0.5% cholic acid diet or a chow diet exhibit elevated serum triglyceride level compared to wild-type fed the same diet; VLDL, IDL, and LDL fractions are increased
• reduction in cholesterol ester synthesis in the small intestine and liver
• mutants fed a western diet (20% fat and 0.15% cholesterol) exhibit increases in plasma HDL cholesterol
• homozygotes exhibit resistance to diet-induced hypercholesterolemia; cholesterol in the VLDL, LDL and IDL fractions is reduced
• homozygotes fed a high-fat (7.5%), high-cholesterol (1.25%) and 0.5% cholic acid diet exhibit reduced cholesterol in the LDL fraction compared to wild-type
• homozygotes fed a high-fat (7.5%), high-cholesterol (1.25%) and 0.5% cholic acid diet exhibit reduced cholesterol in the VLDL fraction compared to wild-type
liver/biliary system
• when fed a high-fat (7.5%), high-cholesterol (1.25%) and 0.5% cholic acid diet, mutants do not develop fat-laden livers as seen in wild-type mice on the same diet
• homozygotes exhibit resistance to diet-induced cholesterol gallstone formation
• mutants on a high-fat (7.5%), high-cholesterol (1.25%) and 0.5% cholic acid diet exhibit bile cholesterol concentrations that are 30% lower than in wild-type mice
digestive/alimentary system
• free cholesterol levels are increased by 30% in the small intestine of mutants fed a high-fat (7.5%), high-cholesterol (1.25%) and 0.5% cholic acid diet
• cholesterol absorption in homozygotes fed a high-fat (7.5%), high-cholesterol (1.25%) and 0.5% cholic acid diet is 85% lower than in wild-type