• the cytoskeleton of lens fiber cells is abnormal, with both smooth and beaded filaments being replaced by poorly defined electron-dense material
• cortical fiber cell membranes lack lateral interdigitations that typically arise at the angles formed by the six fiber faces and are usually arrayed along the cell length
• the width and thickness of knockout lens fiber cells are quite variable along their length giving these fibers the appearance of liquid drops on a string
• average back focal length of mice is 1.77 mm compared to 1.066 mm in wild-type mice
• the variability of the back focal lengths from mouse to mouse is larger than in wild-type mice
• all lenses have a perinuclear haze that is greater than what is observed in wild-type mice
• the cytoskeleton of lens fiber cells is abnormal, with both smooth and beaded filaments being replaced by poorly defined electron-dense material