• 75% of embryos survive until birth but die immediately at or within a few hours after birth
• 25% of embryos are arrested at midgestation, around E13, while the rest develop to term
• right isomerism of the heart and lungs
• both atria of heart resembles the right atrium
• both the left and right lungs of mutants have four lobes
cardiovascular system
• reversed position of the great arteries
• random orientation of the heart apex to the left, right, or middle
• both atria of heart resembles the right atrium
• internal organs exhibit right-sided isomerism
• approximately 25% of homozygotes arrest at midgestation, around E13
hematopoietic system
• mutants exhibit several punctate spleens or one small spleen
immune system
• mutants exhibit several punctate spleens or one small spleen
liver/biliary system
• abnormal liver lobation, including clefts in the medial lobes
respiratory system
• both the left and right lungs of mutants have four lobes
digestive/alimentary system
• random rotation of the stomach
• disorganization of gut coiling