cardiovascular system
• positions of the great arteries are disorganized
• both atria of heart resembles the right atrium
• the apex of the heart is oriented to the right
• right isomerism of the heart and lungs
• both atria of heart resembles the right atrium
• 1/3 mice exhibit three lobes in the left lung and four lobes in the right lung, while the other 2/3 mice show typical right isomerism of the lung
• left-right isomerism of some internal organs
hematopoietic system
small spleen
• spleen is positioned normally but is smaller in size
respiratory system
• 1/3 mice exhibit three lobes in the left lung and four lobes in the right lung, while the other 2/3 mice show typical right isomerism of the lung
digestive/alimentary system
• gut looping is incomplete
liver/biliary system
• clefts in the medial lobes of the liver
immune system
small spleen
• spleen is positioned normally but is smaller in size