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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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hotfoot Nancy
Summary 2 genotypes
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Grid2ho-Nancy/Grid2ho-Nancy involves: C57BL/6 MGI:2655338
Grid2Lc/Grid2ho-Nancy involves: C57BL/6 * STOCK MitfMi-wh MGI:2655345

involves: C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Grid2ho-Nancy mutation (0 available); any Grid2 mutation (85 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• in non-rotating rod test, equilibrium times of mutants are lower than controls in all three trials (J:82371)
• mutants fall often, generally after rearing up or grooming, during the period of hyperactivity in response to stimulus (J:82709)
• mutants exhibit poor performance in a motor training test with a rotarod, however they are able to improve their performance over time
• body is flattened to the ground while walking
• tapping of the hindpaws; phenotype is much more severe than in Grid2ho-4J mice
• mutants exhibit increased stumbling frequency in a motor coordination test
• jumpy, hopping gait; hindlimbs are alternately raised very rapidly
• the angle of the feet is more open in mutants than controls
• mutants exhibit a reduction in the length of stride by at least half due to mutants moving the same hind foot forward very rapidly, several times in succession, by a very small distance each time, advancing the contralateral foot
• adults often walk backwards
• upon pressure on the tail, mutants back up or turn around and vocalize instead of running away as do controls
• when flanks are pressed, mutants leap forward powerfully
• some mice when lifted by the tail, pull their hind feet together up to the belly

nervous system
• Purkinje cells have ectopic spines devoid of presynaptic innervations (J:82371)
• occurrence of long ectopic and sometimes branching spines emanating from the proximal dendritic compartment of Purkinje cells (J:82371)
• ectopic spines are frequently innervated by parallel fiber varicosities (J:82371)
• presence of non-innervated (naked) spines in the vicinity of Purkinje cell dendrites (J:82371)
• occasional occurrence of pyknotic nuclei in the granule cell layer (J:82371)
• slight atrophy of the granule layer (J:82709)
• slight atrophy of the molecular layer
• the molecular layer exhibits atypical axon terminals, with hypertrophy of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
• cerebellum is slightly reduced in size
• slight atrophy of the granule and molecular layers
• although most Purkinje cells are innervated by a single climbing fiber, about 19-20% of cells show innervation by more than one climbing fiber
• mismatching between the length of the presynaptic active zones, in parallel fiber varicosities, and the postsynaptic differentiations in Purkinje cell dendritic spines (J:82371)
• some somatodendritic synapses occur between the perikarya of basket or stellate cells and Purkinje cell dendritic spines or small dendritic profiles (J:82371)

involves: C57BL/6 * STOCK MitfMi-wh
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Grid2ho-Nancy mutation (0 available); any Grid2 mutation (85 available)
Grid2Lc mutation (2 available); any Grid2 mutation (85 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

nervous system
• the P0 cerebellum is less developed than in the control
• decreased foliation at P5
• external granule cell layer are almost completely absent at P10 and thickness is reduced at P5
• depolarization of Purkinje cells is detected at P9 but not earlier; holding currents are significantly larger at P9-P12
• autophagy is detected in P5 Purkinje cells
• Purkinje cell degeneration by P5 that is not correlated with depolarization in the cerebellum (first observed at P9)
• internal granule cell layer is almost completely absent at P10 and thickness is reduced at P5
• cerebellum is atrophic at P21

• autophagy is detected in P5 Purkinje cells

• autophagy is detected in P5 Purkinje cells

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory