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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Robert S Ross
Summary 2 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129S4/SvJae * 129X1/SvJ * Black Swiss MGI:2656180
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:5289691

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129S4/SvJae * 129X1/SvJ * Black Swiss
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Itgb1tm1Ross mutation (0 available); any Itgb1 mutation (60 available)
Myl2tm1(cre)Krc mutation (2 available); any Myl2 mutation (22 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• after 7 days of aortic constriction, only 53% of mutants survive compared to 88% of controls

cardiovascular system
• show liver congestion at about 6 months of age
• myocardium shows focal dissolution of myofibrils and intercalated disks as well as mitochondrial swelling, with disruption and loss of cristae
• heart sections show disruption of myocyte cell membrane integrity
• enlarged at around 6 months of age
• calcification within the ventricular wall at about 6 months of age
• at 6 months of age
• adults develop patchy fibrosis in the ventricular wall
• hearts show replacement fibrosis at around 6 months of age
• dilation at about 6 months of age
• at 6 months of age
• at 6 months of age
• display abnormal glucose metabolism in the ventricular tissue with patchy uptake of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) throughout the ventricular myocardium
• contractility of the left ventricle is impaired at 5 weeks of age, however left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and heart rate do not vary from controls
• relaxation of the left ventricle is impaired at 5 weeks of age
• hemodynamic loading imposed by 7 days of transverse aortic constriction shows that mutants are intolerant of this stress as they have 53% survival versus 88% in controls
• show signs of congestive heart failure when reach about 6 months of age, including pleural effusions and liver congestion

• hemodynamic loading imposed by 7 days of transverse aortic constriction shows that mutants are intolerant of this stress as they have 53% survival versus 88% in controls
• hearts show thrombi in enlarged atria at around 6 months of age
• show pleural effusions at about 6 months of age

liver/biliary system
• show liver congestion at about 6 months of age

• myocardium shows focal dissolution of myofibrils and intercalated disks as well as mitochondrial swelling, with disruption and loss of cristae
• heart sections show disruption of myocyte cell membrane integrity
• display abnormal glucose metabolism in the ventricular tissue with patchy uptake of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) throughout the ventricular myocardium
• contractility of the left ventricle is impaired at 5 weeks of age, however left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and heart rate do not vary from controls
• relaxation of the left ventricle is impaired at 5 weeks of age

respiratory system
• show pleural effusions at about 6 months of age

• display abnormal glucose metabolism in the ventricular tissue with patchy uptake of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) throughout the ventricular myocardium

involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Itgb1tm1Ross mutation (0 available); any Itgb1 mutation (60 available)
Tg(Hoxb7-cre)13Amc mutation (2 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• ~5% of mice failed to survive either birth or the first week of life due to complete bilateral renal agenesis
• all others survived into adulthood (8 weeks), indicating at least one functioning kidney

renal/urinary system
• a significant increase in apoptotic (TUNEL+) cells was observed in the cortex
• a significant increase in apoptotic (TUNEL+) cells was associated with the dilated tubules in the medulla
• a significant increase in proliferative (Ki67+) cells was noted in the cortex, probably associated with proximal tubular structures, but not in the medulla
• adult mice displayed an increased urinary AVP-to-creatinine ratio (as a surrogate for plasma AVP levels)
• adult mice exhibited a severe decrease in urine osmolarity relative to control mice
• mice exhibited a wide range of kidney abnormalities ranging from bilateral agenesis to grossly normal-sized kidneys
• mice with polyuria and renal failure showed a severely disturbed kidney architecture
• adult renal medullary collecting ducts exhibited hypoplasia, increased apoptosis, dilation (ectasia) and cyst formation
• adult renal medullary collecting ducts exhibited ectasia
• in adult mice, normal renal cortex areas containing clustered glomeruli were separated by larger areas with multiple cystic structures, likely to be dilated cortical collecting ducts
• a significant increase in apoptotic (TUNEL+) cells was observed in the cortex
• a significant increase in proliferative (Ki67+) cells was noted in the cortex, probably associated with proximal tubular structures, but not in the medulla
• in adult mice, the renal medulla exhibited tubular ectasia
• a significant increase in apoptotic (TUNEL+) cells was associated with the dilated tubules in the medulla
• adult renal medullary collecting ducts exhibited cyst formation
• late-stage developing kidneys displayed a reduced inner medulla size
• at both 1 and 2 wks of age, mutant kidneys were smaller than control kidneys
• at both 1 and 2 weeks of age
• at E18-P1, eleven of 25 mice showed gross renal hypoplasia, with mutant kidneys being less than 2/3 of normal size
• 2 of 45 mice (~5%) displayed complete bilateral renal agenesis
• at E18-P1, one of 25 mice displayed unilateral renal agenesis
• adult kidneys exhibited a reduced capacity to clear the contrast agent DPTA from blood
• in adult mice, renal uptake of labeled PAH was reduced ~85% relative to that of control kidneys
• mutant urine remained relatively isosmotic with blood plasma
• in mice with polyuria and severely disturbed kidney architecture
• at 8 weeks of age, mice had >10 times the urine output seen in control mice
• water deprivation for 12 hrs failed to reduce the urine output, unlike in control mice
• polyuria is likely due to an inability to respond to AVP within the kidney

• adult mice displayed increased plasma urea levels
• adult mice displayed an increased urinary AVP-to-creatinine ratio (as a surrogate for plasma AVP levels)
• adult mice exhibited a severe decrease in urine osmolarity relative to control mice

hematopoietic system
• adult mice displayed a significantly lower blood hematocrit than control mice (42% in vs. 52%)

• a significant increase in apoptotic (TUNEL+) cells was observed in the cortex
• a significant increase in apoptotic (TUNEL+) cells was associated with the dilated tubules in the medulla
• a significant increase in proliferative (Ki67+) cells was noted in the cortex, probably associated with proximal tubular structures, but not in the medulla

• adult renal medullary collecting ducts exhibited cyst formation

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory