• 75% of mutant mice die between E11 and E11.5
• embryos are 85% the size of control littermates at E10.5
• E10.5 yolk sacs exhibit abnormal vascular patterning, containing vessels with increased diameter and some vessels that are anastomosed to form lagoon-like structures
• embryos are 85% the size of control littermates at E10.5
• placentas are 75% the size of control littermate placentas at E10.5, however the establishment of the placental layers and function are normal
cardiovascular system
• insufficient capillary formation in the somitic region
• mutants exhibit a less structured network of blood vessels in the brain that form lagoon-like structures with an accumulation of erythrocytes
• branching is not affected, however vessel diameter in the brain is twice the size of wild-type
• severe vascular insufficiency in the intersomitic region; the interconnecting paraneural blood vessels are missing and the remaining vessels are dilated and shorter
• E10.5 yolk sacs exhibit abnormal vascular patterning, containing vessels with increased diameter and some vessels that are anastomosed to form lagoon-like structures
• dilated vessels in the brain and yolk sac
nervous system
• mutants exhibit a less structured network of blood vessels in the brain that form lagoon-like structures with an accumulation of erythrocytes
• branching is not affected, however vessel diameter in the brain is twice the size of wild-type