• animals died within 30 minutes to 2 hours after birth
• abnormal diaphragm muscle architecture, with prominent hypercontracted regions in scattered fibers and increased fiber size variability
• hypercontractility can decrease sarcomere length to as short as 600nm, forcing the thick and thin filaments into the Z-band region and leading to increased Z-band density
• maximal calcium uptake activity is reduced by 80% in sarcoplasmic reticulum from diaphragm and hind limb skeletal muscle
• tetanic force is lower in diaphragm muscle of mutants than in wild-type
• the frequency-dependent maximal rate of contraction is significantly depressed
• mutants show delayed relaxation of skeletal muscle
• time of relaxation is markedly longer in mutant diaphragm than in wild-type
• the frequency-dependent maximal rate of relaxation is significantly depressed
• mutants show an increased susceptibility to fatigue in diaphragm muscle in response to a stimulation protocol that measures fatigue
respiratory system
• congested and hypercellular lung
• mutants exhibit gasping respiration within minutes after birth and die shortly thereafter of respiratory failure