• decreased fertilization in vitro not due to a defect of egg and sperm fusion
• reduced amount of sperm collected from the epididymis at 12 and 15 weeks of age
• 8 of 78 pups died from unknown causes shortly after birth
endocrine/exocrine glands
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• normal serum levels of FSH and LH
• abundance of preantral follicles
• lack of antral follicles
• a lack of antral follicles and an abundance of preantral follicles
• reduced response of following treatment with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
• cumulus cells do not respond to either FSH or insulin-like growth factor
• ovary weight reduced by approximately 50% at 10 weeks of age
• size and weight reduced by approximately 50% at 10 weeks of age
• reduced number of Leydig cells
• testis weight reduced by approximately 50% at 10 weeks of age
• size and weight reduced by approximately 50% at 10 weeks of age
• body weight was 60 to 80% that of wild-type littermates between 2 to 6 weeks of age
• body weight was normal at birth and after 6 weeks of age
• proportionate dwarfism between 2 and 6 weeks of age
• body size was normal at birth and after 6 weeks of age
• occuring between 2 and 6 weeks of age
immune system
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• normal development and function of T, B, and mast cells
• normal cellularity in the bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes
reproductive system
• decreased fertilization in vitro not due to a defect of egg and sperm fusion
• reduced amount of sperm collected from the epididymis at 12 and 15 weeks of age
• abundance of preantral follicles
• lack of antral follicles
• a lack of antral follicles and an abundance of preantral follicles
• reduced response of following treatment with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
• cumulus cells do not respond to either FSH or insulin-like growth factor
• ovary weight reduced by approximately 50% at 10 weeks of age
• size and weight reduced by approximately 50% at 10 weeks of age
• reduced number of Leydig cells
• testis weight reduced by approximately 50% at 10 weeks of age
• size and weight reduced by approximately 50% at 10 weeks of age
• immature uterine tubules
• immature epididymis containing a reduced amount of a sperm
• decrease in the number of ovulated oocytes
• decreased response to superovulatory treatment
• oocytes showed impaired function in IVF experiments
• sperm showed impaired function in IVF experiments